Minimum order of 5 party bags - please don't order less than this amount to avoid disappointment

Deluxe Eco-Friendly Harry Potter Party Bags

Banish plastic from your party without compromising on fun with these exclusive, high-quality filled Harry Potter party bags from Packaway Parties.

Gold and black paper party bags decorated with a vegan, environmentally-friendly lightning sticker
(the paper and adhesive elements are made entirely from mineral and plant-based ingredients. The adhesive is water-based and completely glue-free, while the label itself does not contain PVC)

1. Wearable card Harry Potter style glasses 
(made from recycled and recyclable card)

2. Individual Chocolate Frog packaged in a glassine bag 
(bag is 100% recyclable, 100% biodegradable and Chocolate Frog sticker as above)

3. Driftwood wand
(environmentally-friendly and very Wizard-like!)

4. Harry Potter bookmark
(made from recycled and recyclable card)

5. Colour-in owl finger puppet
(made from recycled and recyclable card)

6. Harry Potter activity sheet

Please also enquire about our eco-friendly complete Harry Potter party hire package.