Disponibilité:  En stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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Le LIMITEUR/COMPRESSEUR STÉRÉO VARIABLE MU® DE MANLEY® figure au palmarès de nos ventes depuis de nombreuses années.
Il s’agit de l’un des très rares compresseurs à être devenu une véritable référence dans les studios de Mastering et à avoir contribué à la majorité des enregistrements à succès des dix dernières années et vraisemblablement des dix prochaines. "Mu", dans le langage des circuits à lampes, désigne le gain.
Variable Mu® est le nom que nous utilisons pour désigner l’emploi de la technique de gestion réglable du gain qui consiste à pouvoir modifier la polarisation d’une lampe pour le traitement de la compression.
Le précieux compresseur Vintage Fairchild 670 est l’un des rares compresseurs entièrement à lampes dont nous ayons connaissance à exploiter lui aussi cette technique. Le circuit de détection lui-même est équipé de lampes assurant le redressement du signal alternatif.
Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ? La fabuleuse double triode 5670 est au coeur du traitement de la limitation des crêtes et de la compression. Son action est constamment ré-évaluée par les tensions de contrôle émises par le circuit de détection à redressement à lampes, qui amènent la triode à modifier progressivement le gain. Tout simplement.

Le mode COMPRESS applique une compression Soft-knee avec un taux de 1,5:1. Le mode LIMIT applique quant à lui une limitation à pente plus raide avec un taux de départ à 4:1 qui peut progresser jusqu’à 20:1 lorsque vous souhaitez appliquer une atténuation supérieure à 12 dB. Chose intéressante, la pente s’adoucit à mesure que le taux de limitation appliqué devient plus important. Il est possible de créer une distorsion en augmentant le niveau d’entrée (Input) et en diminuant le niveau de sortie (Output) tout en appliquant une très légère (voire aucune) compression. Vous remarquerez peut-être que le Variable Mu® dispose d’un réglage d’entrée stéréo, mais n’allez pas tirer de conclusions trop hâtives comme quoi ce processeur ne pourrait fonctionner en mono. Pas du tout ! D’une part, vous disposez de réglages du seuil et de sortie séparés à titre de compensation de la perte de niveau engendrée par le traitement ; d’autre part, vous avez toujours la possibilité de régler ailleurs le niveau individuel des sources.
L’avantage du réglage d’entrée stéréo devient tout à fait évident lorsque vous basculez en mode de couplage stéréo, et ce n’est pas un hasard si notre limiteur/compresseur Variable Mu® excelle en matière de mixage final, de traitement de 2 pistes ou de compression et de limitation de Mastering.
Pour reprendre l’expression d’un critique : “On a l’impression qu’un bol de crème onctueuse est déversé sur le mixage.” Mmmmmm. Délicieux. Offrez un océan de douceur à votre musique.

Caractéristiques techniques :

  • Transformateurs d’entrée et sortie MANLEY® à câblage nickel gainé en mu-métal offrant une réponse en fréquence plate de 20 Hz à 25 kHz
  • Circuit différentiel INTÉGRALEMENT À LAMPES avec une lampe 5670, 5751, 7044 et 12AL5 de chaque type par canal
  • Tensions de polarisation et de chauffe du filament régulées séparément
  • BYPASS physique
  • Atténuateur sur les deux entrées en plastique conducteur silencieux
  • 5 réglages du temps de rétablissement (par sélecteur) : 0,2 s, 0,4 s, 0,6 s, 4 s, 8 s
  • Temps d’attaque réglable : 25 ms – 70 ms
  • Réglage du seuil variable
  • Mode LIMIT (4:1 à 20:1) ou COMPRESS (1,5:1)
  • Grands VU-mètres Sifam éclairés
  • COUPLAGE STÉRÉO par commutateur
  • Possibilité de coupler plusieurs appareils pour une utilisation en mode Surround (commande spéciale par l'utilisateur)
  • Gain maximum : 35 dB
  • Niveau de sortie maximum : +30 dBu (26 V eff.) Réserve dynamique de 26 dB
  • Distorsion harmonique totale : <0,1 % à 1 kHz Bruit de fond : -85 dB type
  • Consommation électrique (120/240 V ca) : 80 Watts
  • Dimensions : 48,3 x 8,9 x 25,4 cm (2U)
  • Poids total : 10,4 kg.



4 699,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info


Variable Mu is the name describing using the "remote cut-off" or re-biasing of a vacuum tube for compression.

The precious vintage Fairchild 670 also uses this technique and is one of few all-tube compressor to do so.

Even the side-chain has glowing rectifier bottles. How’s it work? The unique 5670 dual triode is at the center of the peak-reducing and compression action constantly being re-biased by the vacuum tube rectified side-chain control voltages which cause this tube to smoothly change its gain.

The COMPRESS mode is soft-knee 1.5 to 1 ratio while the sharper knee LIMIT mode starts at 4 to 1 and moves to a more dramatic ratio of 20 to 1 when limiting over 12dB.

Interestingly, the knee actually softens as more limiting is used. Distortion can be creatively used by turning up the Input and turning down the Output while using very little or no compression. You might notice that the Vari Mu has a ganged input control, but do not jump to conclusions that it is mono-unfriendly.

There are separate threshold and output controls to make compensations with plus you can always adjust your individual source levels elsewhere.

The advantage of the stereo input control becomes dramatically clear when you switch to LINK mode, and that’s what the Variable Mu does better than anything else: final mix, 2-track, or mastering limiting and compression.

Features & Specifications :

  • MANLEY input & output transformers with nickel laminations in mu-metal cases with flat frequency response from 20Hz-25KHz
  • Fully differential ALL-TUBE circuitry using one each 5670, 5751, 7044, & 12AL5 per channel
  • Independently regulated B+ and Heater supplies
  • Hard-wire BYPASS switch
  • Silent conductive plastic dual INPUT attenuator
  • RECOVERY 5 steps: 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.6s, 4sec., 8sec.
  • Variable ATTACK: 25msec-70msec
  • Continuously variable THRESHOLD
  • LIMIT (4:1 to 20:1) or COMPRESS (1.5 to 1)
  • Several units can be linked for Surround (custom order)
  •  Maximum gain: 35dB
  • Max. output: +30dBu (26Vrms) 26dB Headroom
  • <0.1% THD @ 1KHz Noise floor: -85dB typical
  • Power Consumption (120/240VAC): 80 watts
  • Dimensions: 19” x 3 1/2” x 10” (occupies 2u)
  • Shipping Weight: 23 lbs.



4 699,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



Variable Mu is the name describing using the "remote cut-off" or re-biasing of a vacuum tube for compression.

The precious vintage Fairchild 670 also uses this technique and is one of few all-tube compressor to do so.

Even the side-chain has glowing rectifier bottles. How’s it work? The unique 5670 dual triode is at the center of the peak-reducing and compression action constantly being re-biased by the vacuum tube rectified side-chain control voltages which cause this tube to smoothly change its gain.

The COMPRESS mode is soft-knee 1.5 to 1 ratio while the sharper knee LIMIT mode starts at 4 to 1 and moves to a more dramatic ratio of 20 to 1 when limiting over 12dB.

Interestingly, the knee actually softens as more limiting is used. Distortion can be creatively used by turning up the Input and turning down the Output while using very little or no compression. You might notice that the Vari Mu has a ganged input control, but do not jump to conclusions that it is mono-unfriendly.

There are separate threshold and output controls to make compensations with plus you can always adjust your individual source levels elsewhere.

The advantage of the stereo input control becomes dramatically clear when you switch to LINK mode, and that’s what the Variable Mu does better than anything else: final mix, 2-track, or mastering limiting and compression.

Features & Specifications :

  • MANLEY input & output transformers with nickel laminations in mu-metal cases with flat frequency response from 20Hz-25KHz
  • Fully differential ALL-TUBE circuitry using one each 5670, 5751, 7044, & 12AL5 per channel
  • Independently regulated B+ and Heater supplies
  • Hard-wire BYPASS switch
  • Silent conductive plastic dual INPUT attenuator
  • RECOVERY 5 steps: 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.6s, 4sec., 8sec.
  • Variable ATTACK: 25msec-70msec
  • Continuously variable THRESHOLD
  • LIMIT (4:1 to 20:1) or COMPRESS (1.5 to 1)
  • Several units can be linked for Surround (custom order)
  •  Maximum gain: 35dB
  • Max. output: +30dBu (26Vrms) 26dB Headroom
  • <0.1% THD @ 1KHz Noise floor: -85dB typical
  • Power Consumption (120/240VAC): 80 watts
  • Dimensions: 19” x 3 1/2” x 10” (occupies 2u)
  • Shipping Weight: 23 lbs.



4 699,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



Variable Mu is the name describing using the "remote cut-off" or re-biasing of a vacuum tube for compression.

The precious vintage Fairchild 670 also uses this technique and is one of few all-tube compressor to do so.

Even the side-chain has glowing rectifier bottles. How’s it work? The unique 5670 dual triode is at the center of the peak-reducing and compression action constantly being re-biased by the vacuum tube rectified side-chain control voltages which cause this tube to smoothly change its gain.

The COMPRESS mode is soft-knee 1.5 to 1 ratio while the sharper knee LIMIT mode starts at 4 to 1 and moves to a more dramatic ratio of 20 to 1 when limiting over 12dB.

Interestingly, the knee actually softens as more limiting is used. Distortion can be creatively used by turning up the Input and turning down the Output while using very little or no compression. You might notice that the Vari Mu has a ganged input control, but do not jump to conclusions that it is mono-unfriendly.

There are separate threshold and output controls to make compensations with plus you can always adjust your individual source levels elsewhere.

The advantage of the stereo input control becomes dramatically clear when you switch to LINK mode, and that’s what the Variable Mu does better than anything else: final mix, 2-track, or mastering limiting and compression.

Features & Specifications :

  • MANLEY input & output transformers with nickel laminations in mu-metal cases with flat frequency response from 20Hz-25KHz
  • Fully differential ALL-TUBE circuitry using one each 5670, 5751, 7044, & 12AL5 per channel
  • Independently regulated B+ and Heater supplies
  • Hard-wire BYPASS switch
  • Silent conductive plastic dual INPUT attenuator
  • RECOVERY 5 steps: 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.6s, 4sec., 8sec.
  • Variable ATTACK: 25msec-70msec
  • Continuously variable THRESHOLD
  • LIMIT (4:1 to 20:1) or COMPRESS (1.5 to 1)
  • Several units can be linked for Surround (custom order)
  •  Maximum gain: 35dB
  • Max. output: +30dBu (26Vrms) 26dB Headroom
  • <0.1% THD @ 1KHz Noise floor: -85dB typical
  • Power Consumption (120/240VAC): 80 watts
  • Dimensions: 19” x 3 1/2” x 10” (occupies 2u)
  • Shipping Weight: 23 lbs.



4 699,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



Variable Mu is the name describing using the "remote cut-off" or re-biasing of a vacuum tube for compression.

The precious vintage Fairchild 670 also uses this technique and is one of few all-tube compressor to do so.

Even the side-chain has glowing rectifier bottles. How’s it work? The unique 5670 dual triode is at the center of the peak-reducing and compression action constantly being re-biased by the vacuum tube rectified side-chain control voltages which cause this tube to smoothly change its gain.

The COMPRESS mode is soft-knee 1.5 to 1 ratio while the sharper knee LIMIT mode starts at 4 to 1 and moves to a more dramatic ratio of 20 to 1 when limiting over 12dB.

Interestingly, the knee actually softens as more limiting is used. Distortion can be creatively used by turning up the Input and turning down the Output while using very little or no compression. You might notice that the Vari Mu has a ganged input control, but do not jump to conclusions that it is mono-unfriendly.

There are separate threshold and output controls to make compensations with plus you can always adjust your individual source levels elsewhere.

The advantage of the stereo input control becomes dramatically clear when you switch to LINK mode, and that’s what the Variable Mu does better than anything else: final mix, 2-track, or mastering limiting and compression.

Features & Specifications :

  • MANLEY input & output transformers with nickel laminations in mu-metal cases with flat frequency response from 20Hz-25KHz
  • Fully differential ALL-TUBE circuitry using one each 5670, 5751, 7044, & 12AL5 per channel
  • Independently regulated B+ and Heater supplies
  • Hard-wire BYPASS switch
  • Silent conductive plastic dual INPUT attenuator
  • RECOVERY 5 steps: 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.6s, 4sec., 8sec.
  • Variable ATTACK: 25msec-70msec
  • Continuously variable THRESHOLD
  • LIMIT (4:1 to 20:1) or COMPRESS (1.5 to 1)
  • Several units can be linked for Surround (custom order)
  •  Maximum gain: 35dB
  • Max. output: +30dBu (26Vrms) 26dB Headroom
  • <0.1% THD @ 1KHz Noise floor: -85dB typical
  • Power Consumption (120/240VAC): 80 watts
  • Dimensions: 19” x 3 1/2” x 10” (occupies 2u)
  • Shipping Weight: 23 lbs.
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