Disponibilité:  Disponible en stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 4 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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DANGEROUS MUSIC - BAX EQ - Egaliseur d’enregistrement, de mastering et de finalisation de mix.

Le Dangerous Bax Eq a été élaboré en réponse à une forte demande de la part des professionnels pour créer une “signature“ sonore unique. En s’inspirant des légendaires courbes baxandall ayant équipé les systèmes hi-fi depuis 1950, les équipes de développement Dangerous ont abouti à un égaliseur à l’esthétique et à la qualité sonore dignes du 21ème siècle. Le Bax Eq permet de sculpter «large» et de couper en pente douce. Cela donne une palette de couleurs sonores riches et expressives dans une exigence audiophile. Avec le Bax Eq dans votre arsenal, vous ajoutez une empreinte sonore discrète à votre son. Faites un léger “boost”, mettez votre Bax en “bypass” et il manque aussitôt une présence sonore agréable, détaillée… en un mot: magique.

8 choix de fréquences sont disponibles pour le haut et le bas du spectre avec des boutons de gain +/- séparés pour chaque canal stéréo (gauche et droite). Les courbes de type shelving, très larges, permettent à la bande des basses fréquences d’atteindre les bas mediums et à la bande des aigües de descendre sur les hauts médiums. Utilisé en conjonction avec les filtres passe-haut et passe-bas, ceci permet une égalisation très subtile et musicale. Par exemple, en poussant le gain à 74hz et en coupant à 50hz, un bosse parfaite pour la grosse caisse peut être dessinée.

Les filtres passe-haut et passe-bas peuvent aussi être utilisés pour filtrer des fréquences indésirables et bruits résiduels. Typiquement, le vrombissement, presque inaudible, d’un ventilateur, du train et des avions peut prendre beaucoup de place dans le bas du spectre et limiter la dynamique du mixage. Cet excès d’énergie peut aussi déclencher les compresseurs et limiteurs, réduisant ainsi inutilement la dynamique. Avec l’aide du filtre passe-haut, les basses deviennent beaucoup plus claires, pêchues et permettent au haut du spectre de mieux respirer et de s’exprimer.

Le design du Bax Eq minimise les effets de phase et permet de ne pas compromettre le caractère intrinsèque du signal. En session d’enregistrement, on peut ainsi ajouter de la brillance à une voix sans sacrifier le caractère de la performance, du micro ou du préampli. Sur un mixage, on peut resserrer les basses tout en ouvrant le haut. En mastering, il est possible d’ajouter du punch et de la brillance sans compromettre la phase.

Caractéristiques :

  • Contrôles par paliers pour une opération stéréo identique sur chaque canal
  • Q Shelving
  • Filtres passe-haut et passe-bas à 7 positions avec configuration Butterworth à 2 pôles (12dB/octave)
  • Sélection des fréquences haute et basse à 8 positions
  • Contrôles de Cut et de Boost de ±5dB par paliers de 1/2dB



3 799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

DANGEROUS MUSIC BAX EQ - The Mastering, Mix Buss & tracking equalizer

The Dangerous BAX EQ was created in response to the professional recording community’s demand for unique sonic signatures. Harnessing the Dangerous development team’s decades of design expertise while borrowing seeds of inspiration from Peter Baxandall’s legendary 1950’s tone control that has graced hundreds of millions of hi-fi systems, the result is a timeless equalizer with a 21st century mastering aesthetic. The BAX EQ’s dedicated shelving design carves broad, open curves and gentle sloping cuts that are essential for recording, mixing and mastering. The result is pure emotive expression with audiophile accuracy. Please welcome the BAX EQ to your tools for success – no radical sonic signature to overshadow the music… just your music: neater, richer, sweeter.

8 frequency selections are available for both the high and low bands, with individual stepped cut/boost controls for each channel. The broad Q shelving curves allow the low band to reach up into the midrange and the high band to reach down; when coupled with the 7-position high and low pass filters, dramatic, musical equalization curves can be achieved. For example, boost 74 Hz while cutting 54 Hz, and a perfect 60 Hz bump for kick or bass is crafted.

The high and low pass filters should also be harnessed for eliminating unwanted information outside of the audio band. For example, infrasonic rumble or undesirable low frequency energy from air conditioning units, jet planes, and subway trains consumes recording headroom, thereby limiting dynamic range. This energy also falsely triggers compressor/limiters, smashing holes in the actual content. Removing it radically increases low-end clarity and punch while allowing higher maximum playback levels.

The minimized phase delay design provides broad tonal control that will not alter the intrinsic sonic character of the source: instrument, recording path, stereo buss or final mix. For example, in tracking applications, add shimmer to a vocal without disturbing the character of the artist, microphone and preamp. On the stereo buss, tighten up the low end while accentuating the air. For mastering, craft sheen and punch without sacrificing phase accuracy.

Dangerous Music BAX EQ Features:

  • Inspired by the Classic P. J. Baxandall Shelving Curves
  • Stepped controls throughout for repeatability and identical stereo operation
  • Broad Q Shelving
  • 7-position High Pass and Low Pass Filters — 2-pole Butterworth configuration (12 dB/oct)
  • 8-position High and Low Frequency Select
  • +/- 5dB Cut and Boost controls in 1/2dB steps



3 799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


DANGEROUS MUSIC BAX EQ - The Mastering, Mix Buss & tracking equalizer

The Dangerous BAX EQ was created in response to the professional recording community’s demand for unique sonic signatures. Harnessing the Dangerous development team’s decades of design expertise while borrowing seeds of inspiration from Peter Baxandall’s legendary 1950’s tone control that has graced hundreds of millions of hi-fi systems, the result is a timeless equalizer with a 21st century mastering aesthetic. The BAX EQ’s dedicated shelving design carves broad, open curves and gentle sloping cuts that are essential for recording, mixing and mastering. The result is pure emotive expression with audiophile accuracy. Please welcome the BAX EQ to your tools for success – no radical sonic signature to overshadow the music… just your music: neater, richer, sweeter.

8 frequency selections are available for both the high and low bands, with individual stepped cut/boost controls for each channel. The broad Q shelving curves allow the low band to reach up into the midrange and the high band to reach down; when coupled with the 7-position high and low pass filters, dramatic, musical equalization curves can be achieved. For example, boost 74 Hz while cutting 54 Hz, and a perfect 60 Hz bump for kick or bass is crafted.

The high and low pass filters should also be harnessed for eliminating unwanted information outside of the audio band. For example, infrasonic rumble or undesirable low frequency energy from air conditioning units, jet planes, and subway trains consumes recording headroom, thereby limiting dynamic range. This energy also falsely triggers compressor/limiters, smashing holes in the actual content. Removing it radically increases low-end clarity and punch while allowing higher maximum playback levels.

The minimized phase delay design provides broad tonal control that will not alter the intrinsic sonic character of the source: instrument, recording path, stereo buss or final mix. For example, in tracking applications, add shimmer to a vocal without disturbing the character of the artist, microphone and preamp. On the stereo buss, tighten up the low end while accentuating the air. For mastering, craft sheen and punch without sacrificing phase accuracy.

Dangerous Music BAX EQ Features:

  • Inspired by the Classic P. J. Baxandall Shelving Curves
  • Stepped controls throughout for repeatability and identical stereo operation
  • Broad Q Shelving
  • 7-position High Pass and Low Pass Filters — 2-pole Butterworth configuration (12 dB/oct)
  • 8-position High and Low Frequency Select
  • +/- 5dB Cut and Boost controls in 1/2dB steps



3 799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


DANGEROUS MUSIC BAX EQ - The Mastering, Mix Buss & tracking equalizer

The Dangerous BAX EQ was created in response to the professional recording community’s demand for unique sonic signatures. Harnessing the Dangerous development team’s decades of design expertise while borrowing seeds of inspiration from Peter Baxandall’s legendary 1950’s tone control that has graced hundreds of millions of hi-fi systems, the result is a timeless equalizer with a 21st century mastering aesthetic. The BAX EQ’s dedicated shelving design carves broad, open curves and gentle sloping cuts that are essential for recording, mixing and mastering. The result is pure emotive expression with audiophile accuracy. Please welcome the BAX EQ to your tools for success – no radical sonic signature to overshadow the music… just your music: neater, richer, sweeter.

8 frequency selections are available for both the high and low bands, with individual stepped cut/boost controls for each channel. The broad Q shelving curves allow the low band to reach up into the midrange and the high band to reach down; when coupled with the 7-position high and low pass filters, dramatic, musical equalization curves can be achieved. For example, boost 74 Hz while cutting 54 Hz, and a perfect 60 Hz bump for kick or bass is crafted.

The high and low pass filters should also be harnessed for eliminating unwanted information outside of the audio band. For example, infrasonic rumble or undesirable low frequency energy from air conditioning units, jet planes, and subway trains consumes recording headroom, thereby limiting dynamic range. This energy also falsely triggers compressor/limiters, smashing holes in the actual content. Removing it radically increases low-end clarity and punch while allowing higher maximum playback levels.

The minimized phase delay design provides broad tonal control that will not alter the intrinsic sonic character of the source: instrument, recording path, stereo buss or final mix. For example, in tracking applications, add shimmer to a vocal without disturbing the character of the artist, microphone and preamp. On the stereo buss, tighten up the low end while accentuating the air. For mastering, craft sheen and punch without sacrificing phase accuracy.

Dangerous Music BAX EQ Features:

  • Inspired by the Classic P. J. Baxandall Shelving Curves
  • Stepped controls throughout for repeatability and identical stereo operation
  • Broad Q Shelving
  • 7-position High Pass and Low Pass Filters — 2-pole Butterworth configuration (12 dB/oct)
  • 8-position High and Low Frequency Select
  • +/- 5dB Cut and Boost controls in 1/2dB steps



3 799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


DANGEROUS MUSIC BAX EQ - The Mastering, Mix Buss & tracking equalizer

The Dangerous BAX EQ was created in response to the professional recording community’s demand for unique sonic signatures. Harnessing the Dangerous development team’s decades of design expertise while borrowing seeds of inspiration from Peter Baxandall’s legendary 1950’s tone control that has graced hundreds of millions of hi-fi systems, the result is a timeless equalizer with a 21st century mastering aesthetic. The BAX EQ’s dedicated shelving design carves broad, open curves and gentle sloping cuts that are essential for recording, mixing and mastering. The result is pure emotive expression with audiophile accuracy. Please welcome the BAX EQ to your tools for success – no radical sonic signature to overshadow the music… just your music: neater, richer, sweeter.

8 frequency selections are available for both the high and low bands, with individual stepped cut/boost controls for each channel. The broad Q shelving curves allow the low band to reach up into the midrange and the high band to reach down; when coupled with the 7-position high and low pass filters, dramatic, musical equalization curves can be achieved. For example, boost 74 Hz while cutting 54 Hz, and a perfect 60 Hz bump for kick or bass is crafted.

The high and low pass filters should also be harnessed for eliminating unwanted information outside of the audio band. For example, infrasonic rumble or undesirable low frequency energy from air conditioning units, jet planes, and subway trains consumes recording headroom, thereby limiting dynamic range. This energy also falsely triggers compressor/limiters, smashing holes in the actual content. Removing it radically increases low-end clarity and punch while allowing higher maximum playback levels.

The minimized phase delay design provides broad tonal control that will not alter the intrinsic sonic character of the source: instrument, recording path, stereo buss or final mix. For example, in tracking applications, add shimmer to a vocal without disturbing the character of the artist, microphone and preamp. On the stereo buss, tighten up the low end while accentuating the air. For mastering, craft sheen and punch without sacrificing phase accuracy.

Dangerous Music BAX EQ Features:

  • Inspired by the Classic P. J. Baxandall Shelving Curves
  • Stepped controls throughout for repeatability and identical stereo operation
  • Broad Q Shelving
  • 7-position High Pass and Low Pass Filters — 2-pole Butterworth configuration (12 dB/oct)
  • 8-position High and Low Frequency Select
  • +/- 5dB Cut and Boost controls in 1/2dB steps
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Dangerous Music agréé
Dangerous Music