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EMPIRICAL LABS - EL8X-S Distressor - Compresseur double-mono "Classic Knee" avec options "Image Link" & "British Sound"

Le son des grands classiques restitué avec des performances au goût du jour en matière de bruit de fond, le tout dans une machine une unité, virtuellement indestructible, à commande numérique et dotée d'un son réellement accrocheur.

Des possibilités uniques, Le son des grands classiques, Restitué avec des performances au goût du jour en matière de bruit de fond, le tout dans une machine une unité, virtuellement indestructible, à commande numérique et dotée d'un son réellement accrocheur.

Distorsion de type analogique programmable

Utile dans un monde numérique parfait, mais qui ne pardonne pas. Trois modes audio autorisent la gestion par l'utilisateur de la distorsion harmonique. Dans les modes 1 et 2 ("Propre" et "Distorsion n°2"), on retrouve une version améliorée des harmoniques d'ordre pair générées par les circuits à tubes. En mode 3 ("Distorsion n°3"), les harmoniques d'ordre impair prédominent, à l'image de ce qui arrive quand on sature une bande magnétique.

Signalisations lumineuses pour la distorsion
Une led se déclenche à 1 %, l'autre indique la limite des 3 %. Aucun écrêtage violent, même quelques dB après la limite des 3 %.

Correcteur de fréquence sophistiqué dans la chaîne latérale
Une accentuation du haut médium dans le signal de déclenchement permet d'adoucir les guitares et d'éviter toute agressivité sur les voix. Un coupe-bas sur ce même signal évite le pompage dans le reste du spectre sur la modulation principale.

Huit courbes uniques
Du mode 1:1 qui se contente de " réchauffer " le signal grâce à un léger taux de distorsion par harmoniques, et sans aucune compression, au mode "Explosif" : une courbe de limitation pure et dure, particulièrement adaptée aux micros d'ambiance sur les prises de batterie. Chaque courbe est unique du point de vue de la personnalité et des caractéristiques de temps de relâchement.

Plus exceptionnelle encore, la position 10:1 qui exploite des circuits distincts pour émuler les compresseurs à cellule optique les plus anciens et les plus performants, comme le classique LA2a. Le manuel de l'utilisateur donne toutes les indications nécessaires à l'émulation des compresseurs anciens les plus réputés. En fait, tout se passe comme si on avait plusieurs

traitements de dynamique complètement différents dans une seule machine !

  • Schéma hybride composants discrets / circuits intégrés
  • Les meilleures spécifications en vitesse/linéarité, avec en prime une parfaite reproductibilité des performances. Composants sélectionnés et testés manuellement.
  • Commandes rotatives grand format et graduation de haute précision
  • Pour une grande facilité de lecture et des réglages reproductibles.
  • Niveau de sortie fixe et calibré
  • Autorise un réglage rapide des niveaux sur la bande ou en mix dans des conditions live.
  • Résistances Roederstein à film métal sur tout le trajet du signal
  • Composants de très haute qualité sur l'ensemble de l'électronique.
  • Interface de type binaire exclusif

Permet des centaines d'options avec très peu de commandes.

Le son des grands classiquesRestitué avec des performances au goût du jour en matière de bruit de fond, le tout dans une machine une unité, virtuellement indestructible, à commande numérique et dotée d'un son réellement accrocheur.Distorsion de type analogique programmableUtile dans un monde numérique parfait, mais qui ne pardonne pas.

Trois modes audio autorisent la gestion par l'utilisateur de la distorsion harmonique. Dans les modes 1 et 2 ("Propre" et "Distorsion n°2"), on retrouve une version améliorée des harmoniques d'ordre pair générées par les circuits à tubes. En mode 3 ("Distorsion n°3"), les harmoniques d'ordre impair prédominent, à l'image de ce qui arrive quand on sature une bande magnétique.Signalisations lumineuses pour la distorsionUne led se déclenche à 1 %, l'autre indique la limite des 3 %.

Aucun écrêtage violent, même quelques dB après la limite des 3 %.Correcteur de fréquence sophistiqué dans la chaîne latéraleUne accentuation du haut médium dans le signal de déclenchement permet d'adoucir les guitares et d'éviter toute agressivité sur les voix. Un coupe-bas sur ce même signal évite le pompage dans le reste du spectre sur la modulation principale.

Huit courbes uniquesDu mode 1:1 qui se contente de " réchauffer " le signal grâce à un léger taux de distorsion par harmoniques, et sans aucune compression, au mode "Explosif" : une courbe de limitation pure et dure, particulièrement adaptée aux micros d'ambiance sur les prises de batterie. Chaque courbe est unique du point de vue de la personnalité et des caractéristiques de temps de relâchement.

Plus exceptionnelle encore, la position 10:1 qui exploite des circuits distincts pour émuler les compresseurs à cellule optique les plus anciens et les plus performants, comme le classique LA2a. Le manuel de l'utilisateur donne toutes les indications nécessaires à l'émulation des compresseurs anciens les plus réputés. En fait, tout se passe comme si on avait plusieurs traitements de dynamique complètement différents dans une seule machine !Schéma hybride composants discrets / circuits intégrésLes meilleures spécifications en vitesse/linéarité, avec en prime une parfaite reproductibilité des performances.

Composants sélectionnés et testés manuellement.Commandes rotatives grand format et graduation de haute précisionPour une grande facilité de lecture et des réglages reproductibles.Niveau de sortie fixe et calibréAutorise un réglage rapide des niveaux sur la bande ou en mix dans des conditions live.Résistances Roederstein à film métal sur tout le trajet du signalComposants de très haute qualité sur l'ensemble de l'électronique.Interface de type binaire exclusifPermet des centaines d'options avec très peu de commandes.

Les autres possibilités

  • Fonctionnement très sûr
  • Même avec 384 configurations distinctes (sans compter les réglages gérés par les commandes en façade) il est presque impossible de dégrader le son.
  • Mode stéréo
  • avec un simple branchement par jack 1/4 de pouce.
  • Commutation pour fonctionnement sur 110 ou 220 volts
  • Fusible de rechange à l'intérieur
  • Alimentations surdimensionnées
  • L'absence d'échauffement permet un châssis entièrement clos, sans ouïes de ventilation. Composants à longue durée de vie pour une fiabilité encore meilleure.
  • Hauteur (1U) et poids réduits
  • Le son classique dans une ensemble à la fois compact et extrêmement fiable. Poids emballé : 6 kilos.
  • Véritable mise hors service
  • Pour juger réellement de l'effet produit. Tous contacts doublés pour une fiabilité maximale. Aucun connecteur audio à l'intérieur.
  • Entrées/sorties sur XLR et jacks 1/4"
  • Liaisons XLR entièrement symétriques, sans transformateur, point chaud sur la broche 2. Possibilité de configuration par l'utilisateur point chaud en 3.
  • Câblé à la main et calibré aux USA par Empirical Labs Inc

Pour commencer - 5 5 5 5

Commencer les réglages avec un taux de 6:1 et les 4 boutons en position médiane, à 5. Voilà un bon début quel que soit le but recherché. Pousser la touche "ratio" jusqu'à ce que la Led (jaune) correspondant à un taux de 6:1 s'allume. Ajuster le niveau d'entrée pour obtenir plus de compression. Plus on augmente le niveau d'entrée, plus on dépasse le point d'inflexion de la courbe de gain, et plus grand est le taux de compression. Seules deux leds doivent être allumées, à l'exception de celles des bargraphes : la led de mise en service et celle qui indique un taux de 6:1. Pour une compression encore plus forte, actionner la touche "ratio" pour aller vers des taux plus élevés. Si vous préférez des taux plus bas, la grande progressivité du point d'inflexion de la courbe de gain sur les positions 2:1 et 3:1 procure une douceur particulière au traitement. Au taux de 2:1, le point d'inflexion couvre une plage de 15 dB, sur laquelle le taux de compression augmente graduellement. La position 10:1 quant à elle offre un taux de compression particulier, utilisant les circuits distincts du mode optique. Elle simule de manière très réaliste les compresseurs anciens à cellule optique, comme l'incontournable LA2a.



4 290,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info


The Distressor is the product that started it all for Empirical Labs. Born of founder Dave Derr’s love of classic compressors like the 1176, LA-2A and Gain Brain (among others), the Distressor incorporates his favorite sonic characteristics of these, along with other unique and interesting features that have made it a staple for audio engineers all over the world.  With over 22,000 units in the field, it’s safe to say that the Distressor is one of the best selling high end compressors of all time….if not THE best selling.  A prominent recording engineer recently wagered that there probably was not a top 40 record made in the last five years that didn’t have at least one Distressor on it.

Besides providing a wide range of control and a unique feature set, the Distressor offers a warm, vintage sound by using a custom designed gain control circuit.  This “warmth” or “vintage sound” has become a major issue in the last few decades, as the super clear and linear digital technology does next to nothing to soften “harsh” sounds, nor emphasize the bass frequencies in music sources. Conversely, older analog tape, vinyl records and tube equipment could not be prevented from coloring the sound, often to the frustration of recording engineers. However, many people now realize that this coloring can be extremely pleasant and musical. Digital technology is often referred to as “cold” and “brittle” among other terms (although we prefer “unforgiving”).

All eight of the Distressor’s curves are unique and distinctive, from the 1:1 mode that simply warms up signal with low order harmonics without intentional compression, to the “Nuke” setting - a brick wall limiting curve that shines on live drum room mics.  Each curve has its own personality and several actually use different circuitry, and are effectively different compressors. Most exceptional is the 10:1 “Opto” ratio which uses separate detector circuitry to emulate the oldest (and valued) “light controlled” devices, such as the LA-2A.

Another large part of the Distressor’s personality and power derive from three modes that color the signal, even without compression. These extended audio modes were designed to allow emulation of some very old and expensive vintage compressors & limiters, and let the Distressor deliver a classic “knee” sound all its own by providing user programmable, warm harmonic distortion. In addition to the basic distortion mode, Distort 2 emphasizes tube-like 2nd order harmonics, while in Distort 3 setting the distortion becomes dominated by 3rd harmonics more closely resembling tape. Two HP filters – one in the audio path, one in the detector path - are also available to help with low frequencies that can cause pumping and breathing.

The Distressor is available in either its original form (EL8), or in a modified version (EL8-X) with two additional functions  - British Mode, and Image Link.

The concept of British Mode came from an unusual setting on the classic UREI LN1176 limiter. The unit was designed to have only four ratios, each ratio being engaged by selecting one of four buttons. However, as early as 1980 (or before), renegade recording engineers, always on the lookout for something a little more “over-the-top”, found that you could make all four buttons stay in if you pressed them just right. What resulted was a very aggressive sound that had some elements of the unit’s 20:1 ratio, but with an unusual knee and new envelope shape. Somewhere along the line, someone called it “British Mode”, and the name stuck.

The EL8-X has the advantage of being able to selectively apply this aggressive characteristic - not just to the new “British” ratio (1:1) - to any of the ratios, simply by engaging the dedicated “British Mode" switch.

The original Distressor stereo link function used a summing and phase detection method, which allowed slight stereo image shifting.  Although frequently desirable for its phase correction, and its “thickening” on open room mics and other stereo sources, this approach can sometimes be a problem on stereo program material where the producer/engineers want to maintain absolute left/right balance at all times. With the new “Stereo Image Link” option, the EL8-X now has three link options - the original “phase” link, the new Image Link and the combination of the two, phase and image linking - something never before offered on any compressors or limiters.

For many Distressor owners, one is never enough - in fact, one extremely successful engineer has twelve of them!  For those who want (at least) a stereo pair, ELI offers the EL8-S, a pair of Distressors that are matched at the factory, and come with the cables you need to lock them together.  If you want the Brit Mod and Image Link options, an EL8X-S package is also available.

Specification :

  • Freq. response is 2 Hz to 160 kHz in clean audio mode (+0, -3 dB). Response is shaped in distortion modes (Dist 2, Dist 3).
  • Dynamic range 110 dB from max. output to min. output in 1:1 mode. Greater than 100 dB signal to noise in distort 3 mode.
  • Distortion ranges between .02% and 20% depending on distortion mode and release times set on front panel.
  • DC coupled output - High quality input caps.
  • Input impedance is 20K Ohms, Output impedance is < 75 ohms
  • Time constants - Attack range 50uS - 50mS. Release range .05 sec to 3.5 seconds, normal modes and up to 20 seconds in 10:1 opto mode. Time constants are dependant on ratio.
  • Metal Chassis - single height 1.75" high, 10" deep, 19" wide.
  • Shipping info - 12.1 lbs mono, 24.2 lbs Stereo pair. Mono box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 3 1/4".
  • Stereo Pair box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 6 1/4



4 290,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



The Distressor is the product that started it all for Empirical Labs. Born of founder Dave Derr’s love of classic compressors like the 1176, LA-2A and Gain Brain (among others), the Distressor incorporates his favorite sonic characteristics of these, along with other unique and interesting features that have made it a staple for audio engineers all over the world.  With over 22,000 units in the field, it’s safe to say that the Distressor is one of the best selling high end compressors of all time….if not THE best selling.  A prominent recording engineer recently wagered that there probably was not a top 40 record made in the last five years that didn’t have at least one Distressor on it.

Besides providing a wide range of control and a unique feature set, the Distressor offers a warm, vintage sound by using a custom designed gain control circuit.  This “warmth” or “vintage sound” has become a major issue in the last few decades, as the super clear and linear digital technology does next to nothing to soften “harsh” sounds, nor emphasize the bass frequencies in music sources. Conversely, older analog tape, vinyl records and tube equipment could not be prevented from coloring the sound, often to the frustration of recording engineers. However, many people now realize that this coloring can be extremely pleasant and musical. Digital technology is often referred to as “cold” and “brittle” among other terms (although we prefer “unforgiving”).

All eight of the Distressor’s curves are unique and distinctive, from the 1:1 mode that simply warms up signal with low order harmonics without intentional compression, to the “Nuke” setting - a brick wall limiting curve that shines on live drum room mics.  Each curve has its own personality and several actually use different circuitry, and are effectively different compressors. Most exceptional is the 10:1 “Opto” ratio which uses separate detector circuitry to emulate the oldest (and valued) “light controlled” devices, such as the LA-2A.

Another large part of the Distressor’s personality and power derive from three modes that color the signal, even without compression. These extended audio modes were designed to allow emulation of some very old and expensive vintage compressors & limiters, and let the Distressor deliver a classic “knee” sound all its own by providing user programmable, warm harmonic distortion. In addition to the basic distortion mode, Distort 2 emphasizes tube-like 2nd order harmonics, while in Distort 3 setting the distortion becomes dominated by 3rd harmonics more closely resembling tape. Two HP filters – one in the audio path, one in the detector path - are also available to help with low frequencies that can cause pumping and breathing.

The Distressor is available in either its original form (EL8), or in a modified version (EL8-X) with two additional functions  - British Mode, and Image Link.

The concept of British Mode came from an unusual setting on the classic UREI LN1176 limiter. The unit was designed to have only four ratios, each ratio being engaged by selecting one of four buttons. However, as early as 1980 (or before), renegade recording engineers, always on the lookout for something a little more “over-the-top”, found that you could make all four buttons stay in if you pressed them just right. What resulted was a very aggressive sound that had some elements of the unit’s 20:1 ratio, but with an unusual knee and new envelope shape. Somewhere along the line, someone called it “British Mode”, and the name stuck.

The EL8-X has the advantage of being able to selectively apply this aggressive characteristic - not just to the new “British” ratio (1:1) - to any of the ratios, simply by engaging the dedicated “British Mode" switch.

The original Distressor stereo link function used a summing and phase detection method, which allowed slight stereo image shifting.  Although frequently desirable for its phase correction, and its “thickening” on open room mics and other stereo sources, this approach can sometimes be a problem on stereo program material where the producer/engineers want to maintain absolute left/right balance at all times. With the new “Stereo Image Link” option, the EL8-X now has three link options - the original “phase” link, the new Image Link and the combination of the two, phase and image linking - something never before offered on any compressors or limiters.

For many Distressor owners, one is never enough - in fact, one extremely successful engineer has twelve of them!  For those who want (at least) a stereo pair, ELI offers the EL8-S, a pair of Distressors that are matched at the factory, and come with the cables you need to lock them together.  If you want the Brit Mod and Image Link options, an EL8X-S package is also available.

Specification :

  • Freq. response is 2 Hz to 160 kHz in clean audio mode (+0, -3 dB). Response is shaped in distortion modes (Dist 2, Dist 3).
  • Dynamic range 110 dB from max. output to min. output in 1:1 mode. Greater than 100 dB signal to noise in distort 3 mode.
  • Distortion ranges between .02% and 20% depending on distortion mode and release times set on front panel.
  • DC coupled output - High quality input caps.
  • Input impedance is 20K Ohms, Output impedance is < 75 ohms
  • Time constants - Attack range 50uS - 50mS. Release range .05 sec to 3.5 seconds, normal modes and up to 20 seconds in 10:1 opto mode. Time constants are dependant on ratio.
  • Metal Chassis - single height 1.75" high, 10" deep, 19" wide.
  • Shipping info - 12.1 lbs mono, 24.2 lbs Stereo pair. Mono box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 3 1/4".
  • Stereo Pair box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 6 1/4



4 290,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



The Distressor is the product that started it all for Empirical Labs. Born of founder Dave Derr’s love of classic compressors like the 1176, LA-2A and Gain Brain (among others), the Distressor incorporates his favorite sonic characteristics of these, along with other unique and interesting features that have made it a staple for audio engineers all over the world.  With over 22,000 units in the field, it’s safe to say that the Distressor is one of the best selling high end compressors of all time….if not THE best selling.  A prominent recording engineer recently wagered that there probably was not a top 40 record made in the last five years that didn’t have at least one Distressor on it.

Besides providing a wide range of control and a unique feature set, the Distressor offers a warm, vintage sound by using a custom designed gain control circuit.  This “warmth” or “vintage sound” has become a major issue in the last few decades, as the super clear and linear digital technology does next to nothing to soften “harsh” sounds, nor emphasize the bass frequencies in music sources. Conversely, older analog tape, vinyl records and tube equipment could not be prevented from coloring the sound, often to the frustration of recording engineers. However, many people now realize that this coloring can be extremely pleasant and musical. Digital technology is often referred to as “cold” and “brittle” among other terms (although we prefer “unforgiving”).

All eight of the Distressor’s curves are unique and distinctive, from the 1:1 mode that simply warms up signal with low order harmonics without intentional compression, to the “Nuke” setting - a brick wall limiting curve that shines on live drum room mics.  Each curve has its own personality and several actually use different circuitry, and are effectively different compressors. Most exceptional is the 10:1 “Opto” ratio which uses separate detector circuitry to emulate the oldest (and valued) “light controlled” devices, such as the LA-2A.

Another large part of the Distressor’s personality and power derive from three modes that color the signal, even without compression. These extended audio modes were designed to allow emulation of some very old and expensive vintage compressors & limiters, and let the Distressor deliver a classic “knee” sound all its own by providing user programmable, warm harmonic distortion. In addition to the basic distortion mode, Distort 2 emphasizes tube-like 2nd order harmonics, while in Distort 3 setting the distortion becomes dominated by 3rd harmonics more closely resembling tape. Two HP filters – one in the audio path, one in the detector path - are also available to help with low frequencies that can cause pumping and breathing.

The Distressor is available in either its original form (EL8), or in a modified version (EL8-X) with two additional functions  - British Mode, and Image Link.

The concept of British Mode came from an unusual setting on the classic UREI LN1176 limiter. The unit was designed to have only four ratios, each ratio being engaged by selecting one of four buttons. However, as early as 1980 (or before), renegade recording engineers, always on the lookout for something a little more “over-the-top”, found that you could make all four buttons stay in if you pressed them just right. What resulted was a very aggressive sound that had some elements of the unit’s 20:1 ratio, but with an unusual knee and new envelope shape. Somewhere along the line, someone called it “British Mode”, and the name stuck.

The EL8-X has the advantage of being able to selectively apply this aggressive characteristic - not just to the new “British” ratio (1:1) - to any of the ratios, simply by engaging the dedicated “British Mode" switch.

The original Distressor stereo link function used a summing and phase detection method, which allowed slight stereo image shifting.  Although frequently desirable for its phase correction, and its “thickening” on open room mics and other stereo sources, this approach can sometimes be a problem on stereo program material where the producer/engineers want to maintain absolute left/right balance at all times. With the new “Stereo Image Link” option, the EL8-X now has three link options - the original “phase” link, the new Image Link and the combination of the two, phase and image linking - something never before offered on any compressors or limiters.

For many Distressor owners, one is never enough - in fact, one extremely successful engineer has twelve of them!  For those who want (at least) a stereo pair, ELI offers the EL8-S, a pair of Distressors that are matched at the factory, and come with the cables you need to lock them together.  If you want the Brit Mod and Image Link options, an EL8X-S package is also available.

Specification :

  • Freq. response is 2 Hz to 160 kHz in clean audio mode (+0, -3 dB). Response is shaped in distortion modes (Dist 2, Dist 3).
  • Dynamic range 110 dB from max. output to min. output in 1:1 mode. Greater than 100 dB signal to noise in distort 3 mode.
  • Distortion ranges between .02% and 20% depending on distortion mode and release times set on front panel.
  • DC coupled output - High quality input caps.
  • Input impedance is 20K Ohms, Output impedance is < 75 ohms
  • Time constants - Attack range 50uS - 50mS. Release range .05 sec to 3.5 seconds, normal modes and up to 20 seconds in 10:1 opto mode. Time constants are dependant on ratio.
  • Metal Chassis - single height 1.75" high, 10" deep, 19" wide.
  • Shipping info - 12.1 lbs mono, 24.2 lbs Stereo pair. Mono box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 3 1/4".
  • Stereo Pair box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 6 1/4



4 290,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



The Distressor is the product that started it all for Empirical Labs. Born of founder Dave Derr’s love of classic compressors like the 1176, LA-2A and Gain Brain (among others), the Distressor incorporates his favorite sonic characteristics of these, along with other unique and interesting features that have made it a staple for audio engineers all over the world.  With over 22,000 units in the field, it’s safe to say that the Distressor is one of the best selling high end compressors of all time….if not THE best selling.  A prominent recording engineer recently wagered that there probably was not a top 40 record made in the last five years that didn’t have at least one Distressor on it.

Besides providing a wide range of control and a unique feature set, the Distressor offers a warm, vintage sound by using a custom designed gain control circuit.  This “warmth” or “vintage sound” has become a major issue in the last few decades, as the super clear and linear digital technology does next to nothing to soften “harsh” sounds, nor emphasize the bass frequencies in music sources. Conversely, older analog tape, vinyl records and tube equipment could not be prevented from coloring the sound, often to the frustration of recording engineers. However, many people now realize that this coloring can be extremely pleasant and musical. Digital technology is often referred to as “cold” and “brittle” among other terms (although we prefer “unforgiving”).

All eight of the Distressor’s curves are unique and distinctive, from the 1:1 mode that simply warms up signal with low order harmonics without intentional compression, to the “Nuke” setting - a brick wall limiting curve that shines on live drum room mics.  Each curve has its own personality and several actually use different circuitry, and are effectively different compressors. Most exceptional is the 10:1 “Opto” ratio which uses separate detector circuitry to emulate the oldest (and valued) “light controlled” devices, such as the LA-2A.

Another large part of the Distressor’s personality and power derive from three modes that color the signal, even without compression. These extended audio modes were designed to allow emulation of some very old and expensive vintage compressors & limiters, and let the Distressor deliver a classic “knee” sound all its own by providing user programmable, warm harmonic distortion. In addition to the basic distortion mode, Distort 2 emphasizes tube-like 2nd order harmonics, while in Distort 3 setting the distortion becomes dominated by 3rd harmonics more closely resembling tape. Two HP filters – one in the audio path, one in the detector path - are also available to help with low frequencies that can cause pumping and breathing.

The Distressor is available in either its original form (EL8), or in a modified version (EL8-X) with two additional functions  - British Mode, and Image Link.

The concept of British Mode came from an unusual setting on the classic UREI LN1176 limiter. The unit was designed to have only four ratios, each ratio being engaged by selecting one of four buttons. However, as early as 1980 (or before), renegade recording engineers, always on the lookout for something a little more “over-the-top”, found that you could make all four buttons stay in if you pressed them just right. What resulted was a very aggressive sound that had some elements of the unit’s 20:1 ratio, but with an unusual knee and new envelope shape. Somewhere along the line, someone called it “British Mode”, and the name stuck.

The EL8-X has the advantage of being able to selectively apply this aggressive characteristic - not just to the new “British” ratio (1:1) - to any of the ratios, simply by engaging the dedicated “British Mode" switch.

The original Distressor stereo link function used a summing and phase detection method, which allowed slight stereo image shifting.  Although frequently desirable for its phase correction, and its “thickening” on open room mics and other stereo sources, this approach can sometimes be a problem on stereo program material where the producer/engineers want to maintain absolute left/right balance at all times. With the new “Stereo Image Link” option, the EL8-X now has three link options - the original “phase” link, the new Image Link and the combination of the two, phase and image linking - something never before offered on any compressors or limiters.

For many Distressor owners, one is never enough - in fact, one extremely successful engineer has twelve of them!  For those who want (at least) a stereo pair, ELI offers the EL8-S, a pair of Distressors that are matched at the factory, and come with the cables you need to lock them together.  If you want the Brit Mod and Image Link options, an EL8X-S package is also available.

Specification :

  • Freq. response is 2 Hz to 160 kHz in clean audio mode (+0, -3 dB). Response is shaped in distortion modes (Dist 2, Dist 3).
  • Dynamic range 110 dB from max. output to min. output in 1:1 mode. Greater than 100 dB signal to noise in distort 3 mode.
  • Distortion ranges between .02% and 20% depending on distortion mode and release times set on front panel.
  • DC coupled output - High quality input caps.
  • Input impedance is 20K Ohms, Output impedance is < 75 ohms
  • Time constants - Attack range 50uS - 50mS. Release range .05 sec to 3.5 seconds, normal modes and up to 20 seconds in 10:1 opto mode. Time constants are dependant on ratio.
  • Metal Chassis - single height 1.75" high, 10" deep, 19" wide.
  • Shipping info - 12.1 lbs mono, 24.2 lbs Stereo pair. Mono box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 3 1/4".
  • Stereo Pair box dimensions 22.5" x 18.5" x 6 1/4
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Empirical Labs agréé
Empirical Labs