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Livraison:  Sous 4 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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L'ADN du Modal 002, pris plus loin
L'Argon8 base son architecture sur la conception du Modal 002, basée sur la table d synthesizerengine'onde de pointe . Ce son engine spécialisé vous permet d'obtenir une large gamme de sons, des sons de synthétiseurs analogiques classiques aux sons d'inspiration EDM modernes. L'Argon8 dispose de huit voix d'une véritable polyphonie, vous permettant de libérer votre créativité sans limites. Il dispose d'une large gamme de commandes pratiques, y compris un joystick à quatre axes et des encodeurs de précision pour une flexibilité maximale.

Il est doté de fonctions et de paramètres conçus pour optimiser votre processus de conception sonore. Du filtre résonant à morphing bipolaire à la forme d'onde distortion en passant par les trois moteurs stéréo FX configurables par l'utilisateur, vous pouvez créer pratiquement tous les sons que vous pouvez imaginer. A partir de là, vous pouvez stocker jusqu'à 500 patchs à l'aide des emplacements mémoire embarqués. Il est livré avec 300 programmes d'usine et 200 patch espaces utilisateurs, ce qui vous permet de télécharger et de télécharger des correctifs grâce au MODALapp gratuit.

Caractéristiques techniques :

  • Véritable polyphonie à 8 voix
  • Châssis en acier et en aluminium prêts pour la route
  • 120 tables d'onde soigneusement conçues se divisent en 24 banques de 5 jeux de formes d'onde morphables, allant des classiques analogiques virtuels à l'EDM de pointe, en passant par de nombreuses tables du Modal 002 original et toute une gamme de tables générées mathématiquement. Banque PWM supplémentaire et 4 banques de bruit/modulation accessibles sur l'oscillateur 2
  • 28 processeurs de tables d'ondes statiques, y compris des déréz, des plieuses, des façonneurs d'ondes, des façonneurs de phase et des rectifieurs qui peuvent être appliqués aux 120 tables d'ondes pour donner un nombre ahurissant de permutations et de nouvelles formes d'ondes.
  • 32 oscillateurs de table d'onde haute résolution, 4 par voix, avec 8 types de modificateurs d'oscillateur incluant : Phase Mod (FM), Ring Mod, Amp Mod, Hard Sync et Windowed Sync
  • FATAR TP9/S Full size 37 clavier à touches avec vélocité et aftertouch
  • Ecran OLED de 1,54 pouce de large - qui fournit une rétroaction visuelle instantanée à l'utilisateur à tout moment de la lecture/édition.
  • Tours à codeurs rotatifs continus de série sur l'ensemble de la machine
  • Un joystick à 4 axes qui peut être assigné à un grand nombre de destinations de modulation et virtuellement" verrouillé" quand on le souhaite.
  • Trois générateurs d'enveloppes dédiés pour AMP, MOD et FILTER, accessibles indépendamment ou simultanément, y compris les trois versions négatives (inversées).
  • Filtre résonant bipolaire à morphing à deux pôles
  • Forme d'onde distortion
  • Trois moteurs d'effets stéréo indépendants et configurables par l'utilisateur incroyablement puissants qui peuvent créer des délais sophistiqués, des réverbérations luxuriantes, des Flanging, des Phasing, et des Chorus riches.
  • Glide/Portamento avec les modes legato et staccato
  • Matrice "Mod Matrix" extrêmement puissante avec huit slots assignables avec quatre routes fixes supplémentaires, 11 sources mod et 52 destinations.
  • 500 patch mémoires, toutes entièrement éditables et livrées avec 300 programmes d'usine et 200 patch espaces utilisateurs. Patch Téléchargez et téléchargez gratuitement MODALapp
  • Deux LFO de fréquence audio avec synchronisation du tempo (un poly, un global). Le LFO polyphonique peut se synchroniser avec les divisions de fréquence
  • Arpégiateur programmable sophistiqué de 32 pas avec capacité de repos avec jusqu'à 2048 pas avant répétition.
  • Séquenceur temps réel avec numéro 512 pas avec quantification d'entrée et quatre animations enregistrables / éditables.
  • Plusieurs modes de clavier, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 et Stack 4
  • Tous les FX, LFO et arpèges de séquenceur basés sur le temps peuvent être synchronisés en interne ou en externe.
  • Sync in/out
  • Full size Prises MIDI din à cinq broches
  • Full size prises quart de pouce pour l'audio et le contrôle externe comme le sustain et l'expression
  • Entrée stéréo 3,5 mm avec possibilité d'acheminer l'audio entrant à travers l'effet FX
  • Application dédiée payante qui fonctionne sur Mac, PC, iOS, Android et fonctionne sous VST3 et AU



799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info


8-Voice Polyphonic Wavetable Synthesizer

The DNA of the Modal 002, taken further
The Argon8 bases its architecture on the Modal 002 design, based on the cutting-edge wavetable synthesizer engine. This specialised sound engine allows you to achieve a wide range of sound, from classic analog synth tones to modern-day EDM inspired tones. The Argon8 features eight voices of true polyphony, allowing you to unleash your creativity without limitations. It features a wide range of hands-on controls including a four-axis joystick and precision encoders for maximum flexibility.

It comes jam-packed with features and parameters designed to optimise your sound design process. From the two-pole morphing resonant filter to waveshaping distortion and the three user configurable stereo FX engines, you can craft virtually any sound you can dream up. From here, you can store up to 500 patches using the onboard memory slots. It comes ready with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces, allowing you to upload and download patches through the free MODALapp.


  • True 8 voice polyphony
  • Road ready Steel and Aluminium chassis
  • 120 carefully crafted wavetables split into 24 banks of 5 morphable waveform sets, covering virtual analogue classics through to cutting edge EDM and many from the original Modal 002 as well as a whole range of mathematically generated tables. Additional PWM bank and 4 noise/modulation banks accessible on Oscillator 2
  • 28 static wavetable processors including de-rez, wave folders, wave shapers, phase shapers and rectify that can be applied to the 120 wavetables to give a mind boggling array of permutations and new waveshapes
  • 32 high resolution wavetable oscillators, 4 per voice, with 8 types of oscillator modifier including: Phase Mod (FM), Ring Mod, Amp Mod, Hard Sync and Windowed Sync
  • FATAR TP9/S Full size 37 key keybed with both velocity and aftertouch
  • 1.54 inch large OLED display – that provides instant visual feedback to the user at all times of playing/editing
  • Bourns continuous rotary encoders throughout as standard
  • A 4-axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually ‘locked’ when desired
  • Three dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER that can be accessed independently or all three simultaneously including negative (reverse) versions
  • Two pole morphing resonant filter
  • Waveshaping distortion
  • Three incredibly powerful independent and user configurable stereo FX engines that can create sophisticated Delays, lush Reverbs, Flanging, Phasing, and Rich Choruses
  • Glide/Portamento with both legato and staccato modes
  • Hugely powerful “Mod Matrix” with eight assignable slots with four additional fixed routes, 11 mod sources and 52 destinations
  • 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces. Patch upload and download through the free MODALapp
  • Two Audio rate LFO’s with tempo sync (one poly, one global). Polyphonic LFO can sync to frequency divisions
  • Sophisticated programmable arpeggiator of 32 steps with rest capability with up to 2048 steps before repeating
  • Real time sequencer with number 512 steps with input quantise and four recordable /editable animations
  • Multiple keyboard modes, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 and Stack 4
  • All time-based FX, LFO’s and sequencer arpeggio can be either clocked internally or externally
  • Sync in/out
  • Full size MIDI five pin din sockets
  • Full size quarter inch jacks for both audio and external control such as sustain and expression
  • 3.5 mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Fee dedicated app that works on Mac, PC, iOS, Android and works under VST3 and AU


  • Patch Memories: 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces
  • Presets: 100 sequencer presets and 100 FX presets
  • Clock Sync: Analog in and out (configured to the KORG / Teenage Engineering specification
  • MIDI: Class compliant MIDI provided over USb connection to host computer or tablet
  • Stereo Input: 3.5mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Power: DC-9.0V-15A
  • Chassis: Steel and aluminium, road-ready design
  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 560mm x 300mm x 120mm




799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



8-Voice Polyphonic Wavetable Synthesizer

The DNA of the Modal 002, taken further
The Argon8 bases its architecture on the Modal 002 design, based on the cutting-edge wavetable synthesizer engine. This specialised sound engine allows you to achieve a wide range of sound, from classic analog synth tones to modern-day EDM inspired tones. The Argon8 features eight voices of true polyphony, allowing you to unleash your creativity without limitations. It features a wide range of hands-on controls including a four-axis joystick and precision encoders for maximum flexibility.

It comes jam-packed with features and parameters designed to optimise your sound design process. From the two-pole morphing resonant filter to waveshaping distortion and the three user configurable stereo FX engines, you can craft virtually any sound you can dream up. From here, you can store up to 500 patches using the onboard memory slots. It comes ready with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces, allowing you to upload and download patches through the free MODALapp.


  • True 8 voice polyphony
  • Road ready Steel and Aluminium chassis
  • 120 carefully crafted wavetables split into 24 banks of 5 morphable waveform sets, covering virtual analogue classics through to cutting edge EDM and many from the original Modal 002 as well as a whole range of mathematically generated tables. Additional PWM bank and 4 noise/modulation banks accessible on Oscillator 2
  • 28 static wavetable processors including de-rez, wave folders, wave shapers, phase shapers and rectify that can be applied to the 120 wavetables to give a mind boggling array of permutations and new waveshapes
  • 32 high resolution wavetable oscillators, 4 per voice, with 8 types of oscillator modifier including: Phase Mod (FM), Ring Mod, Amp Mod, Hard Sync and Windowed Sync
  • FATAR TP9/S Full size 37 key keybed with both velocity and aftertouch
  • 1.54 inch large OLED display – that provides instant visual feedback to the user at all times of playing/editing
  • Bourns continuous rotary encoders throughout as standard
  • A 4-axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually ‘locked’ when desired
  • Three dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER that can be accessed independently or all three simultaneously including negative (reverse) versions
  • Two pole morphing resonant filter
  • Waveshaping distortion
  • Three incredibly powerful independent and user configurable stereo FX engines that can create sophisticated Delays, lush Reverbs, Flanging, Phasing, and Rich Choruses
  • Glide/Portamento with both legato and staccato modes
  • Hugely powerful “Mod Matrix” with eight assignable slots with four additional fixed routes, 11 mod sources and 52 destinations
  • 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces. Patch upload and download through the free MODALapp
  • Two Audio rate LFO’s with tempo sync (one poly, one global). Polyphonic LFO can sync to frequency divisions
  • Sophisticated programmable arpeggiator of 32 steps with rest capability with up to 2048 steps before repeating
  • Real time sequencer with number 512 steps with input quantise and four recordable /editable animations
  • Multiple keyboard modes, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 and Stack 4
  • All time-based FX, LFO’s and sequencer arpeggio can be either clocked internally or externally
  • Sync in/out
  • Full size MIDI five pin din sockets
  • Full size quarter inch jacks for both audio and external control such as sustain and expression
  • 3.5 mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Fee dedicated app that works on Mac, PC, iOS, Android and works under VST3 and AU


  • Patch Memories: 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces
  • Presets: 100 sequencer presets and 100 FX presets
  • Clock Sync: Analog in and out (configured to the KORG / Teenage Engineering specification
  • MIDI: Class compliant MIDI provided over USb connection to host computer or tablet
  • Stereo Input: 3.5mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Power: DC-9.0V-15A
  • Chassis: Steel and aluminium, road-ready design
  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 560mm x 300mm x 120mm




799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



8-Voice Polyphonic Wavetable Synthesizer

The DNA of the Modal 002, taken further
The Argon8 bases its architecture on the Modal 002 design, based on the cutting-edge wavetable synthesizer engine. This specialised sound engine allows you to achieve a wide range of sound, from classic analog synth tones to modern-day EDM inspired tones. The Argon8 features eight voices of true polyphony, allowing you to unleash your creativity without limitations. It features a wide range of hands-on controls including a four-axis joystick and precision encoders for maximum flexibility.

It comes jam-packed with features and parameters designed to optimise your sound design process. From the two-pole morphing resonant filter to waveshaping distortion and the three user configurable stereo FX engines, you can craft virtually any sound you can dream up. From here, you can store up to 500 patches using the onboard memory slots. It comes ready with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces, allowing you to upload and download patches through the free MODALapp.


  • True 8 voice polyphony
  • Road ready Steel and Aluminium chassis
  • 120 carefully crafted wavetables split into 24 banks of 5 morphable waveform sets, covering virtual analogue classics through to cutting edge EDM and many from the original Modal 002 as well as a whole range of mathematically generated tables. Additional PWM bank and 4 noise/modulation banks accessible on Oscillator 2
  • 28 static wavetable processors including de-rez, wave folders, wave shapers, phase shapers and rectify that can be applied to the 120 wavetables to give a mind boggling array of permutations and new waveshapes
  • 32 high resolution wavetable oscillators, 4 per voice, with 8 types of oscillator modifier including: Phase Mod (FM), Ring Mod, Amp Mod, Hard Sync and Windowed Sync
  • FATAR TP9/S Full size 37 key keybed with both velocity and aftertouch
  • 1.54 inch large OLED display – that provides instant visual feedback to the user at all times of playing/editing
  • Bourns continuous rotary encoders throughout as standard
  • A 4-axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually ‘locked’ when desired
  • Three dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER that can be accessed independently or all three simultaneously including negative (reverse) versions
  • Two pole morphing resonant filter
  • Waveshaping distortion
  • Three incredibly powerful independent and user configurable stereo FX engines that can create sophisticated Delays, lush Reverbs, Flanging, Phasing, and Rich Choruses
  • Glide/Portamento with both legato and staccato modes
  • Hugely powerful “Mod Matrix” with eight assignable slots with four additional fixed routes, 11 mod sources and 52 destinations
  • 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces. Patch upload and download through the free MODALapp
  • Two Audio rate LFO’s with tempo sync (one poly, one global). Polyphonic LFO can sync to frequency divisions
  • Sophisticated programmable arpeggiator of 32 steps with rest capability with up to 2048 steps before repeating
  • Real time sequencer with number 512 steps with input quantise and four recordable /editable animations
  • Multiple keyboard modes, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 and Stack 4
  • All time-based FX, LFO’s and sequencer arpeggio can be either clocked internally or externally
  • Sync in/out
  • Full size MIDI five pin din sockets
  • Full size quarter inch jacks for both audio and external control such as sustain and expression
  • 3.5 mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Fee dedicated app that works on Mac, PC, iOS, Android and works under VST3 and AU


  • Patch Memories: 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces
  • Presets: 100 sequencer presets and 100 FX presets
  • Clock Sync: Analog in and out (configured to the KORG / Teenage Engineering specification
  • MIDI: Class compliant MIDI provided over USb connection to host computer or tablet
  • Stereo Input: 3.5mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Power: DC-9.0V-15A
  • Chassis: Steel and aluminium, road-ready design
  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 560mm x 300mm x 120mm




799,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



8-Voice Polyphonic Wavetable Synthesizer

The DNA of the Modal 002, taken further
The Argon8 bases its architecture on the Modal 002 design, based on the cutting-edge wavetable synthesizer engine. This specialised sound engine allows you to achieve a wide range of sound, from classic analog synth tones to modern-day EDM inspired tones. The Argon8 features eight voices of true polyphony, allowing you to unleash your creativity without limitations. It features a wide range of hands-on controls including a four-axis joystick and precision encoders for maximum flexibility.

It comes jam-packed with features and parameters designed to optimise your sound design process. From the two-pole morphing resonant filter to waveshaping distortion and the three user configurable stereo FX engines, you can craft virtually any sound you can dream up. From here, you can store up to 500 patches using the onboard memory slots. It comes ready with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces, allowing you to upload and download patches through the free MODALapp.


  • True 8 voice polyphony
  • Road ready Steel and Aluminium chassis
  • 120 carefully crafted wavetables split into 24 banks of 5 morphable waveform sets, covering virtual analogue classics through to cutting edge EDM and many from the original Modal 002 as well as a whole range of mathematically generated tables. Additional PWM bank and 4 noise/modulation banks accessible on Oscillator 2
  • 28 static wavetable processors including de-rez, wave folders, wave shapers, phase shapers and rectify that can be applied to the 120 wavetables to give a mind boggling array of permutations and new waveshapes
  • 32 high resolution wavetable oscillators, 4 per voice, with 8 types of oscillator modifier including: Phase Mod (FM), Ring Mod, Amp Mod, Hard Sync and Windowed Sync
  • FATAR TP9/S Full size 37 key keybed with both velocity and aftertouch
  • 1.54 inch large OLED display – that provides instant visual feedback to the user at all times of playing/editing
  • Bourns continuous rotary encoders throughout as standard
  • A 4-axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually ‘locked’ when desired
  • Three dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER that can be accessed independently or all three simultaneously including negative (reverse) versions
  • Two pole morphing resonant filter
  • Waveshaping distortion
  • Three incredibly powerful independent and user configurable stereo FX engines that can create sophisticated Delays, lush Reverbs, Flanging, Phasing, and Rich Choruses
  • Glide/Portamento with both legato and staccato modes
  • Hugely powerful “Mod Matrix” with eight assignable slots with four additional fixed routes, 11 mod sources and 52 destinations
  • 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces. Patch upload and download through the free MODALapp
  • Two Audio rate LFO’s with tempo sync (one poly, one global). Polyphonic LFO can sync to frequency divisions
  • Sophisticated programmable arpeggiator of 32 steps with rest capability with up to 2048 steps before repeating
  • Real time sequencer with number 512 steps with input quantise and four recordable /editable animations
  • Multiple keyboard modes, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 and Stack 4
  • All time-based FX, LFO’s and sequencer arpeggio can be either clocked internally or externally
  • Sync in/out
  • Full size MIDI five pin din sockets
  • Full size quarter inch jacks for both audio and external control such as sustain and expression
  • 3.5 mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Fee dedicated app that works on Mac, PC, iOS, Android and works under VST3 and AU


  • Patch Memories: 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces
  • Presets: 100 sequencer presets and 100 FX presets
  • Clock Sync: Analog in and out (configured to the KORG / Teenage Engineering specification
  • MIDI: Class compliant MIDI provided over USb connection to host computer or tablet
  • Stereo Input: 3.5mm stereo input with ability to route incoming audio through the FX
  • Power: DC-9.0V-15A
  • Chassis: Steel and aluminium, road-ready design
  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 560mm x 300mm x 120mm


Global Audio Store, Revendeur Modal Electronics agréé
Modal Electronics