
Disponibilité:  Disponible en stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 4 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 3 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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ROLAND - DJ-505 - Contrôleur DJ

Le Roland DJ-505 est un puissant contrôleur Serato DJ à deux canaux avec quatre platines et une foule de fonctionnalités, dont le Serato Tool Kit complet et possède les sons et séquenceurs légendaires des boîtes à rythmes TR-808, TR-909, TR-606 et TR-707 Roland. La facilité de transport, la qualité professionnelle et les fonctionnalités avancées font du DJ-505 un outil parfait pour les applications mobiles, les DJ de club, les performances en direct et les productions en studio. Il dispose de tout ce qu’il faut pour aller au-delà des remix classiques en créant des beats et des rythmes qui peuvent être synchronisés avec les plages Serato DJ. Les transitions et les remix spontanés en épateront plus d’un. L' interface audio 24 bits/48 kHz intégrée et les convertisseurs audio haut de gamme Roland aux sorties Master et Booth assurent un son propre et puissant. Les sorties XLR symétriques permettent une connexion directe à un système de sonorisation professionnel. Une entrée micro TS 6,3 mm est disponible pour intégrer des voix ou des instruments externes dans une installation de spectacle. Les commandes dédiées au Serato DJ permettent de créer et de déclencher rapidement des hot cues, des boucles, des sons TR, des motifs de séquenceur et des samples, et de passer d'une platine Serato à l'autre à l'aide du bouton Deck Select.

Caractéristiques :

  • Avec quatre voies
  • Contrôleur 2 voies / 4 voies pour Serato DJ
  • Larges molettes optimisées avec une latence minimale
  • 8 pads de contrôle pour Serato DJ avec Hot Cue, Roll, Slicer, TR, Pattern et Sampler
  • Kits de batterie intégrés et entièrement éditables issus des légendaires TR-808, TR-909, TR-606 et TR-707 de Roland, réalisés avec la technologie ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior)
  • 8 sons dans chaque kit TR: grosse caisse, caisse claire, charley fermé, charley ouvert, Tom, Rim, Clap, Ride
  • Les sons peuvent être joués avec les pads ou déclenchés par le séquenceur
  • Traitement en temps réel de sons TR et des échantillons avec les commandes Level, Attack, Decay et Tune
  • Séquenceur 16 pas: TR Sounds ou Serato Sampler; nouvelles fonctionnalités: Nudge (TR-S), Step-roll et Instrument / Sample Mute
  • Le mélangeur peut être utilisé de manière autonome, les connexions à différents lecteurs ou platines via les sorties phono et ligne
  • Serato DVS Upgrade Ready
  • Sorties symétriques XLR + Booth Out (sortie cabine) + sorties RCA et casque séparées
  • Entrée micro avec Gate, filtre passe-haut, Reverb et Echo FX
  • Sortie MIDI pour la synchronisation d'appareils externes avec Serato DJ et le séquenceur TR-S
  • Le contrôleur est la clé de déverrouillage pour Serato DJ
  • Dimensions (L x P x H): 530 x 402 x 73 mm
  • Poids: 3,5 kg (sans alimentation)
  • Livré avec alimentation électrique et la licence Serato Tool Kit avec Serato Pitch 'n Time DJ, Serato Flip et tous les Packs Serato DJ FX



679,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

ROLAND - DJ-505 - DJ Controller

The Roland DJ-505 is a powerful two-channel Serato DJ controller with four decks and a host of features, including the complete Serato Tool Kit and features the legendary sounds and sequencers of the TR-808, TR-909, TR- drum machines. 606 and TR-707 Roland. The ease of transport, professional quality and advanced features make the DJ-505 a perfect tool for mobile applications, club DJs, live performances and studio productions. It has everything you need to go beyond classic remixes by creating beats and rhythms that can sync with Serato DJ tracks. Spontaneous transitions and remixes will wow many people. The integrated 24-bit / 48 kHz audio interface and Roland's high-end audio converters at the Master and Booth outputs ensure clean, powerful sound. Balanced XLR outputs allow direct connection to a professional sound system. A 6.3mm TS microphone input is available for integrating external vocals or instruments into a performance setup. Dedicated Serato DJ controls allow you to quickly create and trigger hot cues, loops, TR sounds, sequencer patterns, and samples, and switch between Serato decks using the button Deck Select.


  • With four lanes
  • 2-way / 4-way controller for Serato DJ
  • Large, optimized wheels with minimal latency
  • 8 control pads for Serato DJ with Hot Cue, Roll, Slicer, TR, Pattern and Sampler
  • Built-in and fully editable drum kits from Roland's legendary TR-808, TR-909, TR-606 and TR-707, made with ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) technology
  • 8 sounds in each TR kit: bass drum, snare, closed hi-hat, open hi-hat, Tom, Rim, Clap, Ride
  • Sounds can be played with the pads or triggered by the sequencer
  • Real-time processing of TR sounds and samples with Level, Attack, Decay and Tune controls
  • 16 step sequencer: TR Sounds or Serato Sampler; new features: Nudge (TR-S), Step-roll and Instrument / Sample Mute
  • The mixer can be used stand-alone, connections to different players or decks via phono and line outputs
    Serato DVS Upgrade Ready
  • Balanced XLR outputs + Booth Out (cabin output) + separate RCA and headphone outputs
  • Mic Input with Gate, High Pass Filter, Reverb and Echo FX
  • MIDI output for synchronizing external devices with Serato DJ and the TR-S sequencer
  • Controller is the unlock key for Serato DJ
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 530 x 402 x 73 mm
  • Weight: 3.5 kg (without power supply)
  • Supplied with power supply and Serato Tool Kit license with Serato Pitch 'n Time DJ, Serato Flip and all Serato DJ FX Packs



679,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


ROLAND - DJ-505 - DJ Controller

The Roland DJ-505 is a powerful two-channel Serato DJ controller with four decks and a host of features, including the complete Serato Tool Kit and features the legendary sounds and sequencers of the TR-808, TR-909, TR- drum machines. 606 and TR-707 Roland. The ease of transport, professional quality and advanced features make the DJ-505 a perfect tool for mobile applications, club DJs, live performances and studio productions. It has everything you need to go beyond classic remixes by creating beats and rhythms that can sync with Serato DJ tracks. Spontaneous transitions and remixes will wow many people. The integrated 24-bit / 48 kHz audio interface and Roland's high-end audio converters at the Master and Booth outputs ensure clean, powerful sound. Balanced XLR outputs allow direct connection to a professional sound system. A 6.3mm TS microphone input is available for integrating external vocals or instruments into a performance setup. Dedicated Serato DJ controls allow you to quickly create and trigger hot cues, loops, TR sounds, sequencer patterns, and samples, and switch between Serato decks using the button Deck Select.


  • With four lanes
  • 2-way / 4-way controller for Serato DJ
  • Large, optimized wheels with minimal latency
  • 8 control pads for Serato DJ with Hot Cue, Roll, Slicer, TR, Pattern and Sampler
  • Built-in and fully editable drum kits from Roland's legendary TR-808, TR-909, TR-606 and TR-707, made with ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) technology
  • 8 sounds in each TR kit: bass drum, snare, closed hi-hat, open hi-hat, Tom, Rim, Clap, Ride
  • Sounds can be played with the pads or triggered by the sequencer
  • Real-time processing of TR sounds and samples with Level, Attack, Decay and Tune controls
  • 16 step sequencer: TR Sounds or Serato Sampler; new features: Nudge (TR-S), Step-roll and Instrument / Sample Mute
  • The mixer can be used stand-alone, connections to different players or decks via phono and line outputs
    Serato DVS Upgrade Ready
  • Balanced XLR outputs + Booth Out (cabin output) + separate RCA and headphone outputs
  • Mic Input with Gate, High Pass Filter, Reverb and Echo FX
  • MIDI output for synchronizing external devices with Serato DJ and the TR-S sequencer
  • Controller is the unlock key for Serato DJ
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 530 x 402 x 73 mm
  • Weight: 3.5 kg (without power supply)
  • Supplied with power supply and Serato Tool Kit license with Serato Pitch 'n Time DJ, Serato Flip and all Serato DJ FX Packs



679,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


ROLAND - DJ-505 - DJ Controller

The Roland DJ-505 is a powerful two-channel Serato DJ controller with four decks and a host of features, including the complete Serato Tool Kit and features the legendary sounds and sequencers of the TR-808, TR-909, TR- drum machines. 606 and TR-707 Roland. The ease of transport, professional quality and advanced features make the DJ-505 a perfect tool for mobile applications, club DJs, live performances and studio productions. It has everything you need to go beyond classic remixes by creating beats and rhythms that can sync with Serato DJ tracks. Spontaneous transitions and remixes will wow many people. The integrated 24-bit / 48 kHz audio interface and Roland's high-end audio converters at the Master and Booth outputs ensure clean, powerful sound. Balanced XLR outputs allow direct connection to a professional sound system. A 6.3mm TS microphone input is available for integrating external vocals or instruments into a performance setup. Dedicated Serato DJ controls allow you to quickly create and trigger hot cues, loops, TR sounds, sequencer patterns, and samples, and switch between Serato decks using the button Deck Select.


  • With four lanes
  • 2-way / 4-way controller for Serato DJ
  • Large, optimized wheels with minimal latency
  • 8 control pads for Serato DJ with Hot Cue, Roll, Slicer, TR, Pattern and Sampler
  • Built-in and fully editable drum kits from Roland's legendary TR-808, TR-909, TR-606 and TR-707, made with ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) technology
  • 8 sounds in each TR kit: bass drum, snare, closed hi-hat, open hi-hat, Tom, Rim, Clap, Ride
  • Sounds can be played with the pads or triggered by the sequencer
  • Real-time processing of TR sounds and samples with Level, Attack, Decay and Tune controls
  • 16 step sequencer: TR Sounds or Serato Sampler; new features: Nudge (TR-S), Step-roll and Instrument / Sample Mute
  • The mixer can be used stand-alone, connections to different players or decks via phono and line outputs
    Serato DVS Upgrade Ready
  • Balanced XLR outputs + Booth Out (cabin output) + separate RCA and headphone outputs
  • Mic Input with Gate, High Pass Filter, Reverb and Echo FX
  • MIDI output for synchronizing external devices with Serato DJ and the TR-S sequencer
  • Controller is the unlock key for Serato DJ
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 530 x 402 x 73 mm
  • Weight: 3.5 kg (without power supply)
  • Supplied with power supply and Serato Tool Kit license with Serato Pitch 'n Time DJ, Serato Flip and all Serato DJ FX Packs



679,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


ROLAND - DJ-505 - DJ Controller

The Roland DJ-505 is a powerful two-channel Serato DJ controller with four decks and a host of features, including the complete Serato Tool Kit and features the legendary sounds and sequencers of the TR-808, TR-909, TR- drum machines. 606 and TR-707 Roland. The ease of transport, professional quality and advanced features make the DJ-505 a perfect tool for mobile applications, club DJs, live performances and studio productions. It has everything you need to go beyond classic remixes by creating beats and rhythms that can sync with Serato DJ tracks. Spontaneous transitions and remixes will wow many people. The integrated 24-bit / 48 kHz audio interface and Roland's high-end audio converters at the Master and Booth outputs ensure clean, powerful sound. Balanced XLR outputs allow direct connection to a professional sound system. A 6.3mm TS microphone input is available for integrating external vocals or instruments into a performance setup. Dedicated Serato DJ controls allow you to quickly create and trigger hot cues, loops, TR sounds, sequencer patterns, and samples, and switch between Serato decks using the button Deck Select.


  • With four lanes
  • 2-way / 4-way controller for Serato DJ
  • Large, optimized wheels with minimal latency
  • 8 control pads for Serato DJ with Hot Cue, Roll, Slicer, TR, Pattern and Sampler
  • Built-in and fully editable drum kits from Roland's legendary TR-808, TR-909, TR-606 and TR-707, made with ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) technology
  • 8 sounds in each TR kit: bass drum, snare, closed hi-hat, open hi-hat, Tom, Rim, Clap, Ride
  • Sounds can be played with the pads or triggered by the sequencer
  • Real-time processing of TR sounds and samples with Level, Attack, Decay and Tune controls
  • 16 step sequencer: TR Sounds or Serato Sampler; new features: Nudge (TR-S), Step-roll and Instrument / Sample Mute
  • The mixer can be used stand-alone, connections to different players or decks via phono and line outputs
    Serato DVS Upgrade Ready
  • Balanced XLR outputs + Booth Out (cabin output) + separate RCA and headphone outputs
  • Mic Input with Gate, High Pass Filter, Reverb and Echo FX
  • MIDI output for synchronizing external devices with Serato DJ and the TR-S sequencer
  • Controller is the unlock key for Serato DJ
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 530 x 402 x 73 mm
  • Weight: 3.5 kg (without power supply)
  • Supplied with power supply and Serato Tool Kit license with Serato Pitch 'n Time DJ, Serato Flip and all Serato DJ FX Packs
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Roland agréé