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ROLAND - KC-600 - Stereo Mixing Keyboard Amplifier

La gamme d’amplis KC de chez Roland est connue pour un son haute-fidélité, des fonctions de mixage intégrées, une connectique polyvalente et sa robustesse. Cette toute nouvelle génération propose toutes les qualités qui ont fait la réputation de la gamme KC ainsi que des améliorations susceptibles de répondre aux besoins des musiciens actuels. Avec un ampli KC, il est possible de contrôler parfaitement tout le matériel de scène tout en possédant toujours un excellent son et de donner le meilleur de soi-même.

Le KC-600 remplace le KC-550 de précédente génération qui est un des amplis pour claviers Roland les plus vendus. La puissance de cette nouvelle version a été augmentée à 200 watts, et le système de haut-parleurs deux voix intègre un tout nouveau woofer de 38 cm (15 pouces) pour améliorer la qualité sonore. La section de puissance a été complètement revue pour fournir une meilleure stabilité, une meilleure reproduction des basses, avec un poids réduit. Grâce à la table de mixage intégrée au KC-600, il est possible de connecter plusieurs types de claviers et instruments stéréo, ainsi qu’un micro-chant en XLR. Et avec la fonction Stereo Link, il est possible de chaîner un second ampli KC-600 pour bénéficier d’entrées supplémentaires et d’une véritable amplification stéréo sur scène.

Caractéristiques :

  • Un ampli pour claviers de 200 watts, compact et polyvalent
  • Des sections de puissance et d’alimentation électrique entièrement revues pour fournir une meilleure stabilité, une meilleure reproduction des basses, avec un poids réduit
  • Un système de haut-parleurs deux voix avec nouveau woofer 30 cm (15 pouces) et tweeter en trompe
  • Une table de mixage intégrée avec quatre canaux d’entrée stéréo, une entrée auxiliaire stéréo, une EQ Master avec interrupteur Shape
  • La fonction Output Select du canal 4 permet le monitoring d’une piste de click ou autre guide audio
  • Une entrée micro en XLR, des sorties Line en jack 1/4 de pouce et XLR, des sorties casque et Sub
  • Chaînage d’un second ampli KC-600 grâce à la fonction Stereo Link pour bénéficier de plus d’entrées et d’un son véritablement stéréo sur scène
  • Des connecteurs en métal pour une plus grande robustesse
  • Roulettes amovibles
  • Poids : 29kg



854,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

ROLAND - KC-600 - Stereo Mixing Keyboard Amplifier

Roland's KC line of amps are known for high-fidelity sound, built-in mixing functions, versatile connectivity, and ruggedness. This all new generation offers all the qualities that have made the reputation of the KC range as well as improvements likely to meet the needs of today's musicians. With a KC amp, it is possible to perfectly control all the stage equipment while still having excellent sound and giving your best.

The KC-600 replaces the previous generation KC-550 which is one of Roland's best-selling keyboard amps. The power of this new version has been increased to 200 watts, and the two-voice speaker system incorporates an all-new 38 cm (15 inch) woofer to improve sound quality. The power section has been completely revised to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight. Thanks to the mixer integrated into the KC-600, it is possible to connect several types of keyboards and stereo instruments, as well as an XLR vocal microphone. And with the Stereo Link function, it is possible to chain a second KC-600 amplifier for additional inputs and true stereo amplification on stage.


  • A compact and versatile 200-watt keyboard amp
  • Completely redesigned power and power sections to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight
  • A two-voice speaker system with new 30 cm (15 inch) woofer and horn tweeter
  • An integrated mixer with four stereo input channels, a stereo auxiliary input, a master EQ with shape switch
  • The Output Select function of channel 4 allows monitoring of a click track or other audio guide
  • A microphone input in XLR, Line outputs in 1/4 inch and XLR jack, headphone and Sub outputs
  • Link a second KC-600 amplifier with Stereo Link for more input and true stereo sound on stage
  • Metal connectors for greater robustness
  • Removable casters
  • Weight: 29kg



854,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


ROLAND - KC-600 - Stereo Mixing Keyboard Amplifier

Roland's KC line of amps are known for high-fidelity sound, built-in mixing functions, versatile connectivity, and ruggedness. This all new generation offers all the qualities that have made the reputation of the KC range as well as improvements likely to meet the needs of today's musicians. With a KC amp, it is possible to perfectly control all the stage equipment while still having excellent sound and giving your best.

The KC-600 replaces the previous generation KC-550 which is one of Roland's best-selling keyboard amps. The power of this new version has been increased to 200 watts, and the two-voice speaker system incorporates an all-new 38 cm (15 inch) woofer to improve sound quality. The power section has been completely revised to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight. Thanks to the mixer integrated into the KC-600, it is possible to connect several types of keyboards and stereo instruments, as well as an XLR vocal microphone. And with the Stereo Link function, it is possible to chain a second KC-600 amplifier for additional inputs and true stereo amplification on stage.


  • A compact and versatile 200-watt keyboard amp
  • Completely redesigned power and power sections to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight
  • A two-voice speaker system with new 30 cm (15 inch) woofer and horn tweeter
  • An integrated mixer with four stereo input channels, a stereo auxiliary input, a master EQ with shape switch
  • The Output Select function of channel 4 allows monitoring of a click track or other audio guide
  • A microphone input in XLR, Line outputs in 1/4 inch and XLR jack, headphone and Sub outputs
  • Link a second KC-600 amplifier with Stereo Link for more input and true stereo sound on stage
  • Metal connectors for greater robustness
  • Removable casters
  • Weight: 29kg



854,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


ROLAND - KC-600 - Stereo Mixing Keyboard Amplifier

Roland's KC line of amps are known for high-fidelity sound, built-in mixing functions, versatile connectivity, and ruggedness. This all new generation offers all the qualities that have made the reputation of the KC range as well as improvements likely to meet the needs of today's musicians. With a KC amp, it is possible to perfectly control all the stage equipment while still having excellent sound and giving your best.

The KC-600 replaces the previous generation KC-550 which is one of Roland's best-selling keyboard amps. The power of this new version has been increased to 200 watts, and the two-voice speaker system incorporates an all-new 38 cm (15 inch) woofer to improve sound quality. The power section has been completely revised to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight. Thanks to the mixer integrated into the KC-600, it is possible to connect several types of keyboards and stereo instruments, as well as an XLR vocal microphone. And with the Stereo Link function, it is possible to chain a second KC-600 amplifier for additional inputs and true stereo amplification on stage.


  • A compact and versatile 200-watt keyboard amp
  • Completely redesigned power and power sections to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight
  • A two-voice speaker system with new 30 cm (15 inch) woofer and horn tweeter
  • An integrated mixer with four stereo input channels, a stereo auxiliary input, a master EQ with shape switch
  • The Output Select function of channel 4 allows monitoring of a click track or other audio guide
  • A microphone input in XLR, Line outputs in 1/4 inch and XLR jack, headphone and Sub outputs
  • Link a second KC-600 amplifier with Stereo Link for more input and true stereo sound on stage
  • Metal connectors for greater robustness
  • Removable casters
  • Weight: 29kg



854,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


ROLAND - KC-600 - Stereo Mixing Keyboard Amplifier

Roland's KC line of amps are known for high-fidelity sound, built-in mixing functions, versatile connectivity, and ruggedness. This all new generation offers all the qualities that have made the reputation of the KC range as well as improvements likely to meet the needs of today's musicians. With a KC amp, it is possible to perfectly control all the stage equipment while still having excellent sound and giving your best.

The KC-600 replaces the previous generation KC-550 which is one of Roland's best-selling keyboard amps. The power of this new version has been increased to 200 watts, and the two-voice speaker system incorporates an all-new 38 cm (15 inch) woofer to improve sound quality. The power section has been completely revised to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight. Thanks to the mixer integrated into the KC-600, it is possible to connect several types of keyboards and stereo instruments, as well as an XLR vocal microphone. And with the Stereo Link function, it is possible to chain a second KC-600 amplifier for additional inputs and true stereo amplification on stage.


  • A compact and versatile 200-watt keyboard amp
  • Completely redesigned power and power sections to provide better stability, better bass reproduction, with reduced weight
  • A two-voice speaker system with new 30 cm (15 inch) woofer and horn tweeter
  • An integrated mixer with four stereo input channels, a stereo auxiliary input, a master EQ with shape switch
  • The Output Select function of channel 4 allows monitoring of a click track or other audio guide
  • A microphone input in XLR, Line outputs in 1/4 inch and XLR jack, headphone and Sub outputs
  • Link a second KC-600 amplifier with Stereo Link for more input and true stereo sound on stage
  • Metal connectors for greater robustness
  • Removable casters
  • Weight: 29kg
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Roland agréé