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AIRTURN - PEDPRO - Contrôleur Bluetooth multifonction

Le PEDpro est compatible avec la plupart des périphériques Bluetooth 4. Cela inclut iPad 3 et les versions ultérieures, iPhone 4S et les versions ultérieures et la plupart des appareils fonctionnant sous Android 4.3 et plus, équipés de Bluetooth 4.

La plupart des PC et des Mac équipés du Bluetooth 4.x et supportant le HID sont compatibles. Pour les PC plus anciens, AirTurn prévoit des adaptateurs USB Bluetooth 4.1 compatibles avec le PEDpro

Principales caractéristiques :

  • Silencieux: technologie d'interrupteur tactile qui fonctionne comme le bouton d'un micro-ondes.
  • Durée de vie maximale de la batterie: une batterie rechargeable fournit 150 à 200 heures de lecture avec une seule charge.
  • Portée maximale: à plus de 150 pieds, nous sommes en tête de l'industrie avec une portée de fonctionnement maximale.
  • Applications sans fin: des centaines d'applications compatibles pour lire de la musique / paroles / onglets, déclencher des pistes / effets d'accompagnement, MIDI, vidéo / éclairage et plus encore!
  • Profil bas: bénéficiez de la dernière technologie AirTurn dans un ensemble léger avec le profil le plus bas.



89,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

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AIRTURN - PEDPRO - Low-profile wireless footswitch 

Lightweight, low-profile wireless footswitch. Experience customized hands-free app control. Keep your hands on your task and take your practice and performance to a new level.

  • Turn pages, scroll lyrics and tabs
  • Advance slides for presentations
  • Capture video, photo, and more!

The AirTurn PEDpro is a low profile, unobtrusive, dual footswitch for providing hands-free switching. Because there are no moving parts, there is very little to wear out. You simply connect to your Bluetooth and load your favourite AirTurn compatible app and you are ready to go. Select from over 100 apps that can display your music, lyrics or tabs. Load up your music and easily switch to the next song in the play list and turn pages or scroll through lyrics for each song.

The unique design of this footswitch uses pressure to actuate the switching. Two raised/ridged zones identify the switch locations. A bit of practice and the action will become second nature. (Please note that very soft shoes and bare feet may be more challenging as they wrap around the raised zones).

Key Features :

  • Silent: Touch-switch technology that works like the button on a microwave.
  • Max Battery Life: A rechargeable battery provides 150-200 hours play time with a single charge.
  • Max Range: At 150+ feet, we lead the industry with maximum operating range.
  • Endless Apps: Hundreds of compatible apps for reading music/lyrics/tabs, triggering backing tracks/effects, MIDI, video/lighting and more!
  • Low-Profile: Get the latest AirTurn technology in a lightweight package with the lowest profile.



89,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AIRTURN - PEDPRO - Low-profile wireless footswitch 

Lightweight, low-profile wireless footswitch. Experience customized hands-free app control. Keep your hands on your task and take your practice and performance to a new level.

  • Turn pages, scroll lyrics and tabs
  • Advance slides for presentations
  • Capture video, photo, and more!

The AirTurn PEDpro is a low profile, unobtrusive, dual footswitch for providing hands-free switching. Because there are no moving parts, there is very little to wear out. You simply connect to your Bluetooth and load your favourite AirTurn compatible app and you are ready to go. Select from over 100 apps that can display your music, lyrics or tabs. Load up your music and easily switch to the next song in the play list and turn pages or scroll through lyrics for each song.

The unique design of this footswitch uses pressure to actuate the switching. Two raised/ridged zones identify the switch locations. A bit of practice and the action will become second nature. (Please note that very soft shoes and bare feet may be more challenging as they wrap around the raised zones).

Key Features :

  • Silent: Touch-switch technology that works like the button on a microwave.
  • Max Battery Life: A rechargeable battery provides 150-200 hours play time with a single charge.
  • Max Range: At 150+ feet, we lead the industry with maximum operating range.
  • Endless Apps: Hundreds of compatible apps for reading music/lyrics/tabs, triggering backing tracks/effects, MIDI, video/lighting and more!
  • Low-Profile: Get the latest AirTurn technology in a lightweight package with the lowest profile.



89,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AIRTURN - PEDPRO - Low-profile wireless footswitch 

Lightweight, low-profile wireless footswitch. Experience customized hands-free app control. Keep your hands on your task and take your practice and performance to a new level.

  • Turn pages, scroll lyrics and tabs
  • Advance slides for presentations
  • Capture video, photo, and more!

The AirTurn PEDpro is a low profile, unobtrusive, dual footswitch for providing hands-free switching. Because there are no moving parts, there is very little to wear out. You simply connect to your Bluetooth and load your favourite AirTurn compatible app and you are ready to go. Select from over 100 apps that can display your music, lyrics or tabs. Load up your music and easily switch to the next song in the play list and turn pages or scroll through lyrics for each song.

The unique design of this footswitch uses pressure to actuate the switching. Two raised/ridged zones identify the switch locations. A bit of practice and the action will become second nature. (Please note that very soft shoes and bare feet may be more challenging as they wrap around the raised zones).

Key Features :

  • Silent: Touch-switch technology that works like the button on a microwave.
  • Max Battery Life: A rechargeable battery provides 150-200 hours play time with a single charge.
  • Max Range: At 150+ feet, we lead the industry with maximum operating range.
  • Endless Apps: Hundreds of compatible apps for reading music/lyrics/tabs, triggering backing tracks/effects, MIDI, video/lighting and more!
  • Low-Profile: Get the latest AirTurn technology in a lightweight package with the lowest profile.



89,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AIRTURN - PEDPRO - Low-profile wireless footswitch 

Lightweight, low-profile wireless footswitch. Experience customized hands-free app control. Keep your hands on your task and take your practice and performance to a new level.

  • Turn pages, scroll lyrics and tabs
  • Advance slides for presentations
  • Capture video, photo, and more!

The AirTurn PEDpro is a low profile, unobtrusive, dual footswitch for providing hands-free switching. Because there are no moving parts, there is very little to wear out. You simply connect to your Bluetooth and load your favourite AirTurn compatible app and you are ready to go. Select from over 100 apps that can display your music, lyrics or tabs. Load up your music and easily switch to the next song in the play list and turn pages or scroll through lyrics for each song.

The unique design of this footswitch uses pressure to actuate the switching. Two raised/ridged zones identify the switch locations. A bit of practice and the action will become second nature. (Please note that very soft shoes and bare feet may be more challenging as they wrap around the raised zones).

Key Features :

  • Silent: Touch-switch technology that works like the button on a microwave.
  • Max Battery Life: A rechargeable battery provides 150-200 hours play time with a single charge.
  • Max Range: At 150+ feet, we lead the industry with maximum operating range.
  • Endless Apps: Hundreds of compatible apps for reading music/lyrics/tabs, triggering backing tracks/effects, MIDI, video/lighting and more!
  • Low-Profile: Get the latest AirTurn technology in a lightweight package with the lowest profile.
Global Audio Store, Revendeur AirTurn agréé