
Disponibilité:  En stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 3 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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TASCAM - US-42B - Carte son externe

Le Tascam MiNiSTUDIO Creator est une interface audio qui a été développée afin de permettre à chacun de webcaster facilement vers le monde entier. En utilisant un dispositif dédié avec des circuits audio de haute qualité pour l’entrée des microphones et des instruments, vous posez les bases d’un son impressionnant et de haute qualité. De plus, le MiNiSTUDIO Creator offre plusieurs techniques qui peuvent rendre les programmes plus intéressants afin d’augmenter votre audience. Les producteurs radio professionnels, par exemple, appellent des applaudissements, des acclamations et d’autres sons préenregistrés en appuyant sur un touche. Grâce à la fonction SOUND PAD du MiNiSTUDIO Creator, vous aussi pouvez déclencher de tels sons en appuyant simplement sur des boutons. Il existe également une fonction d’esquive qui permet de baisser le volume de la musique de fond pendant les annonces. Et vous pouvez utiliser les effets de voix et la réverbération pour améliorer l’atmosphère et augmenter le niveau d’excitation d’un programme.

Comme vous utiliserez l’appareil en cours d’émission, la facilité d’utilisation constitue un aspect très important. La surface comporte le moins de contrôles possible, de façon à permettre une utilisation intuitive, même par des gens ne connaissant rien aux équipements audios.

Par ailleurs, le logiciel dédié utilisé pour la sélection des effets sonores et des sons déclenchés possède une page EASY, utilisable par tous, et une page EXPERT, pour les utilisateurs avancés avec tous les détails que vous pouvez imaginer.

Caractéristiques :

  • Compatible Windows (pilotes ASIO/WDM) et Mac (Core Audio) • Résolution audio jusqu’à 96 kHz / 24 bits
  • Peut se brancher à un appareil sous iOS en utilisant un adaptateur pour appareil photo Apple Lightning-USB (vendu séparément)
  • USB Audio Compliance 2.0 pour utilisation sous iOS
  • Alimentation via le bus USB si connexion à un ordinateur
  • Fonctionnement validé avec les logiciels de station de travail audio les plus répandus : Sonar, Pro Tools, Cubase, Live, Studio One et GarageBand
  • Fonctionnement validé avec les logiciels de streaming et d’appel les plus utilisés • Deux préamplis micro de technologie HDDA
  • 2 connecteurs d’entrée XLR/jack TRS, compatibles alimentation +48V
  • Entrée micro mini-jack. compatible écouteurs intra-auriculaires avec micro (connecteur 4 points) • Entrée AUX stéréo sur mini-jack pour connexion de lecteurs audio portables et de consoles de jeux
  • Compatible entrée directe pour guitare électrique
  • Compatible avec les signaux issus de microphones dynamique (niveau faible)
  • Effets DSP intégrés (égaliseur, compresseur et réverbération)
  • Fonction d’écoute directe (Input Monitoring) permettant d’écouter le signal avant transmission à l’ordinateur
  • Sortie stéréo analogique sur connecteurs RCA, pour branchement d’enceintes actives
  • Trois pads de déclenchement, action légère, sensibles à la vélocité
  • Potentiomètre dédié pour doser la quantité de réverbération ajoutée au signal 
  • Bouton dédié pour activer/désactiver l’effet de la voix
  • Touche ON pour lancer la transmission des données vers l’ordinateur
  • Sortie casque sur mini-jack stéréo • Sortie casque sur jack 6,35 mm standard
  • Réglages de volume séparés pour les sorties ligne et casque Sélecteur Broadcast/Creator (fonctionnement en direct / mode production)
  • Presets de Mode adaptés à différents cas de figure d’utilisation (Windows uniquement) : Creator, Karaoke, Talking, Gaming, Multi-channel podcast
  • 4 presets de traitement son, 5 presets d’effets de voix, 5 presets d’effets de réverbération (Hall, Room, Live, Studio, Plate)
  • Sélecteur ASIO on/off permettant de transférer les données audio après traitement effets (Windows uniquement)
  • La fonction Loopback mélange le signal audio de sortie de l’ordinateur au signal d’entrée puis le renvoie à l’ordinateur
  • Réglage de volume du son provenant du PC et des données audio transmises au PC
  • Une fonction de Ducking permet d’atténuer automatiquement une musique de fond
  • Dimensions: 40 x 130 x 200 mm
  • Poids: 0,5 kg



139,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

TASCAM - US-42B - External sound card

The Tascam MiNiSTUDIO Creator is an audio interface that has been developed to allow anyone to easily webcast to the world. By using a dedicated device with high quality audio circuitry for microphone and instrument input, you lay the foundation for impressive and high quality sound. In addition, MiNiSTUDIO Creator offers several techniques that can make programs more interesting to increase your audience. Professional radio producers, for example, call out claps, cheers and other pre-recorded sounds at the touch of a button. With the SOUND PAD function of the MiNiSTUDIO Creator, you too can trigger such sounds by simply pressing buttons. There is also a dodge function that allows you to turn down the volume of the background music during announcements. And you can use voice effects and reverb to enhance the atmosphere and increase the excitement level of a program.

Since you'll be using the unit while it's on the air, ease of use is a very important consideration. The surface has as few controls as possible, so that it can be used intuitively, even by people who know nothing about audio equipment.

Moreover, the dedicated software used for the selection of sound effects and triggered sounds has an EASY page, usable by everyone, and an EXPERT page, for advanced users with all the details you can imagine.


  • Windows (ASIO/WDM drivers) and Mac (Core Audio) compatible - Audio resolution up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Can be connected to an iOS device using an Apple Lightning-USB camera adapter (sold separately)
  • USB Audio Compliance 2.0 for use with iOS devices
  • Powered via USB bus when connected to a computer
  • Validated for use with popular audio workstation software: Sonar, Pro Tools, Cubase, Live, Studio One and GarageBand
  • Validated for use with most popular streaming and calling software - Two HDDA technology microphone preamps
  • 2 XLR/TRS input connectors, +48V power compatible
  • Stereo AUX input on mini-jack for connection of portable audio players and game consoles
  • Direct input for electric guitar compatible
  • Compatible with signals from dynamic microphones (low level)
  • Built-in DSP effects (EQ, compressor and reverb)
  • Input monitoring function to listen to the signal before sending it to the computer
  • Analog stereo output on RCA connectors for connecting active speakers
  • Three velocity-sensitive, light-action trigger pads
  • Dedicated potentiometer to control the amount of reverb added to the signal
  • Dedicated button to activate/deactivate the voice effect
  • ON button to start data transmission to the computer
  • Headphone output on stereo mini-jack - Headphone output on standard 6.35 mm jack
  • Separate volume controls for line and headphone outputs Broadcast/Creator switch (live operation / production mode)
  • Mode presets for different use cases (Windows only): Creator, Karaoke, Talking, Gaming, Multi-channel podcast
  • 4 sound processing presets, 5 voice effect presets, 5 reverb effect presets (Hall, Room, Live, Studio, Plate)
  • ASIO on/off switch to transfer audio data after effects processing (Windows only)
  • Loopback function mixes the output audio signal from the computer with the input signal and sends it back to the computer
  • Volume control of the sound from the PC and the audio data sent to the PC
  • A Ducking function allows you to automatically attenuate background music according
  • Dimensions: 40 x 130 x 200 mm
  • Weight: 0,5 kg



139,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - US-42B - External sound card

The Tascam MiNiSTUDIO Creator is an audio interface that has been developed to allow anyone to easily webcast to the world. By using a dedicated device with high quality audio circuitry for microphone and instrument input, you lay the foundation for impressive and high quality sound. In addition, MiNiSTUDIO Creator offers several techniques that can make programs more interesting to increase your audience. Professional radio producers, for example, call out claps, cheers and other pre-recorded sounds at the touch of a button. With the SOUND PAD function of the MiNiSTUDIO Creator, you too can trigger such sounds by simply pressing buttons. There is also a dodge function that allows you to turn down the volume of the background music during announcements. And you can use voice effects and reverb to enhance the atmosphere and increase the excitement level of a program.

Since you'll be using the unit while it's on the air, ease of use is a very important consideration. The surface has as few controls as possible, so that it can be used intuitively, even by people who know nothing about audio equipment.

Moreover, the dedicated software used for the selection of sound effects and triggered sounds has an EASY page, usable by everyone, and an EXPERT page, for advanced users with all the details you can imagine.


  • Windows (ASIO/WDM drivers) and Mac (Core Audio) compatible - Audio resolution up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Can be connected to an iOS device using an Apple Lightning-USB camera adapter (sold separately)
  • USB Audio Compliance 2.0 for use with iOS devices
  • Powered via USB bus when connected to a computer
  • Validated for use with popular audio workstation software: Sonar, Pro Tools, Cubase, Live, Studio One and GarageBand
  • Validated for use with most popular streaming and calling software - Two HDDA technology microphone preamps
  • 2 XLR/TRS input connectors, +48V power compatible
  • Stereo AUX input on mini-jack for connection of portable audio players and game consoles
  • Direct input for electric guitar compatible
  • Compatible with signals from dynamic microphones (low level)
  • Built-in DSP effects (EQ, compressor and reverb)
  • Input monitoring function to listen to the signal before sending it to the computer
  • Analog stereo output on RCA connectors for connecting active speakers
  • Three velocity-sensitive, light-action trigger pads
  • Dedicated potentiometer to control the amount of reverb added to the signal
  • Dedicated button to activate/deactivate the voice effect
  • ON button to start data transmission to the computer
  • Headphone output on stereo mini-jack - Headphone output on standard 6.35 mm jack
  • Separate volume controls for line and headphone outputs Broadcast/Creator switch (live operation / production mode)
  • Mode presets for different use cases (Windows only): Creator, Karaoke, Talking, Gaming, Multi-channel podcast
  • 4 sound processing presets, 5 voice effect presets, 5 reverb effect presets (Hall, Room, Live, Studio, Plate)
  • ASIO on/off switch to transfer audio data after effects processing (Windows only)
  • Loopback function mixes the output audio signal from the computer with the input signal and sends it back to the computer
  • Volume control of the sound from the PC and the audio data sent to the PC
  • A Ducking function allows you to automatically attenuate background music according
  • Dimensions: 40 x 130 x 200 mm
  • Weight: 0,5 kg



139,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - US-42B - External sound card

The Tascam MiNiSTUDIO Creator is an audio interface that has been developed to allow anyone to easily webcast to the world. By using a dedicated device with high quality audio circuitry for microphone and instrument input, you lay the foundation for impressive and high quality sound. In addition, MiNiSTUDIO Creator offers several techniques that can make programs more interesting to increase your audience. Professional radio producers, for example, call out claps, cheers and other pre-recorded sounds at the touch of a button. With the SOUND PAD function of the MiNiSTUDIO Creator, you too can trigger such sounds by simply pressing buttons. There is also a dodge function that allows you to turn down the volume of the background music during announcements. And you can use voice effects and reverb to enhance the atmosphere and increase the excitement level of a program.

Since you'll be using the unit while it's on the air, ease of use is a very important consideration. The surface has as few controls as possible, so that it can be used intuitively, even by people who know nothing about audio equipment.

Moreover, the dedicated software used for the selection of sound effects and triggered sounds has an EASY page, usable by everyone, and an EXPERT page, for advanced users with all the details you can imagine.


  • Windows (ASIO/WDM drivers) and Mac (Core Audio) compatible - Audio resolution up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Can be connected to an iOS device using an Apple Lightning-USB camera adapter (sold separately)
  • USB Audio Compliance 2.0 for use with iOS devices
  • Powered via USB bus when connected to a computer
  • Validated for use with popular audio workstation software: Sonar, Pro Tools, Cubase, Live, Studio One and GarageBand
  • Validated for use with most popular streaming and calling software - Two HDDA technology microphone preamps
  • 2 XLR/TRS input connectors, +48V power compatible
  • Stereo AUX input on mini-jack for connection of portable audio players and game consoles
  • Direct input for electric guitar compatible
  • Compatible with signals from dynamic microphones (low level)
  • Built-in DSP effects (EQ, compressor and reverb)
  • Input monitoring function to listen to the signal before sending it to the computer
  • Analog stereo output on RCA connectors for connecting active speakers
  • Three velocity-sensitive, light-action trigger pads
  • Dedicated potentiometer to control the amount of reverb added to the signal
  • Dedicated button to activate/deactivate the voice effect
  • ON button to start data transmission to the computer
  • Headphone output on stereo mini-jack - Headphone output on standard 6.35 mm jack
  • Separate volume controls for line and headphone outputs Broadcast/Creator switch (live operation / production mode)
  • Mode presets for different use cases (Windows only): Creator, Karaoke, Talking, Gaming, Multi-channel podcast
  • 4 sound processing presets, 5 voice effect presets, 5 reverb effect presets (Hall, Room, Live, Studio, Plate)
  • ASIO on/off switch to transfer audio data after effects processing (Windows only)
  • Loopback function mixes the output audio signal from the computer with the input signal and sends it back to the computer
  • Volume control of the sound from the PC and the audio data sent to the PC
  • A Ducking function allows you to automatically attenuate background music according
  • Dimensions: 40 x 130 x 200 mm
  • Weight: 0,5 kg



139,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - US-42B - External sound card

The Tascam MiNiSTUDIO Creator is an audio interface that has been developed to allow anyone to easily webcast to the world. By using a dedicated device with high quality audio circuitry for microphone and instrument input, you lay the foundation for impressive and high quality sound. In addition, MiNiSTUDIO Creator offers several techniques that can make programs more interesting to increase your audience. Professional radio producers, for example, call out claps, cheers and other pre-recorded sounds at the touch of a button. With the SOUND PAD function of the MiNiSTUDIO Creator, you too can trigger such sounds by simply pressing buttons. There is also a dodge function that allows you to turn down the volume of the background music during announcements. And you can use voice effects and reverb to enhance the atmosphere and increase the excitement level of a program.

Since you'll be using the unit while it's on the air, ease of use is a very important consideration. The surface has as few controls as possible, so that it can be used intuitively, even by people who know nothing about audio equipment.

Moreover, the dedicated software used for the selection of sound effects and triggered sounds has an EASY page, usable by everyone, and an EXPERT page, for advanced users with all the details you can imagine.


  • Windows (ASIO/WDM drivers) and Mac (Core Audio) compatible - Audio resolution up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Can be connected to an iOS device using an Apple Lightning-USB camera adapter (sold separately)
  • USB Audio Compliance 2.0 for use with iOS devices
  • Powered via USB bus when connected to a computer
  • Validated for use with popular audio workstation software: Sonar, Pro Tools, Cubase, Live, Studio One and GarageBand
  • Validated for use with most popular streaming and calling software - Two HDDA technology microphone preamps
  • 2 XLR/TRS input connectors, +48V power compatible
  • Stereo AUX input on mini-jack for connection of portable audio players and game consoles
  • Direct input for electric guitar compatible
  • Compatible with signals from dynamic microphones (low level)
  • Built-in DSP effects (EQ, compressor and reverb)
  • Input monitoring function to listen to the signal before sending it to the computer
  • Analog stereo output on RCA connectors for connecting active speakers
  • Three velocity-sensitive, light-action trigger pads
  • Dedicated potentiometer to control the amount of reverb added to the signal
  • Dedicated button to activate/deactivate the voice effect
  • ON button to start data transmission to the computer
  • Headphone output on stereo mini-jack - Headphone output on standard 6.35 mm jack
  • Separate volume controls for line and headphone outputs Broadcast/Creator switch (live operation / production mode)
  • Mode presets for different use cases (Windows only): Creator, Karaoke, Talking, Gaming, Multi-channel podcast
  • 4 sound processing presets, 5 voice effect presets, 5 reverb effect presets (Hall, Room, Live, Studio, Plate)
  • ASIO on/off switch to transfer audio data after effects processing (Windows only)
  • Loopback function mixes the output audio signal from the computer with the input signal and sends it back to the computer
  • Volume control of the sound from the PC and the audio data sent to the PC
  • A Ducking function allows you to automatically attenuate background music according
  • Dimensions: 40 x 130 x 200 mm
  • Weight: 0,5 kg
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Tascam agréé