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Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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ASHDOWN - RM-115T EVO II - Baffle

Avec un poids de seulement 15 kg, l'enceinte Ashdown Rootmaster EVO II 115T délivre une puissance de 300 watts sous 8 ohms à travers son unique haut-parleur White Line Ashdown de 15 pouces. Conçue pour offrir une attaque et une définition exceptionnelles, ainsi que des performances remarquables dans le bas-médium, elle se démarque de la concurrence par sa finition de haute qualité, associée à une réduction de poids spectaculaire.

Du point de vue du son, la conception compacte maintient la réponse dans les graves avec un médium dynamique et percutant. L'ajout du tweeter fournit des aigus supplémentaires et, en fonction des préférences du musicien, il peut être réglé sur Hi, Low ou Off via son sélecteur à trois positions.

Les enceintes Rootmaster EVO II sont fabriquées avec soin à partir de contreplaqué léger qui permet de réduire le poids sans préjudice aucun au son Ashdown si caractéristique. La construction légère est associée à des caractéristiques de conception judicieuses telles que la poignée montée sur le dessus pour faciliter le transport et l'empilage, ou encore les authentiques prises Neutrik qui combinent Jack et Speakon. Enfin, l'enceinte arbore un robuste Tolex Buffalo ainsi qu'une grille en tissu noir, pour une finition durable qui la distingue vraiment de ses concurrentes.

Caractéristiques :

  • Puissance admissible : 300 watts
  • Configuration des haut-parleurs : 1 x 15 + Tweeter
  • Sorties haut-parleurs : Jack ou Speakon
  • Impédance : 8 ohms
  • H x L x P (mm) : 508 x 463 x 343
  • Poids : 15 kg



379,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

ASHDOWN - RM-115T EVO II - Cabinet

Weighing just 15kg, the Ashdown Rootmaster EVO II 115T speaker delivers 300 watts of power into 8 ohms through its unique 15-inch White Line Ashdown speaker. Designed to deliver exceptional attack and definition, as well as outstanding performance in the low-midrange, it sets itself apart from the competition with its high-quality finish, coupled with dramatic weight reduction.

From a sound standpoint, the compact design maintains bass response with a dynamic and punchy midrange. The addition of the tweeter provides extra highs and, depending on the musician's preference, it can be set to Hi, Low or Off via its three-position selector switch.

The Rootmaster EVO II speakers are carefully crafted from lightweight plywood which helps reduce weight without prejudice to the signature Ashdown sound. Lightweight construction is paired with thoughtful design features like the top-mounted handle for easy transport and stacking, or the authentic Neutrik sockets that combine Jack and Speakon. Finally, the speaker sports a sturdy Tolex Buffalo as well as a black fabric grille, for a durable finish that really sets it apart from its competitors.

Features :

  • Permissible power: 300 watts
  • Speaker configuration: 1 x 15 + Tweeter
  • Speaker outputs: Jack or Speakon
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • H x W x D (mm): 508 x 463 x 343
  • Weight: 15 kg



379,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ASHDOWN - RM-115T EVO II - Cabinet

Weighing just 15kg, the Ashdown Rootmaster EVO II 115T speaker delivers 300 watts of power into 8 ohms through its unique 15-inch White Line Ashdown speaker. Designed to deliver exceptional attack and definition, as well as outstanding performance in the low-midrange, it sets itself apart from the competition with its high-quality finish, coupled with dramatic weight reduction.

From a sound standpoint, the compact design maintains bass response with a dynamic and punchy midrange. The addition of the tweeter provides extra highs and, depending on the musician's preference, it can be set to Hi, Low or Off via its three-position selector switch.

The Rootmaster EVO II speakers are carefully crafted from lightweight plywood which helps reduce weight without prejudice to the signature Ashdown sound. Lightweight construction is paired with thoughtful design features like the top-mounted handle for easy transport and stacking, or the authentic Neutrik sockets that combine Jack and Speakon. Finally, the speaker sports a sturdy Tolex Buffalo as well as a black fabric grille, for a durable finish that really sets it apart from its competitors.

Features :

  • Permissible power: 300 watts
  • Speaker configuration: 1 x 15 + Tweeter
  • Speaker outputs: Jack or Speakon
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • H x W x D (mm): 508 x 463 x 343
  • Weight: 15 kg



379,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ASHDOWN - RM-115T EVO II - Cabinet

Weighing just 15kg, the Ashdown Rootmaster EVO II 115T speaker delivers 300 watts of power into 8 ohms through its unique 15-inch White Line Ashdown speaker. Designed to deliver exceptional attack and definition, as well as outstanding performance in the low-midrange, it sets itself apart from the competition with its high-quality finish, coupled with dramatic weight reduction.

From a sound standpoint, the compact design maintains bass response with a dynamic and punchy midrange. The addition of the tweeter provides extra highs and, depending on the musician's preference, it can be set to Hi, Low or Off via its three-position selector switch.

The Rootmaster EVO II speakers are carefully crafted from lightweight plywood which helps reduce weight without prejudice to the signature Ashdown sound. Lightweight construction is paired with thoughtful design features like the top-mounted handle for easy transport and stacking, or the authentic Neutrik sockets that combine Jack and Speakon. Finally, the speaker sports a sturdy Tolex Buffalo as well as a black fabric grille, for a durable finish that really sets it apart from its competitors.

Features :

  • Permissible power: 300 watts
  • Speaker configuration: 1 x 15 + Tweeter
  • Speaker outputs: Jack or Speakon
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • H x W x D (mm): 508 x 463 x 343
  • Weight: 15 kg



379,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ASHDOWN - RM-115T EVO II - Cabinet

Weighing just 15kg, the Ashdown Rootmaster EVO II 115T speaker delivers 300 watts of power into 8 ohms through its unique 15-inch White Line Ashdown speaker. Designed to deliver exceptional attack and definition, as well as outstanding performance in the low-midrange, it sets itself apart from the competition with its high-quality finish, coupled with dramatic weight reduction.

From a sound standpoint, the compact design maintains bass response with a dynamic and punchy midrange. The addition of the tweeter provides extra highs and, depending on the musician's preference, it can be set to Hi, Low or Off via its three-position selector switch.

The Rootmaster EVO II speakers are carefully crafted from lightweight plywood which helps reduce weight without prejudice to the signature Ashdown sound. Lightweight construction is paired with thoughtful design features like the top-mounted handle for easy transport and stacking, or the authentic Neutrik sockets that combine Jack and Speakon. Finally, the speaker sports a sturdy Tolex Buffalo as well as a black fabric grille, for a durable finish that really sets it apart from its competitors.

Features :

  • Permissible power: 300 watts
  • Speaker configuration: 1 x 15 + Tweeter
  • Speaker outputs: Jack or Speakon
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • H x W x D (mm): 508 x 463 x 343
  • Weight: 15 kg
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Ashdown agréé