QSC - ISA280 230

ISA280 230

Disponibilité:  En stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 14 jours satisfait ou remboursé

En Savoir Plus :

QSC - ISA280 230 - Ampli. 2x 185W/8Ohms

Les amplificateurs ISA sont une solution idéale et rentable pour les applications d'installation fixes nécessitant des haut-parleurs en basse impédance ou en distributions 100V. La gamme se compose de sept modèles, quatre en basse impédance impédance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) pour des charges jusqu'à 2 ohms et trois versions "Ti" (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) disposant d’un transformateur pour systèmes audio distribués en 25, 70 et 100 volts. La connexion DataPort V2 Lite facilite l'utilisation d'accessoires (XC-3, LF-3 et SF-3.) et de solutions économiques de filtrage de subwoofer.

Les amplificateurs ISA sont une solution idéale et rentable pour les applications d'installation fixes nécessitant des haut-parleurs en basse impédance ou en distributions 100V. La gamme se compose de sept modèles, quatre en basse impédance impédance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) pour des charges jusqu'à 2 ohms et trois versions "Ti" (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) disposant d’un transformateur pour systèmes audio distribués en 25, 70 et 100 volts. La connexion DataPort V2 Lite facilite l'utilisation d'accessoires (XC-3, LF-3 et SF-3.) et de solutions économiques de filtrage de subwoofer.

  • Puissance de sortie totale Jusqu'à 2400W
  • Châssis 3RU avec contrôles de gain par pas de 2dB montés à l'arrière
  • Limiteurs de clip indépendants désactivables pour réduire la distorsion et protéger les haut-parleurs
  • Filtres passe-haut sélectionnables contre la saturation du transformateur et course excessive du HP
  • Comprend une protection contre les surtensions, les infrasons, les surcharges thermique et les court-circuits
  • Connecteurs d’entrées sur Euroblock et XLR 3 pôles et sorties sur Euroblock
  • Connecteur DataPort V2 non compatible avec Q-SYS, BASE ou CM16a

Caractéristiques :

  • Accessoires fournis : Câble d'alimentation IEC, Connecteurs euroblock, Kit de mise en rack
  • Alimentation : 100 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
  • Bande passante +/3dB : 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Catégorie : ampli de puissance
  • Charge calorifique (BTU/h) : 1 345
  • Classe d'amplification : AB
  • Compatibilité Q-Sys : Non
  • Connecteur entrée : XLR femelle, Euroblock
  • Connecteur sortie : DataPort V2 / HD-15
  • Dimensions (mm) : 13,3 x 48,3 x 40
  • Gain : 33 dB
  • Impédance : 2 Ω
  • Nbre canaux : 2
  • Nbre d'entrées locales : 2
  • Nbre de sorties locales : 2
  • Poids (kg) : 16,30 kg
  • Puissance Bridge 4 Ohms : 830 W
  • Puissance Bridge 8 Ohms : 600 W
  • Puissance par canal 2 Ohms : 430 W
  • Puissance par canal 4 Ohms : 280 W
  • Puissance par canal 8 Ohms : 185 W
  • Q-Sys : Y/N : Utilisation autonome
  • Rapport signal/bruit : 100 dB
  • Refroidissement : Ventilateur
  • Température de fonctionnement : 20 °C
  • Type de montage (U-rack) : 3
  • Type de protection Ampli : Court-circuit, Thermique
  • Ventilateur : Oui

QSC - ISA280 230

ISA280 230

839,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 14 days satisfied or refunded

More info

QSC - ISA280 230 - Amplifier. 2x 185W / 8Ohms

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

  • Total output power Up to 2400W
  • 3RU chassis with rear mounted 2dB step gain controls
  • Disable independent clip limiters to reduce distortion and protect speakers
  • Selectable high pass filters against transformer saturation and excessive HP stroke
  • Includes protection against over voltage, infrasound, thermal overload and short circuit
  • Input connectors on Euroblock and XLR 3 poles and outputs on Euroblock
  • DataPort V2 connector not compatible with Q-SYS, BASE or CM16a


  • Supplied accessories: IEC power cable, Euroblock connectors, Racking kit
  • Power supply: 100 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
  • Bandwidth + / 3dB: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Category: power amplifier
  • Heat load (BTU / h): 1345
  • Amplification class: AB
  • Q-Sys compatibility: No
  • Input connector: XLR female, Euroblock
  • Output connector: DataPort V2 / HD-15
  • Dimensions (mm): 13.3 x 48.3 x 40
  • Gain: 33 dB
  • Impedance: 2 Ω
  • Of channels: 2
  • Number of local entries: 2
  • Number of local outputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 16.30 kg
  • Bridge power 4 Ohms: 830 W
  • Bridge power 8 Ohms: 600 W
  • Power per channel 2 Ohms: 430 W
  • Power per channel 4 Ohms: 280 W
  • Power per channel 8 Ohms: 185 W
  • Q-Sys: Y / N: Stand-alone use
  • Signal to noise ratio: 100 dB
  • Cooling: Fan
  • Operating temperature: 20 ° C
  • Type of mounting (U-rack): 3
  • Amplifier protection type: Short-circuit, Thermal
  • Fan: Yes

QSC - ISA280 230

ISA280 230

839,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 14 days satisfied or refunded


QSC - ISA280 230 - Amplifier. 2x 185W / 8Ohms

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

  • Total output power Up to 2400W
  • 3RU chassis with rear mounted 2dB step gain controls
  • Disable independent clip limiters to reduce distortion and protect speakers
  • Selectable high pass filters against transformer saturation and excessive HP stroke
  • Includes protection against over voltage, infrasound, thermal overload and short circuit
  • Input connectors on Euroblock and XLR 3 poles and outputs on Euroblock
  • DataPort V2 connector not compatible with Q-SYS, BASE or CM16a


  • Supplied accessories: IEC power cable, Euroblock connectors, Racking kit
  • Power supply: 100 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
  • Bandwidth + / 3dB: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Category: power amplifier
  • Heat load (BTU / h): 1345
  • Amplification class: AB
  • Q-Sys compatibility: No
  • Input connector: XLR female, Euroblock
  • Output connector: DataPort V2 / HD-15
  • Dimensions (mm): 13.3 x 48.3 x 40
  • Gain: 33 dB
  • Impedance: 2 Ω
  • Of channels: 2
  • Number of local entries: 2
  • Number of local outputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 16.30 kg
  • Bridge power 4 Ohms: 830 W
  • Bridge power 8 Ohms: 600 W
  • Power per channel 2 Ohms: 430 W
  • Power per channel 4 Ohms: 280 W
  • Power per channel 8 Ohms: 185 W
  • Q-Sys: Y / N: Stand-alone use
  • Signal to noise ratio: 100 dB
  • Cooling: Fan
  • Operating temperature: 20 ° C
  • Type of mounting (U-rack): 3
  • Amplifier protection type: Short-circuit, Thermal
  • Fan: Yes

QSC - ISA280 230

ISA280 230

839,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 14 days satisfied or refunded


QSC - ISA280 230 - Amplifier. 2x 185W / 8Ohms

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

  • Total output power Up to 2400W
  • 3RU chassis with rear mounted 2dB step gain controls
  • Disable independent clip limiters to reduce distortion and protect speakers
  • Selectable high pass filters against transformer saturation and excessive HP stroke
  • Includes protection against over voltage, infrasound, thermal overload and short circuit
  • Input connectors on Euroblock and XLR 3 poles and outputs on Euroblock
  • DataPort V2 connector not compatible with Q-SYS, BASE or CM16a


  • Supplied accessories: IEC power cable, Euroblock connectors, Racking kit
  • Power supply: 100 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
  • Bandwidth + / 3dB: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Category: power amplifier
  • Heat load (BTU / h): 1345
  • Amplification class: AB
  • Q-Sys compatibility: No
  • Input connector: XLR female, Euroblock
  • Output connector: DataPort V2 / HD-15
  • Dimensions (mm): 13.3 x 48.3 x 40
  • Gain: 33 dB
  • Impedance: 2 Ω
  • Of channels: 2
  • Number of local entries: 2
  • Number of local outputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 16.30 kg
  • Bridge power 4 Ohms: 830 W
  • Bridge power 8 Ohms: 600 W
  • Power per channel 2 Ohms: 430 W
  • Power per channel 4 Ohms: 280 W
  • Power per channel 8 Ohms: 185 W
  • Q-Sys: Y / N: Stand-alone use
  • Signal to noise ratio: 100 dB
  • Cooling: Fan
  • Operating temperature: 20 ° C
  • Type of mounting (U-rack): 3
  • Amplifier protection type: Short-circuit, Thermal
  • Fan: Yes

QSC - ISA280 230

ISA280 230

839,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 14 days satisfied or refunded


QSC - ISA280 230 - Amplifier. 2x 185W / 8Ohms

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

ISA amplifiers are an ideal and cost effective solution for fixed installation applications requiring loudspeakers in low impedance or 100V distributions. The range consists of seven models, four in low impedance impedance (ISA 280, ISA 450, ISA 750, ISA 1350) for loads up to 2 ohms and three "Ti" versions (ISA 300Ti, ISA 500Ti, ISA 800Ti) with a transformer for audio systems distributed in 25, 70 and 100 volts. The DataPort V2 Lite connection facilitates the use of accessories (XC-3, LF-3 and SF-3.) And economical subwoofer filtering solutions.

  • Total output power Up to 2400W
  • 3RU chassis with rear mounted 2dB step gain controls
  • Disable independent clip limiters to reduce distortion and protect speakers
  • Selectable high pass filters against transformer saturation and excessive HP stroke
  • Includes protection against over voltage, infrasound, thermal overload and short circuit
  • Input connectors on Euroblock and XLR 3 poles and outputs on Euroblock
  • DataPort V2 connector not compatible with Q-SYS, BASE or CM16a


  • Supplied accessories: IEC power cable, Euroblock connectors, Racking kit
  • Power supply: 100 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
  • Bandwidth + / 3dB: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Category: power amplifier
  • Heat load (BTU / h): 1345
  • Amplification class: AB
  • Q-Sys compatibility: No
  • Input connector: XLR female, Euroblock
  • Output connector: DataPort V2 / HD-15
  • Dimensions (mm): 13.3 x 48.3 x 40
  • Gain: 33 dB
  • Impedance: 2 Ω
  • Of channels: 2
  • Number of local entries: 2
  • Number of local outputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 16.30 kg
  • Bridge power 4 Ohms: 830 W
  • Bridge power 8 Ohms: 600 W
  • Power per channel 2 Ohms: 430 W
  • Power per channel 4 Ohms: 280 W
  • Power per channel 8 Ohms: 185 W
  • Q-Sys: Y / N: Stand-alone use
  • Signal to noise ratio: 100 dB
  • Cooling: Fan
  • Operating temperature: 20 ° C
  • Type of mounting (U-rack): 3
  • Amplifier protection type: Short-circuit, Thermal
  • Fan: Yes
Global Audio Store, Revendeur QSC agréé