Disponibilité:  En stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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KORG - G1B AIR WHITE - Piano numérique

Le Korg G1 révolutionne l’univers des pianos numériques en intégrant pour la première fois les sonorités de pianos acoustiques issues du Kronos2. En proposant un son inégalé et une expérience de jeu parfaite, la firme nippone définit ici un nouveau standard pour le piano numérique. Le Korg G1 embarque entre autre 3 pianos de concert de renommée mondiale, chacun disposant de ses propres caractéristiques sonores. De plus, le G1 propose un large éventail de sonorités, trois effets de haute qualité ainsi que le Bluetooth audio, transformant votre piano en enceinte Bluetooth de salon haut de gamme.

Design sophistiqué et élégant, avec un panneau arrière complet. Ce panneau arrière renforce la qualité et la rigidité globale du meuble.

Caractéristiques :

  • Accessoires inclus : triple pédale, alimentation secteur, stand
  • Affichage : LED
  • Amplification : 2 x (20 W + 20 W)
  • Bluetooth : Oui
  • Bruit mécanique de la pédale : Oui
  • Catégorie : meuble
  • Diamètre h-p : 2 x 4,5"
  • Dimensions (mm) : 1346 X 384 X 822
  • Entrées : Pédale de sustain, Midi, Bluetooth audio
  • Finition : Blanche
  • Métronome : Oui
  • Mode partner : Oui
  • Nbre d'effets : 2
  • Nbre de pédales : 3
  • Nbre de présélections : 32
  • Nbre de sons : 32
  • Nbre de touches : 88
  • Poids (kg) : 42 kg
  • Polyphonie max : 120
  • Résonance sympathique : Oui
  • Sensible à la vélocité : Oui
  • Séquenceur : Oui
  • Sorties : Midi, Audio mono & stéréo, 2 x casque
  • Split & layer : Mode Partner, layer, split
  • Toucher : Lourd RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transposition : Oui
  • Specs complémentaires : Sons de pianos Allemands, Autrichiens, Japonais



1 249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

KORG - G1B AIR WHITE - Digital Piano

The Korg G1 revolutionizes the world of digital pianos by integrating for the first time the sounds of acoustic pianos from the Kronos2. By offering unparalleled sound and a perfect playing experience, the Japanese firm sets a new standard for the digital piano. The Korg G1 features, among other things, 3 world-renowned concert pianos, each with its own sound characteristics. In addition, the G1 offers a wide range of sounds, three high-quality effects as well as Bluetooth audio, transforming your piano into a high-end living room Bluetooth speaker.

Sophisticated and elegant design, with a full back panel. This rear panel reinforces the quality and overall rigidity of the furniture.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Amplification: 2x (20W + 20W)
  • Bluetooth: Yes
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4.5"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 X 384 X 822
  • Inputs: Sustain pedal, Midi, Bluetooth audio
  • Finish: White
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 2
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of presets: 32
  • Number of sounds: 32
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 42kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner, layer, split mode
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs: German, Austrian, Japanese piano sounds



1 249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


KORG - G1B AIR WHITE - Digital Piano

The Korg G1 revolutionizes the world of digital pianos by integrating for the first time the sounds of acoustic pianos from the Kronos2. By offering unparalleled sound and a perfect playing experience, the Japanese firm sets a new standard for the digital piano. The Korg G1 features, among other things, 3 world-renowned concert pianos, each with its own sound characteristics. In addition, the G1 offers a wide range of sounds, three high-quality effects as well as Bluetooth audio, transforming your piano into a high-end living room Bluetooth speaker.

Sophisticated and elegant design, with a full back panel. This rear panel reinforces the quality and overall rigidity of the furniture.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Amplification: 2x (20W + 20W)
  • Bluetooth: Yes
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4.5"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 X 384 X 822
  • Inputs: Sustain pedal, Midi, Bluetooth audio
  • Finish: White
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 2
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of presets: 32
  • Number of sounds: 32
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 42kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner, layer, split mode
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs: German, Austrian, Japanese piano sounds



1 249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


KORG - G1B AIR WHITE - Digital Piano

The Korg G1 revolutionizes the world of digital pianos by integrating for the first time the sounds of acoustic pianos from the Kronos2. By offering unparalleled sound and a perfect playing experience, the Japanese firm sets a new standard for the digital piano. The Korg G1 features, among other things, 3 world-renowned concert pianos, each with its own sound characteristics. In addition, the G1 offers a wide range of sounds, three high-quality effects as well as Bluetooth audio, transforming your piano into a high-end living room Bluetooth speaker.

Sophisticated and elegant design, with a full back panel. This rear panel reinforces the quality and overall rigidity of the furniture.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Amplification: 2x (20W + 20W)
  • Bluetooth: Yes
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4.5"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 X 384 X 822
  • Inputs: Sustain pedal, Midi, Bluetooth audio
  • Finish: White
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 2
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of presets: 32
  • Number of sounds: 32
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 42kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner, layer, split mode
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs: German, Austrian, Japanese piano sounds



1 249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


KORG - G1B AIR WHITE - Digital Piano

The Korg G1 revolutionizes the world of digital pianos by integrating for the first time the sounds of acoustic pianos from the Kronos2. By offering unparalleled sound and a perfect playing experience, the Japanese firm sets a new standard for the digital piano. The Korg G1 features, among other things, 3 world-renowned concert pianos, each with its own sound characteristics. In addition, the G1 offers a wide range of sounds, three high-quality effects as well as Bluetooth audio, transforming your piano into a high-end living room Bluetooth speaker.

Sophisticated and elegant design, with a full back panel. This rear panel reinforces the quality and overall rigidity of the furniture.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Amplification: 2x (20W + 20W)
  • Bluetooth: Yes
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4.5"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 X 384 X 822
  • Inputs: Sustain pedal, Midi, Bluetooth audio
  • Finish: White
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 2
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of presets: 32
  • Number of sounds: 32
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 42kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner, layer, split mode
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs: German, Austrian, Japanese piano sounds
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Korg agréé