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Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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PRESONUS - STUDIO ONE 6 PRO EDU UPGRADE - Séquenceur Audio MIDI DAW version éducative (téléchargement)

Mise à niveau de PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer vers Studio One 6 Professional EDU

Nécessite une licence enregistrée de PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer

Version éducative : nécessite une preuve d'admissibilité.


  • Interface utilisateur intuitive à fenêtre unique avec fonction glisser-déposer constante
  • Page de projet permettant le mastering intégré avec l'exportation DDP, la création de CD Redbook et la publication en ligne
  • Nombre illimité de canaux et de bus audio, d'instruments et d'effets
  • Modèles intelligents pour un démarrage rapide
  • Interface utilisateur configurable permettant la création de flux de travail efficaces et ciblés en affichant ou en masquant n'importe quelle fonction
  • Piste Lyrics globale pour insérer des paroles dans des partitions, des chansons, des productions et des performances live
  • Piste Video globale avec des fonctions simples de coupe et d'édition
  • Track Presets pour stocker les paramètres de piste et de mixage d'une ou plusieurs pistes sélectionnées et faciliter le transfert de paramètres de piste complets vers des pistes nouvelles et existantes
  • Intégration avancée de PreSonus Sphere avec partage pratique et options de synchronisation intégrées directement dans le navigateur Studio One
  • Page d'affichage des performances en direct avec pistes d'accompagnement, instruments et racks de plug-ins
  • L'affichage des partitions permet de saisir, de modifier et d'afficher des partitions pour la notation standard
  • Séquenceur de pattern/pas à pas pour une programmation intuitive de la batterie et de la mélodie
  • Piste Arranger avec blocs-notes pour une structuration facile des chansons et piste d'accords comme aide à la composition
  • Canaux auxiliaires pour l'intégration de sources audio externes
  • Liste de Bus pour un monitoring indépendant avec contrôle de volume, AFL/PFL solo et inserts pour les plug-ins de correction de pièce
  • Prise en charge de Studio One Remote pour le contrôle à distance de Studio One avec un iPad ou un appareil Android
  • Navigateur de contenu avec fonction de recherche de musique et lecteur intégré
  • Importation sélective de pistes à partir d'autres chansons de Studio One
  • Contient de nombreuses fonctionnalités utiles telles que la prise en charge MTC et MMC, la compilation croisée des pistes et dossiers de pistes modifiables, détection de transitoires avec marqueurs modifiables, extraction de grooves par glisser-déposer, effets basés sur des événements, étirement du temps, rééchantillonnage et normalisation en temps réel
  • Multi-Instruments pour combiner des instruments VST, y compris des zones de clavier, arpégiateur, etc.
  • Instruments virtuels inclus: Presence XT avec bibliothèque de sons de 14 Go et importation de formats étrangers, Mai Tai, Mojito, Impact XT, SampleOne XT
  • 39 plug-ins d'effets, comme par exemple, de-esser, vocodeur, ProEQ3, simulation d'ampli guitare, delay à bande, filtre automatique, canal Fat, effets de modulation, dynamique, réverbération, etc.
  • Celemony Melodyne Essentials 5 intégré à ARA incl.
  • 4 Note-FX
  • Importation/exportation depuis SoundCloud
  • Formats audio pris en charge: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3

Configuration requise :

  • Version: 6
  • Type de livraison: E-mail
  • Validité de la licence: Illimitée
  • Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne
  • Activation simultanée: 5
  • Windows: 10 (64 bits)
  • Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 10.14
  • CPU min.: Intel Core i3 / AMD A10 / Apple M1/M2
  • RAM min. (GB): 4
  • Disque dur min. (GB): 40 GB
  • Ecran: 1366 x 768
  • Configuration requise additionnelle: Connexion Internet pour installation et activation, interface audio compatible ASIO (Windows)



75,00 €

Availability:  Download version
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

PRESONUS - STUDIO ONE 6 PRO EDU UPGRADE - Audio MIDI DAW Sequencer Educational Version (Download)

Upgrade from PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer to Studio One 6 Professional EDU

Requires registered license of PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer

Educational version: requires proof of eligibility.


  • Intuitive single-window user interface with consistent drag-and-drop functionality
  • Project page enabling integrated mastering with DDP export, Redbook CD creation and online publishing
  • Unlimited number of audio channels and buses, instruments and effects
  • Smart templates for a quick start
  • Configurable user interface allowing the creation of efficient and targeted workflows by showing or hiding any function
  • Global Lyrics track for inserting lyrics into scores, songs, productions and live performances
  • Global Video Track with simple trimming and editing functions
  • Track Presets for storing track and mix settings for one or more selected tracks and making it easy to transfer complete track settings to new and existing tracks
  • Advanced PreSonus Sphere integration with convenient sharing and sync options built right into the Studio One browser
  • Live performance display page with backing tracks, instruments and plug-in racks
  • The score display allows you to enter, modify and display scores for standard notation
  • Pattern/step sequencer for intuitive drum and melody programming
  • Arranger track with notepads for easy song structuring and chord track as a composition aid
  • Auxiliary channels for integrating external audio sources
  • Bus list for independent monitoring with volume control, solo AFL/PFL and inserts for room correction plug-ins
  • Studio One Remote support for remote control of Studio One with an iPad or Android device
  • Content browser with music search function and integrated player
  • Selective import of tracks from other Studio One songs
  • Contains many useful features such as MTC and MMC support, cross-compilation of editable tracks and track folders, transient detection with editable markers, drag-and-drop groove extraction, event-based effects, time stretching , resampling and real-time normalization
  • Multi-Instruments to combine VST instruments, including keyboard zones, arpeggiator, etc.
  • Included virtual instruments: Presence XT with 14GB sound library and foreign format import, Mai Tai, Mojito, Impact XT, SampleOne XT
  • 39 effect plug-ins, such as de-esser, vocoder, ProEQ3, guitar amp simulation, tape delay, auto filter, fat channel, modulation effects, dynamics, reverb, etc.
  • Celemony Melodyne Essentials 5 integrated with ARA incl.
  • 4 Note-FX
  • Import/export from SoundCloud
  • Supported audio formats: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3

Required configuration :

  • Version: 6
  • Delivery Type: Email
  • License validity: Unlimited
  • Copy protection: Online activation
  • Simultaneous activation: 5
  • Windows: 10 (64 bit)
  • Mac OS (64 bit): From 10.14
  • Minimum CPU: Intel Core i3 / AMD A10 / Apple M1/M2
  • RAM min. (GB): 4
  • hard disk min. (GB): 40 GB
  • Screen: 1366 x 768
  • Additional system requirements: Internet connection for installation and activation, ASIO compatible audio interface (Windows)



75,00 €

Availability:  Download version
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


PRESONUS - STUDIO ONE 6 PRO EDU UPGRADE - Audio MIDI DAW Sequencer Educational Version (Download)

Upgrade from PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer to Studio One 6 Professional EDU

Requires registered license of PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer

Educational version: requires proof of eligibility.


  • Intuitive single-window user interface with consistent drag-and-drop functionality
  • Project page enabling integrated mastering with DDP export, Redbook CD creation and online publishing
  • Unlimited number of audio channels and buses, instruments and effects
  • Smart templates for a quick start
  • Configurable user interface allowing the creation of efficient and targeted workflows by showing or hiding any function
  • Global Lyrics track for inserting lyrics into scores, songs, productions and live performances
  • Global Video Track with simple trimming and editing functions
  • Track Presets for storing track and mix settings for one or more selected tracks and making it easy to transfer complete track settings to new and existing tracks
  • Advanced PreSonus Sphere integration with convenient sharing and sync options built right into the Studio One browser
  • Live performance display page with backing tracks, instruments and plug-in racks
  • The score display allows you to enter, modify and display scores for standard notation
  • Pattern/step sequencer for intuitive drum and melody programming
  • Arranger track with notepads for easy song structuring and chord track as a composition aid
  • Auxiliary channels for integrating external audio sources
  • Bus list for independent monitoring with volume control, solo AFL/PFL and inserts for room correction plug-ins
  • Studio One Remote support for remote control of Studio One with an iPad or Android device
  • Content browser with music search function and integrated player
  • Selective import of tracks from other Studio One songs
  • Contains many useful features such as MTC and MMC support, cross-compilation of editable tracks and track folders, transient detection with editable markers, drag-and-drop groove extraction, event-based effects, time stretching , resampling and real-time normalization
  • Multi-Instruments to combine VST instruments, including keyboard zones, arpeggiator, etc.
  • Included virtual instruments: Presence XT with 14GB sound library and foreign format import, Mai Tai, Mojito, Impact XT, SampleOne XT
  • 39 effect plug-ins, such as de-esser, vocoder, ProEQ3, guitar amp simulation, tape delay, auto filter, fat channel, modulation effects, dynamics, reverb, etc.
  • Celemony Melodyne Essentials 5 integrated with ARA incl.
  • 4 Note-FX
  • Import/export from SoundCloud
  • Supported audio formats: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3

Required configuration :

  • Version: 6
  • Delivery Type: Email
  • License validity: Unlimited
  • Copy protection: Online activation
  • Simultaneous activation: 5
  • Windows: 10 (64 bit)
  • Mac OS (64 bit): From 10.14
  • Minimum CPU: Intel Core i3 / AMD A10 / Apple M1/M2
  • RAM min. (GB): 4
  • hard disk min. (GB): 40 GB
  • Screen: 1366 x 768
  • Additional system requirements: Internet connection for installation and activation, ASIO compatible audio interface (Windows)



75,00 €

Availability:  Download version
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


PRESONUS - STUDIO ONE 6 PRO EDU UPGRADE - Audio MIDI DAW Sequencer Educational Version (Download)

Upgrade from PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer to Studio One 6 Professional EDU

Requires registered license of PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer

Educational version: requires proof of eligibility.


  • Intuitive single-window user interface with consistent drag-and-drop functionality
  • Project page enabling integrated mastering with DDP export, Redbook CD creation and online publishing
  • Unlimited number of audio channels and buses, instruments and effects
  • Smart templates for a quick start
  • Configurable user interface allowing the creation of efficient and targeted workflows by showing or hiding any function
  • Global Lyrics track for inserting lyrics into scores, songs, productions and live performances
  • Global Video Track with simple trimming and editing functions
  • Track Presets for storing track and mix settings for one or more selected tracks and making it easy to transfer complete track settings to new and existing tracks
  • Advanced PreSonus Sphere integration with convenient sharing and sync options built right into the Studio One browser
  • Live performance display page with backing tracks, instruments and plug-in racks
  • The score display allows you to enter, modify and display scores for standard notation
  • Pattern/step sequencer for intuitive drum and melody programming
  • Arranger track with notepads for easy song structuring and chord track as a composition aid
  • Auxiliary channels for integrating external audio sources
  • Bus list for independent monitoring with volume control, solo AFL/PFL and inserts for room correction plug-ins
  • Studio One Remote support for remote control of Studio One with an iPad or Android device
  • Content browser with music search function and integrated player
  • Selective import of tracks from other Studio One songs
  • Contains many useful features such as MTC and MMC support, cross-compilation of editable tracks and track folders, transient detection with editable markers, drag-and-drop groove extraction, event-based effects, time stretching , resampling and real-time normalization
  • Multi-Instruments to combine VST instruments, including keyboard zones, arpeggiator, etc.
  • Included virtual instruments: Presence XT with 14GB sound library and foreign format import, Mai Tai, Mojito, Impact XT, SampleOne XT
  • 39 effect plug-ins, such as de-esser, vocoder, ProEQ3, guitar amp simulation, tape delay, auto filter, fat channel, modulation effects, dynamics, reverb, etc.
  • Celemony Melodyne Essentials 5 integrated with ARA incl.
  • 4 Note-FX
  • Import/export from SoundCloud
  • Supported audio formats: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3

Required configuration :

  • Version: 6
  • Delivery Type: Email
  • License validity: Unlimited
  • Copy protection: Online activation
  • Simultaneous activation: 5
  • Windows: 10 (64 bit)
  • Mac OS (64 bit): From 10.14
  • Minimum CPU: Intel Core i3 / AMD A10 / Apple M1/M2
  • RAM min. (GB): 4
  • hard disk min. (GB): 40 GB
  • Screen: 1366 x 768
  • Additional system requirements: Internet connection for installation and activation, ASIO compatible audio interface (Windows)



75,00 €

Availability:  Download version
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


PRESONUS - STUDIO ONE 6 PRO EDU UPGRADE - Audio MIDI DAW Sequencer Educational Version (Download)

Upgrade from PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer to Studio One 6 Professional EDU

Requires registered license of PreSonus Studio One 1-5 Professional/Producer

Educational version: requires proof of eligibility.


  • Intuitive single-window user interface with consistent drag-and-drop functionality
  • Project page enabling integrated mastering with DDP export, Redbook CD creation and online publishing
  • Unlimited number of audio channels and buses, instruments and effects
  • Smart templates for a quick start
  • Configurable user interface allowing the creation of efficient and targeted workflows by showing or hiding any function
  • Global Lyrics track for inserting lyrics into scores, songs, productions and live performances
  • Global Video Track with simple trimming and editing functions
  • Track Presets for storing track and mix settings for one or more selected tracks and making it easy to transfer complete track settings to new and existing tracks
  • Advanced PreSonus Sphere integration with convenient sharing and sync options built right into the Studio One browser
  • Live performance display page with backing tracks, instruments and plug-in racks
  • The score display allows you to enter, modify and display scores for standard notation
  • Pattern/step sequencer for intuitive drum and melody programming
  • Arranger track with notepads for easy song structuring and chord track as a composition aid
  • Auxiliary channels for integrating external audio sources
  • Bus list for independent monitoring with volume control, solo AFL/PFL and inserts for room correction plug-ins
  • Studio One Remote support for remote control of Studio One with an iPad or Android device
  • Content browser with music search function and integrated player
  • Selective import of tracks from other Studio One songs
  • Contains many useful features such as MTC and MMC support, cross-compilation of editable tracks and track folders, transient detection with editable markers, drag-and-drop groove extraction, event-based effects, time stretching , resampling and real-time normalization
  • Multi-Instruments to combine VST instruments, including keyboard zones, arpeggiator, etc.
  • Included virtual instruments: Presence XT with 14GB sound library and foreign format import, Mai Tai, Mojito, Impact XT, SampleOne XT
  • 39 effect plug-ins, such as de-esser, vocoder, ProEQ3, guitar amp simulation, tape delay, auto filter, fat channel, modulation effects, dynamics, reverb, etc.
  • Celemony Melodyne Essentials 5 integrated with ARA incl.
  • 4 Note-FX
  • Import/export from SoundCloud
  • Supported audio formats: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3

Required configuration :

  • Version: 6
  • Delivery Type: Email
  • License validity: Unlimited
  • Copy protection: Online activation
  • Simultaneous activation: 5
  • Windows: 10 (64 bit)
  • Mac OS (64 bit): From 10.14
  • Minimum CPU: Intel Core i3 / AMD A10 / Apple M1/M2
  • RAM min. (GB): 4
  • hard disk min. (GB): 40 GB
  • Screen: 1366 x 768
  • Additional system requirements: Internet connection for installation and activation, ASIO compatible audio interface (Windows)
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Presonus agréé