You will receive 3,860 Mixed FlashSticks Packs

Languages: French, Spanish and German.

You will receive 340 packs of 11 mixed language packs. Each pack of 11 comes with a shop display hanger.

RRP: £4.99 Per Language Pack

Flash Sticks are vocabulary sticky notes, designed to help you rapidly learn the most commonly used words. Stick the notes up in convenient places around you and FlashSticks will prompt your continued learning as you naturally go about your daily routine.

Each Flash Stick note is colour coded to help you learn the gender of nouns. Feminine nouns are shown on pink notes, masculine nouns on blue notes and other word types on green notes. 

100 Unique words per language.

Ex-Superstore stock.

Brand new.

Please note - Some outer packaging may have dust or be soiled due to prolonged storage, however the inner packets are in excellent condition.