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Sleepy Hollow Playing Cards // 1st Edition
In 1820 American author Washington Irving first published his short story
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow. Nearly 200 years later, this story continues to resonate around the world as one of the most popular American fiction stories of all time and is now captured in this beautifully illustrated deck of custom playing cards.
Over a year in the making, The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Playing Cards were conceived by playing card designer Derek McKee (Les Méliès and Cherry's) and masterfully illustrated in France by J.C. Desevre.

This incredibly intricate and detailed deck of playing cards depicts artwork and characters from the famous Sleepy Hollow legend including Ichabod Crane & the Headless Horseman.
From the brilliant gold metallic inks to the custom court cards, this deck captures the true essence of the Sleepy Hollow legend.

52 Custom Playing Cards
12 Custom Court Cards
2 Custom Jokers
1 Double Back Card
1 Tuck Art/Back Gaff Card Metallic Gold Inks
Tuck Box: Black & Gold Metallic Inks
Stock: Embossed
Bicycle Card Stock Finish: Air-Cushion "Magic"
Quantity: 4000
Print Date: June 2015
Release Date: Oct. 2015
Manufactured by: The United States Playing Card Company



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