A unique necklace which has a real quartz crystal pendant wrapped in alpaca silver.

These quartz pendants are made from a natural rock product do vary a bit in size & appearance. They measure approx 1.75" in length.  Therefore the quartz crystal you receive will be similar but not identical to the sample shown in the photo.  

Necklace is a black adjustable slip cord which can be set to desired wearing length up to 24" in diameter.

Sent bagged on a green display card as shown.

Please note: we do not guarantee perfect or perfectly clear quartz crystals on these necklaces.  The quartz crystals  are a natural product which always have variations and may have some flaws.

Also known as rock crystals... they have a very strong vibration and excellent metaphysical properties, Even though these crystals may be quite common... many of these stones have a very high vibration. It is said that wearing quartz brings clarity to your communication and will amplify your thoughts and may assist you by stimulating clearer thinking. 
They resonate strongly within the eighth chakra, commonly known as the soul star chakra... and within the higher transpersonal chakras. These crystals also create a powerful resonance within both the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.. which is the highest chakra in the physical body. The crown chakra connects you up to the soul star chakra... situated in the etheric body above the head.

Clear quartz also kindle occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your day to day life... and it will amplify the vibration of other crystals it is used with. It has a strong resonance, which is why it is commonly used by healers as part of crystal healing, and it has a positive effect on all chakras as it protects the aura and expands the human energy field.

The beautiful clear white light of the white ray is your connection to the Divine Mind, and white is the color for the eighth chakra. Using Clear Quartz crystals will assist the higher chakras to emanate white light and aids your connection with spirit.

Made in the highlands of Guatemala, this is fair trade jewelry.  We work with an importer who buys directly from the families who make these. The families  work in their homes, set their own hours and produce a dazzling array of beaded products.  
Your purchase of these items helps support over 100 families in economically disadvantaged communities in the region.