

collana eterogenea, instabile, variegata, assortita, poliedrica e mista, a carattere di vero e proprio cronicario di super-eroi di scarto, tutti iscritti alle liste di collocamento e con domanda di prepensionamento già compilata ed inoltrata, e che altrimenti non avrebbero trovato collocazione neanche nelle liste del partito democratico

serie  I DIFENSORI N. 8



Il titanico incontro-scontro tra DIFENSORI e VENDICATORI ( Avengers / Defenders War ),  che da alcuni è considerato il primo grande crossover marvel dell' era moderna (ma il dibattito è apertissimo) si conclude tuttavia malamente, con una indegna gazzarra ed una oscena ammucchiata a cui partecipano praticamente tutti i supereroi dell' azienda, mancano solo forse Topo Gigio e Nonna Abelarda



condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

Featured Characters:

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Other Characters:




Continuing from Defenders #10 (in last italian issue).  

The combined might of the Avengers and the Defenders were unable to prevent Dormammu from collecting all the fragments of the Evil Eye in an attempt to merge the Earth with the Dark Dimension, now they must fight through hordes of demons as the two realms begin to merge. 

They are joined by Nick Fury and the agents of SHIELD, until members of SHIELD themselves begin to be changed into demons. 

The heroes press onward in hopes of stopping Dormammu from finalizing the transition.

Deep in the Dark Dimension, Dormammu unleashed the full fury of the reassembled Evil Eye, and when Loki asks Dormammu to restore his vision, the god of mischief is betrayed and imprisoned by Dormammu. 

The Watcher appears then appears, but informs Dormammu that he has only come to view the events and not get involved. 

Meanwhile the Avenges and Defenders have to fight through an army of Mindless Ones as they progress deeper into the Dark Dimension. 

While in Earth's dimension it's many protectors and menaces band together to fight off the invasion from the Dark Dimension.

The Avengers and Defenders manage to finally reach Dormammu, but their attacks are easily repelled by the power of the Evil Eye. 

However, while Dormammu is distracted by the heroes, Loki uses it as an opportunity to strike at Dormammu from behind. 

While the two struggle, the Scarlet Witch is able to strike Dormammu with a hex bolt, which causes his essence to be sucked into the Evil Eye. The beam from the Evil Eye then trains on Loki restoring his vision and making him go mad.

With the battle won, the merging of Earth and the Dark Dimension ceases and everything is restored to normal. The Defenders leave with the Evil Eye in hopes that it may hold the key to freeing their friend the Black Knight, while the Avengers are left to deal with the now mad Loki.

The Defenders tale concludes in Defenders #11 (in this same italian issue)

Part of the 'Avengers/Defenders War' event

Defenders Vol 1 11
"A Dark and Stormy Knight" / UN CAVALIERE TERRIBILE

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Continuing from the events of Avengers 118...(in this same italian issue)

The Defenders and the Avengers have defeated Dormammu and Loki and have reclaimed the Evil Eye. Dr. Strange, not wanting the world at large to know of the Defenders existence erases Nick Fury's mind before he and his fellows depart from the Avengers in order to attempt to free their comrade the Black Knight. 

Returning to Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, Dr. Strange uses the eye on the stone statue of the Black Knight. Strange himself is turned into a statue and his astral form explores the other worldly domain that held the Knight's soul. 

Not finding it there, Dr. Strange returns to tell his friends when they all find themselves transported to the 12th Century in the middle of the Crusades.

There they are met by the Black Knight, who is alive and well and living through the body of one of his ancestors. 

Escaping an army of attacking Arabs and their Gnome warrior Temax, the Defenders are told what is going on: that Mordred the Evil has betrayed King Richard the Lion Hearted to the Arabs and his is now their prisoner. Disguising themselves the Defenders sneak into the Arab's castle and end up fighting an army of Gnomes and to free King Richard from Mordred and the Arab mystic named Chandu.

During the battle, the Defenders manage to defeat the gnomes after discovering their weakness to be water. 

However, during the battle the Evil Eye is taken from Dr. Strange by Mordred who is about to use the device when suddenly Pastor John (who is from a time before he possessed the Evil Eye itself) appears to seize the device. 

With Mordred defeated, the Black Knight decides to stay behind and continue to fight in the Crusades, and Pastor John returns the Avengers to their own time. Once back in their own time, Hawkeye, Hulk, Sub-Mariner and the Silver Surfer all decide to leave the Defenders, leaving Dr. Strange and Valkyrie behind.

Adventures into Terror Vol 1 7

"Joe" / JOE...


Read online Adventures into Terror comic -  Issue #7 - 27

A man starts a gag that he has an invisible goon that takes care of his grudges for him, but soon the 'coincidences' rack up... 

Read online Adventures into Terror comic -  Issue #7 - 32