The Magic Bow, Love Story Of Siam, Royal Porcelain Kingdom Of Thailand-1992. BLACK FLUSH PLATE STAND NOT INCLUDED

***marketing literature***

With his beloved Sita at his side, Prince Rama triumphantly raises the bow that helped him win her hand in marriage.

Sita's father had declared a contest to see who could lift a magic bow: the man who performed this heroic feat would win Sita as his bride. But the bow, which had been given to the king's great-grandfather by the mighty god Indra, was so large and heavy that no mortal man could lift it.

One by one the suitors from near and far had tried their hand at lifting the magic bow, but all had failed -until Rama. His heart already on fire with love for the beautiful Sita, Rama, the god-king. is able to raise the bow high in the air and make the princess his own.

Rama hoists the bow aloft once more as he holds his betrothed in The Magic Bow, second issue in The Love Story of Siam. The plate series--the very first of its kind--portrays the saga of The Ramakien, the national legend of ancient Siam and modern-day Thailand. The tale recounts the ongoing struggle between the demon Totsagan and the god-king Rama, who has been sent to earth to destroy him.

Totsagan abducts Sita, but Rama, his faithful brother Lak. and Hanuman, a monkey warrior, rescue her after a series of adventures that lend The Ramakien its epic proportions.

The Magic Bow' is inspired by the extraordinary contest that brought Rama and Sita, companions in heaven, together on earth. The saga's hero and heroine are rendered here by artist Sandra Waken with all the exquisite beauty, delicacy and fluidity of traditional Thai art. Resplendent in her jewel-encrusted dress and head-piece, her silk gown billowing about her, Princess Sita regards her future husband with the admiration that is his due. The handsome Rama stands tall, fiercely proud that he has won the hand of the woman he loves. The bow itself is magnificently adorned with gold, a worthy trophy for the efforts of a god-king.

Artist Sandra Waken evokes the lavish splendour of ancient Siam with her use of gemlike colours, opulent gold decoration, and glittering enamel accents. So masterful is her touch that Ms. Waken adds new dimension to the story of Rama and Sita with skill and insight-she evokes the mood and mystery of a long-ago place, once shrouded in the mists of time and now revealed for the enjoyment of all. 'The Magic Bow' is a modern-day triumph of a centuries-old art form, superbly crafted in Thailand, the home of The Ramakien.