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3 Book Set Reclaim Your Heart, Healing Emptiness, Love Happiness by Yasmin Mogahed

Item Description

  • Title: 3 Book Set Reclaim Your Heart, Healing Emptiness, Love Happiness  Yasmin Mogahed
  • Author: Yasmin Mogahed
  • Book Binding: Paperback
  • Publishers: IDIFY Publishing
Brief Description

This three book bundle by Yasmin Mogahed is the perfect gift and companion for those seeking inner peace, spiritual healing and fulfilment.

This set includes the following three books:

Reclaim Your Heart - Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does.

It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return.

Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself.

Many of us live our lives, entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Many of us have no idea why this happens.

Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in an out of life's most deceptive traps.

This book was written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness, and pain. Providing a manual of sorts, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most prized possession: the heart.

Healing the Emptiness - At some level, so many of us have experienced emptiness. But very few people know why. And even fewer people know how to fill that emptiness. But we spend our lives trying...

As flawed human beings, we so often cringe at our humanness. We try eveything to erase it. We look for any way to hide from our wounds and to numb the pain. But what if we didn't have to hide? What if our wound became the door to a deeper understanding of ourselves and God? What if every wound served a purpose and the process of healing made us stronger?

This life and our entire journey here, is not an end in itself. It is a purposeful process, designed by God to shape our hearts. To prepare our souls for the Final Meeting with Him. We must allow the process to refine and remake us. And our wounds are a part of that process. It will hurt. It will seem like the end so many times. But it is not the end. Our journey will keep going and we can rise out of our pain, stronger.

And then in the End, it won't be how we walked in the sun-but how we handled the storm-that will define us. It won't be about how we ran.

It will be about how we fell, and then got back up.

This book is about finding strength in God and in our capacity to be both human and beautiful--both flawed and inspired. It is a journey to the understanding that we are flawed by design so that we can find strength and beauty in relying entirely on the Flawless.

This book is about learning why we suffer and how to stop our pain from destroying us. It is a spiritual and psychological manual for healing and growth through our pain. It is about finding peace and purpose, no matter what we've been through.

We live in a world where the moment we feel pain, we find ourselves surrounded by countless sedatives, promising to take it away. Sex, drugs, alcohol, materialism, consumerism are some of the many escapes we use to distract ourselves from what hurts in our lives. And some of us use other sedatives. Some of us try to lose ourselves in our work and our careers. Some people try to fill the void by "living online". We disengage from our real life and our real relationships in order to hide in a false social media world, or in our devices and technology. We become dependent upon the immediate and temporary dopamine rush of social approval. We begin to covet likes and followers and share intimate aspects of our lives in the public sphere, waiting for commentary and praise. Waiting to be seen--even if it's by perfect strangers.

And yet all along, we only become more empty and even more isolated.

In order to thrive in this life and the next, we must have an understanding of healing. The first step in healing must be diagnosing the root cause of our pain. The second step is removing the barriers to healing. The third step is treating the wound with the necessary medicine. And finally we must keep the wound clean by ensuring our environment is not toxic.

Love & Happiness - Things fall apart. And they break sometimes. Like many of you, my journey hasn't always been easy. Pain is very real. And so is loss. Sometimes it's hard not to let the weight of what we carry--or the memory of what we've lost--take over. Many of us know the reality of struggle, and so many people suffer in silence. It's hard. It's hard not to give up when we face the repeated disappointments of life. Like some of you, I've known loneliness. I've known defeat. I've fallen many times chasing mirages, and broken many bones making castles in life's fading sands. Sometimes, all it took was one solid wave to destroy what I had spent years building. So I decided to give it a voice. All of it: the tears, the pain. And the lessons. The things I saw and learned and gained along my life path needed a voice. I wanted to give back, in hopes of helping myself and others survive. But then it wasn't just about surviving. I didn't just want people to survive inside their storms. I wanted people to thrive inside their storms. And so I wrote, as I walked through my own. The words found in this book became my voice and my letter to the world. They became my deepest attempt to, not just pick myself up, but others along the way. I wrote because, just as we will fall in life, so will we rise. That's the thing about this world. It never gives us only one kind of path. There is pain. Yes. And loss. And even darkness. But there is also light. There is hope. There is beauty. And there is also love and happiness.

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Your brother Mohammad Taj Ullah 

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