
1700, Augsburg (Free City). Beautiful Large Bronze "Marriage" Medal. PCGS SP-62!

Mint Year: 1700
Denomination: "Marriage" Medal
Reference: Fortser 880 var., Erlanger 2255.
Medallist (engraver): Philipp Heinrich Muller
Mint Place: Augsburg (as free City within the Holy Roman Empire).
Condition: Certified and graded by PCGS as SP-62! - The only specimen ever certified by PCGS!
Weight: 50.41gm 
Diameter: 50mm
Material: Silver
Obverse: In front of an olive tree overgrown with vines, a pair of hands joined by a chain and lock hold a flaming heart in their left. At her feet, heart-consuming envy and Cupid.
Translated: "Give me as I gave you, my heart in loyalty and love."

Reverse: Divine light and flowers falling upon a pedestal with intertwined hands, hearts with wedding rings on it, in front of them billing doves in front of crossed torches. Palace grounds with four statues in background.
Translated: "What god has brought together, stays undivided and happy."

Augsburg is an independent city in the south-west of Bavaria. The College town is home of the Regierungsbezirk Schwaben and also of the Bezirk Schwaben and the Landkreis Augsburg. In 1906 Augsburg became a Großstadt (city), and is currently the third-largest city in Bavaria with more than 264,000 citizens. Only Munich and Nuremberg are larger. The name of the city dated from the Roman settlement Augusta Vindelicorum. The city was founded by the Roman emperor Augustus 15 BC as a castra. Therefore the "Fuggerstadt" is the second oldest city in Germany after Trier. In 1530 the Augsburg Confession was presented to the Holy Roman Emperor at the Diet of Augsburg. Following the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, after which the rights of religious minorities in imperial  cities were to be protected, a mixed Catholic–Protestant city council  presided over a majority Protestant population; see Paritätische Reichsstadt (German). Until the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648), religious peace in the city was largely maintained despite increasing confessional tensions. In 1629, Ferdinand II issued the Edict of Restitution resulting in the installation of an entirely Catholic city government  that radically curtailed the rights of local Protestants. This  persisted until April 1632, when the Swedish army of Gustavus Adolphus took the city without resistance. Just over two years later, the Swedish army was routed at nearby Nördlingen,  and by October 1634 Catholic troops had surrounded Augsburg. The  Swedish garrison refused to surrender and a disastrous siege ensued  through the winter of 1634–5, during which thousands died of hunger and  disease. These difficulties, together with the discovery of America, and of the route to India by the Cape, conspired to destroy the town's prosperity.

Authenticity unconditionally guaranteed. Bid with confidence!

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (name in full: Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Felician)     Habsburg (June 9, 1640 – May 5, 1705), Holy Roman emperor, was the     second son of the emperor Ferdinand III and his first wife Maria Anna of     Spain. His maternal grandparents were Philip III of Spain and   Margarita   of Austria.

He was a younger brother of Ferdinand IV of Hungary     and Mariana of Austria. Intended for the Church, he received a good     education but his prospects were changed by the death of his elder     brother Ferdinand IV, on July 9, 1654 of smallpox, when he became his     father's heir.

Leopold was physically unprepossessing. Short and     sickly, he had inherited the Habsburg lip to a degree unusual even in     his inbred family. One contemporary said of him "His gait was stately,     slow and deliberate; his air pensive, his address awkward, his manner     uncouth, his disposition cold and phlegmatic".

In 1655 he was chosen king of Hungary and in 1656     king of Bohemia,1657 king of Croatia and in July 1658, more than a year     after his father's death, he was elected emperor at Frankfurt in spite     of the intrigues of Jules Cardinal Mazarin, who wished to place on   the   imperial throne Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria or some other   prince   whose elevation would break the Habsburg succession.

Mazarin, however, obtained a promise from the new     emperor that he would not send assistance to Spain, then at war with     France, and, by joining a confederation of German princes, called the     league of the Rhine, France secured a certain influence in the internal     affairs of Germany. Leopold's long reign covers one of the most     important periods of European history; for nearly the whole of its     forty-seven years he was pitted against Louis XIV of France, whose     dominant personality completely overshadowed Leopold. The emperor was     not himself a man of war, and never led his troops in person; yet the     greater part of his public life was spent in arranging and directing     wars. The first was with Sweden, whose king Charles X found a useful     ally in the prince of Transylvania, György II Rákóczi, a rebellious     vassal of the Hungarian crown.

This war, a legacy of the last reign, was waged by     Leopold as the ally of Poland until peace was made at Oliva in 1660. A     more dangerous foe next entered the lists. The Ottoman Empire   interfered   in the affairs of Transylvania, always an unruly district,   and this   interference brought on a war with the Holy Roman Empire,   which after   some desultory operations really began in 1663. By a   personal appeal to   the diet at Regensburg Leopold induced the princes   to send assistance   for the campaign; troops were also sent by France,   and in August 1664   the great imperialist general, Raimondo   Montecuccoli, gained a notable   victory at Saint Gotthard. By the Peace   of Vasvár the emperor made a   twenty years' truce with the sultan,   granting more generous terms than   his recent victory seemed to render   necessary.

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