Friday After Next DVD 3 Cult Stoner Marijuana Movie Comedy Classic Ice Cube Rare.

Friday After Next is a 2002 American stoner comedy film directed by Marcus Raboy and starring Ice Cube (who also wrote the film), Mike Epps (in a dual role), John Witherspoon, Don "D.C." Curry, Anna Maria Horsford, and Clifton Powell. It is the third and final installment in the Friday trilogy.


On the early morning of Christmas Eve, a robber disguised as Santa Claus breaks into Craig and Day-Day's apartment. Craig tries to fend him off, while making failed frantic calls to Day-Day who is still sleeping. The robber ultimately ends up escaping with Craig and Day-Day's Christmas presents and rent money. Craig and Day-Day then file a police report.

After the police leave, Craig and Day-Day are confronted by their landlady Ms. Pearly, who warns them that if the two do not pay their overdue rent by the end of the day, she will evict them. Furthermore, she promises to send her son Damon, a newly released ex-convict who developed homosexual tendencies in prison, after them if they do not pay in a timely manner. Craig and Day-Day get ready to start their first day jobs as security guards from the property manager Moly, who is the owner of a notoriously squalid doughnut shop and the shopping center that they are assigned to patrol.

The shopping center is also the home of a BBQ rib restaurant called "Bros. BBQ", co-owned by the cousins' father Willie and Elroy. Shortly after they come on duty, the power of being a security guard goes to Day-Day's head, and he begins hassling carolers and shoppers, forcing Craig to keep him in line. The two and Elroy are then robbed at assumed gunpoint by the same robber who burglarized their apartment and subsequently chase him down, but are unable to catch him. Later that day, the two meet Donna and her pimp Money Mike, who run a fledgling shop called 'Pimps and Hoes'.

Soon after, a couple of baseheads (habitual users of freebase drugs) pull off a scheme to try to shoplift from Money Mike's store, but Craig and Day-Day catch them both and turn them over to the police. Mike offers them a cash reward, but Craig refuses it and instead invites him to his and Day-Day's Christmas Eve party.

In "Bros. BBQ" as the adults entertain some of the neighborhood children while dressed up as Christmas figures, Willie and Elroy begin having trouble with some of them due to their bad attitudes. When one of them kicks Elroy, he retaliates by taking out his belt and starts a series of beatings on the kids.

As Craig and Day-Day are about to take a lunch break, a gang of thugs (supposedly the grandsons of the carolers that were earlier chased off by Day-Day) chase after them. After failing to catch them, the gang members proceed to beat up Moly for supposedly hiding them, resulting in Craig and Day-Day getting fired for not helping him, despite being on their break at the time. As revenge, Willie calls the Department of Health on Moly, whose inspectors then proceed to chase him.

Later that night, Craig and Day-Day convert their Christmas Eve party into a rent party to recoup their stolen rent money. Many of Craig and Day-Day's friends and family show up including Money Mike and Donna, Day-Day's old boss Pinky, and Damon. While Money Mike is in the bathroom, he is confronted by Damon who attempts to sexually assault him, but fails when Money Mike crunches his testicles with pliers. With the bathroom occupied, Craig tells Willie to ask Ms. Pearly if he can use her bathroom. Ms. Pearly then attempts to seduce Willie, but Craig's mother Betty catches and attacks her. After Money Mike lets go of Damon, Damon chases him through the neighborhood after Donna drives off without him.

Craig and Day-Day see the robber and after ambushing him inside his hideout, they chase him all over the neighborhood, running into several obstacles, in the process until he is eventually hit by Pinky's limousine. Craig and Day-Day then retrieve their stolen rent money and Christmas presents, and tie the robber up on his roof, leaving him there for the police.

Meanwhile, Damon continues chasing Money Mike throughout the neighborhood. Ms. Pearly tries to call the police on the party, but Craig and Day-Day buy them off with marijuana. Day-Day hooks up with two of Pinky's girls before Betty walks in on him. Craig convinces Donna to return to the party and the two end up having sex in Craig's room.