Item description

During the 18th century, dinner came to be served later in the day until by the early 19th century, the normal time was between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. An extra meal called luncheon had been created to fill the midday gap between breakfast and dinner, but as this new meal was very light, the long afternoon with no refreshment at all left people feeling hungry.

The Duchess of Bedford found taking an afternoon snack to be such a perfect refreshment that she soon began inviting her friends to join her. Afternoon tea quickly became an established and convivial repast in many middle and upper class households.

The painting of the Duchess of Bedford has been placed in a silver plated pendant (25mm x 18mm) and encased in glass for a high quality, enduring finish.

There are two lovely charms attached to the chain. One darling little silver plated teacup charm which is intricately detailed, you can see hearts round the rim of the cup, the words "tea time" are inscribed on its side and it has its own little spoon and saucer. The other charm has the words "Afternoon Tea" in a delicate white font on a black background (18mm x 13mm).

This lovely design is available on a silver plated curb chain in the following sizes:

  • 16 inches
  • 18 inches
  • 24 inches

If you would like a size not listed above, necklaces can be made to any length upon request.