A 3 in 1 wireless cleaning earphone pen that has a hole cleaning brush, plush brush, and a round metal nib is a compact and versatile tool designed to clean and maintain wireless earbuds. The hole cleaning brush is typically used to remove debris and dirt from the earbuds charging hole.

The plush brush is used to gently remove dust, dirt, and other debris from the earbuds' surface and other hard-to-reach areas. The bristles of the plush brush are soft and gentle, ensuring that the earbuds' delicate surfaces are not scratched or damaged.

The round metal nib is used to remove earwax buildup from the earbuds' sound tubes and tips. The metal nib is typically made of a non-abrasive material, ensuring that the earbuds are not damaged during cleaning.

This type of cleaning pen is typically small and lightweight, making it easy to carry in a pocket or bag. It may also include a small amount of cleaning solution or a microfiber cloth for additional cleaning and maintenance.

Overall, a 3 in 1 wireless cleaning earphone pen with a hole cleaning brush, plush brush, and round metal nib is a convenient and effective tool for keeping wireless earbuds clean and well-maintained. It helps ensure optimal sound quality and prolongs the life of the earbuds.