"Just don't write to me about the war", Pavlo Vyshebaba
"Тільки не пиши мені про війну", Павло Вишебаба
  The second edition of Pavel Vyshebaba's debut book "Just don't write to me about the war". According to the poet and editor of this collection, Ivan Malkovich, few poets burst into literature so quickly. With his poems, Pavlo Vyshebaba has drawn unprecedented attention to Ukrainian poetry: the author's recitation receives millions of views on social networks, the publication of new texts is reported in the mass media, Vyshebaba's poems are read in prime time on central TV channels, they are set to music and voiced at pro-Ukrainian rallies all over the country. the world in different languages. For many, these texts became an online chronicle of the feelings of Ukrainians, and Vyshebaba became a poetic voice of the times.
The first edition of this book was published at the end of 2022. The circulation of 15,000 copies was purchased by readers in less than 15 days.
  The second edition is supplemented with new poems, illustrations and the story "Marsiana".

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