ACI SP-250: Textile-Reinforced Concrete CD-ROM by Aslish Dubey

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ACI SP-250: Textile-Reinforced Concrete

This CD is a collection of papers prepared for a symposium sponsored by ACI Committee 549 at the ACI Fall 2005 Convention in Kansas City, MO. The symposium explored the state of the art and recent advances in material science, mechanical behavior, production methods, and practical applications of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC). Important topics covered in this publication include material science and technology of textile reinforcement and cementitious matrix used in TRC, design methods for TRC, structural behavior of TRC, applications of TRC, production methods of TRC, and numerical modeling of TRC composites.


Publisher: ACI (2008)

Editor: Ashish Dubey

Sponsored by ACI Committee 549 Thin Reinforced Cementitious Products and Ferrocement


This CD is a collection of papers prepared for a symposium sponsored by ACI Committee 549 at the ACI Fall 2005 Convention in Kansas City, MO. The symposium explored the state of the art and recent advances in material science, mechanical behavior, production methods, and practical applications of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC). Important topics covered in this publication include material science and technology of textile reinforcement and cementitious matrix used in TRC, design methods for TRC, structural behavior of TRC, applications of TRC, production methods of TRC, and numerical modeling of TRC composites.


Publication Year: 2008

ISBN: 9780870312663

Categories: Textile-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF on CD



The Application Potential of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by H.N. Schneider and I. Bergmann


Possibilities of Textile Manufacturing for Load-Adapted Concrete Reinforcements

by A. Roye, T. Gries, T. Engler, G. Franzke, and C. Cherif


Integrated Formwork Elements Made of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by W. Brameshuber, M. Koster, J. Hegger, and S. Voss


Flexural Strengthening of RC Structures with Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by F. Jesse, S. Weiland, and M. Curbach


Load-Bearing Behavior of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by F. Jesse, N. Will, M. Curbach, and J. Hegger


Dimensioning and Application of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by J. Hegger, H.N. Schneider, S. Voss, and I. Bergmann


Effect of Processing on Mechanical Properties of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by A. Peled and B. Mobasher


Behavior of Textile-Reinforced Concrete in Fire

by H.-W. Reinhardt, M. Krüger, M. Raupach, and J. Orlowsky


Size Effects of Fine-Grained Concrete Used for Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by T. Brockmann and W. Brameshuber


Thin and Strong Concrete Composites with Glass Textile Reinforcement: Modeling the Tensile Response

by H. Cuypers and J. Wastiels


Numerical Modeling of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

by R. Chudoba, B. Möller, K. Meskouris, B. Zastrau, W. Graf, and I. Lepenies