This is 11"Traditional Chainpure Sirupate Kukri. Chainpure is a small village located in the eastern part of Nepal and this type of khukuri is mostly made in this village. The name “Chainpure” of the khukuri is given after its village name where it originated centuries ago. Chainpure people specialized in many ornamental, Souvenir and decorative displayers amongst which the Chainpure Wooden Special khukuri is one of their prized and prestigious establishments. This Chainpure Wooden Special khukuri (kukri) derived its name from Chainpure village in eastern Nepal. Only the skilled craftsmen of this village can make this kind of khukuri(kukri). Using rosewood for scabbard. This kukri blade is other then very unique two liyer with sirupate type so it's very stroung and easy to work. The handle of this khukuri (kukri) is made rosewood with tail tang. All Khukuris have two pockets on the back of the scabbard which hold a blunt steel called "chakmak" for sharpening the blade or for striking spark from flint and a little knife known as "karda" used for skinning small animals. The notch (kaura or kaudi) in the blade near the hilt of most khukuris serves as conduit for the blood on the blade to drip out, thus preventing it from soiling the hilt, as well as a device for catching and neutralizing and enemy blade. and

  •  Authentic Hand Forged khukuri Blades directly from Official Supplier to the Military in Nepal
  • Handmade by "Bishwakarmas" (Born khukuri Makers) using the top quality materials in a very traditional way with predictable tools
  • 11"Blade with 5" Dark Rosewood handle, Overall length 16", thickness about 3/8" at Spine.
  • Rezor sharp ,Semi-polished, well Oil-tempered blade.
  • Made of Carbon Steel 5160 Spring Steel,This is the outdoor or jungle knife for bone chopping and good for camping. It weighs about 700 grams with sheath. Comes with 2 small utilities knives; Karda & Chakmak