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Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

En Savoir Plus :

SCHECTER - V-1CUSTOM-TPB - Guitare électrique

La série Custom apporte sa touche néo-vintage autour de lutheries qui ont fait leurs preuves dans le temps, et toujours avec cette sonorité unique aux guitares Schecter.

Caractéristiques :

  • Type : Guitare électrique
  • Nombre de cordes : 6
  • Manche
  • Type : Collé
  • Bois : Acajou
  • Forme : cfin
  • Largeur au sillet (mm) : 42mm (1.653 inch)
  • Epaisseur au sillet (mm) : 20mm (.787 inch)
  • Epaisseur à la 12ème case (mm) : 22mm (.866 inch)
  • Type de sillet : Ernie Ball Compensated Nut
  • Touche
  • Bois : Ébène
  • Rayon de la touche (mm) : 12 inch-16 inchRayon composé
  • Type de frettes : X-Jumbo
  • Nombre de frettes : 22
  • Diapason (mm) : 628mm (24.75 inch)
  • Repères : Blocs mother Of Pearl
  • Caisse
  • Bois : Acajou
  • Table : Érable ondé
  • Accessoires
  • Marque des mécaniques : Schecter
  • Type de mécaniques : Bloquantes à bain d'huile
  • Marque du chevalet : TonePros T3BT TOM & cordier T1Z
  • Type de chevalet : Fixe à cordier
  • Électronique : ///
  • Marque des micros : Schecter
  • Type de micro : Double bobinages
  • Modèles des micros : Chevalet : USA Pasadena Plus
  • Manche : USA Pasadena
  • Sélecteur : 3 positions
  • Électronique : Passive
  • Contrôles : 2 volumes
  • 1 tonalité (push-pull)
  • Divers
  • Livrées avec housse/étui : En option, étui SGR-8V vendu séparément
  • Cordes : Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 2221 (.010-.046)
  • Lieu de fabrication : Corée



1 354,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

SCHECTER - V-1CUSTOM-TPB - electric guitar

The Custom series brings its neo-vintage touch to the Schecter guitars, which have proven their worth in time, and always with this unique sound.


  • Type: Electric guitar
  • Number of strings: 6
  • Sleeve
  • Type: Pasted
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Shape: Straight
  • Sill width (mm): 42mm (1.653 inch)
  • Groove thickness (mm): 20mm (.787 inch)
  • Thickness at the 12th square (mm): 22mm (.866 inch)
  • Sill Type: Ernie Ball Compensated Nut
  • Key
  • Wood: Ebony
  • Key radius (mm): 12 inch-16 inchComponent Wave
  • Type of frets: X-Jumbo
  • Number of frets: 22
  • Tuning fork (mm): 628mm (24.75 inch)
  • Policy Insight: Mother Of Pearl Blocks
  • Cash register
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Table: Rolled maple
  • Accessories
  • Brand of mechanics: Schecter
  • Type of mechanics: Oil bath blockers
  • Easel brand: TonePros T3BT TOM & T1Z cordier
  • Type of Trestle: Rope Mount
  • Electronic: ///
  • Microphone brand: Schecter
  • Microphone type: Double windings
  • Microphone models: Easel: USA Pasadena Plus
  • Sleeve: USA Pasadena
  • Selector: 3 positions
  • Electronics: Passive
  • Controls: 2 volumes
  • 1 tone (push-pull)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Delivered with cover/case: Optional, SGR-8V case sold separately
  • Strings: Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 2221 (.010-.046)
  • Place of manufacture: Korea



1 354,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


SCHECTER - V-1CUSTOM-TPB - electric guitar

The Custom series brings its neo-vintage touch to the Schecter guitars, which have proven their worth in time, and always with this unique sound.


  • Type: Electric guitar
  • Number of strings: 6
  • Sleeve
  • Type: Pasted
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Shape: Straight
  • Sill width (mm): 42mm (1.653 inch)
  • Groove thickness (mm): 20mm (.787 inch)
  • Thickness at the 12th square (mm): 22mm (.866 inch)
  • Sill Type: Ernie Ball Compensated Nut
  • Key
  • Wood: Ebony
  • Key radius (mm): 12 inch-16 inchComponent Wave
  • Type of frets: X-Jumbo
  • Number of frets: 22
  • Tuning fork (mm): 628mm (24.75 inch)
  • Policy Insight: Mother Of Pearl Blocks
  • Cash register
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Table: Rolled maple
  • Accessories
  • Brand of mechanics: Schecter
  • Type of mechanics: Oil bath blockers
  • Easel brand: TonePros T3BT TOM & T1Z cordier
  • Type of Trestle: Rope Mount
  • Electronic: ///
  • Microphone brand: Schecter
  • Microphone type: Double windings
  • Microphone models: Easel: USA Pasadena Plus
  • Sleeve: USA Pasadena
  • Selector: 3 positions
  • Electronics: Passive
  • Controls: 2 volumes
  • 1 tone (push-pull)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Delivered with cover/case: Optional, SGR-8V case sold separately
  • Strings: Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 2221 (.010-.046)
  • Place of manufacture: Korea



1 354,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


SCHECTER - V-1CUSTOM-TPB - electric guitar

The Custom series brings its neo-vintage touch to the Schecter guitars, which have proven their worth in time, and always with this unique sound.


  • Type: Electric guitar
  • Number of strings: 6
  • Sleeve
  • Type: Pasted
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Shape: Straight
  • Sill width (mm): 42mm (1.653 inch)
  • Groove thickness (mm): 20mm (.787 inch)
  • Thickness at the 12th square (mm): 22mm (.866 inch)
  • Sill Type: Ernie Ball Compensated Nut
  • Key
  • Wood: Ebony
  • Key radius (mm): 12 inch-16 inchComponent Wave
  • Type of frets: X-Jumbo
  • Number of frets: 22
  • Tuning fork (mm): 628mm (24.75 inch)
  • Policy Insight: Mother Of Pearl Blocks
  • Cash register
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Table: Rolled maple
  • Accessories
  • Brand of mechanics: Schecter
  • Type of mechanics: Oil bath blockers
  • Easel brand: TonePros T3BT TOM & T1Z cordier
  • Type of Trestle: Rope Mount
  • Electronic: ///
  • Microphone brand: Schecter
  • Microphone type: Double windings
  • Microphone models: Easel: USA Pasadena Plus
  • Sleeve: USA Pasadena
  • Selector: 3 positions
  • Electronics: Passive
  • Controls: 2 volumes
  • 1 tone (push-pull)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Delivered with cover/case: Optional, SGR-8V case sold separately
  • Strings: Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 2221 (.010-.046)
  • Place of manufacture: Korea



1 354,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


SCHECTER - V-1CUSTOM-TPB - electric guitar

The Custom series brings its neo-vintage touch to the Schecter guitars, which have proven their worth in time, and always with this unique sound.


  • Type: Electric guitar
  • Number of strings: 6
  • Sleeve
  • Type: Pasted
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Shape: Straight
  • Sill width (mm): 42mm (1.653 inch)
  • Groove thickness (mm): 20mm (.787 inch)
  • Thickness at the 12th square (mm): 22mm (.866 inch)
  • Sill Type: Ernie Ball Compensated Nut
  • Key
  • Wood: Ebony
  • Key radius (mm): 12 inch-16 inchComponent Wave
  • Type of frets: X-Jumbo
  • Number of frets: 22
  • Tuning fork (mm): 628mm (24.75 inch)
  • Policy Insight: Mother Of Pearl Blocks
  • Cash register
  • Wood: Mahogany
  • Table: Rolled maple
  • Accessories
  • Brand of mechanics: Schecter
  • Type of mechanics: Oil bath blockers
  • Easel brand: TonePros T3BT TOM & T1Z cordier
  • Type of Trestle: Rope Mount
  • Electronic: ///
  • Microphone brand: Schecter
  • Microphone type: Double windings
  • Microphone models: Easel: USA Pasadena Plus
  • Sleeve: USA Pasadena
  • Selector: 3 positions
  • Electronics: Passive
  • Controls: 2 volumes
  • 1 tone (push-pull)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Delivered with cover/case: Optional, SGR-8V case sold separately
  • Strings: Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 2221 (.010-.046)
  • Place of manufacture: Korea
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Schecter agréé