Vintage Swan Velveteen Temple Themed Chinese Rug/Tapestry, Prayer Rug (SKL-59-3538-B)

This is Machine-made velveteen prayer rugs by Swan. Made in China.

A red rug with a blue, yellow, green, and off-white design featuring images of a mihrab with a hanging chandelier, Mecca, and what appears to be the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul.

This red rug has a tag along the underside that reads ’Swan Brand – Velveteen Rugs – 50 x 100.'

Condition: Good condition, used. There are a few threads sticking out at the back and small spots.

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A photo is as good as a thousand words and is the best description of a cosmetic condition. Use your ZOOM TOOL to best see this item! Please look closely at the photos for condition answers. 
We describe items as best we can and as we see them. Some details may be missed but not intentionally. Condition of an item is our opinion. If you have any questions on the condition of these items let us know before you purchase!

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