WODFitters Loop Bands are the ideal home workout and mobility accessory. They are also excellent for physical therapy and recovery work after torn MCL, ACL, or knee replacement. These loop bands help increase mobility and are essential in strengthening legs, hips and glutes.

Imagine that you just received that nice little box from WODFitters. You rip it open right away. You have in your hands five 10"x2" or 12"x2" loop bands made from strong high quality materials. Yellow, Blue, Green, Red and Black. Extra Light, Light, Medium, Heavy and Extra Heavy. Neatly packed in a WODFitters carrying bag.

What separates WODfitters loop bands from the competition? It's simple, really. It starts with the materials we use. These Loop Bands are sturdy, durable, and will not lose their shape or elasticity after use. Their ability to fit into a compact size makes them easy to take your workout or rehab on the move while traveling. The bands come with a handy carrying case, so they are super easy to throw into your gym bag or suitcase without tangling them.

WODFitters Loop Bands are perfect for cross training, resistance training, yoga, pilates, they can also be used for popular home workout DVD programs like Insanity, Brazilian Butt Lift, Turbo Jam and others. With the ability to choose which size band you use, you can customize your workout to strengthen and tone all your muscles. Light, Medium and Heavy bands can also be combined for an even more challenging workout. These bands are so versatile; you'll never run out of combinations to do with them!