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SOLID STATE LOGIC - UF1 - Controleur DAW compact

Solid State Logic, célèbre fabriquant anglais de solutions de mixage professionnelles ayant équipé les plus grands studios d’enregistrement de la planète, est fière de vous présenter son tout nouveau contrôleur pour DAW professionnel : le UF1.

Dans la lignée directe des contrôleurs DAW et plugin UF8 et UC1 développés par la marque, l’UF1 complète idéalement tout home studio en mettant à disposition un fader motorisé SSL de 100 mm, deux écrans haute résolution, dont un grand écran LCD de 4,3 pouces capable d’afficher un grand nombre d’informations. Capable de contrôler jusqu’à 3 DAW différents simultanément et compatibles avec les DAW les plus réputés de l’industrie, le UF1 est administré par le logiciel SSL360° et livré avec le plugin SSL Meter (valeur 99,99€) qui offre des outils de mesure essentiels pour réussir votre mixage, directement accessibles via l’écran 4,3 pouces.

Caractéristiques :

  • Contrôleur DAW complet dans un format compact. : contrôlez facilement les panoramiques, les départs, les plugins et les instruments virtuels de votre DAW.
  • Compagnon parfait d’un UC1 et d’une série d’UF8 pour créer une surface de contrôle complète pour studio hybride.
  • 1 fader motorisé de 100 mm haute qualité sensible au toucher.
  • 5 encodeurs 360° à pression.
  • Écran couleur LCD IPS 4,3 pouces haute définition affichant de nombreuses informations essentielles (nom de la piste, paramètres, plugin SSL Meter, plugins Channels Strips compatibles avec le mixeur de plugins SSL 360°).
  • Écran additionnel LCD de 1,77 pouces haute résolution.
  • Boutons de transport dédiés complété par un encodeur Channel cranté multifonction.
  • Jog wheel lesté offrant un contrôle complet sur votre session.
  • Boutons souples en caoutchouc rétroéclairés RVB personnalisables, prêts à être assignés à vos commandes DAW ou raccourcis clavier favoris.
  • Châssis entièrement métallique, avec panneau supérieur anodisée brossé.
  • Supports amovibles offrant 6 niveaux d’élévation différents.
  • Profils DAW HUI et MCU dédiés pour Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, LUNA ou Pyramix, et capacité de contrôle du Master fader dans les DAW en protocole MCU.
  • Contrôle propriétaire du mixeur SSL 360° :
  • Intégration parfaite avec le plugin SSL Meter (licence perpétuelle), visualisation sur l’écran de 4,3 pouces et pilotage à partir de l’UF1 et du mixeur de plugin SSL 360°.
  • De nombreux outils offerts par SSL Meter : niveaux RMS et Peak, K-System, balance stéréo, barre de corrélation de phase, courbe de Lissajous, RTA 31-bandes, VU-mètre et PPM.
  • Contrôle des plugins Channel Strips compatibles avec SSL 360°, tels que Channel Strip 2 ou 4KB, directement via l’UF1 et son écran de 4,3 pouces.
  • Master Mode du plugin Mixer de SSL 360° autorisant le contrôle d’un Channel Strip différent de celui sélectionné sur l’UF1.
  • Mode Fader permettant d’utiliser les 4 V-Pots présents sous l’écran pour piloter jusqu’à 4 volumes de piste en même temps.
  • Jusqu’à 3 DAW différents peuvent être connectés simultanément et contrôlés successivement via les boutons Layer.
  • Connexion à votre ordinateur via un câble USB Hi-speed.
  • 2 entrées footswitch paramétrables.
  • Dimensions : 205 x 265,9 x 62,5 mm



666,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

SOLID STATE LOGIC - UF1 - Compact DAW controller

Solid State Logic, the renowned British manufacturer of professional mixing solutions that have equipped some of the world's leading recording studios, is proud to present its latest professional DAW controller: the UF1.

A direct descendant of the UF8 and UC1 DAW controllers and plug-ins developed by the brand, the UF1 is the ideal complement to any home studio, featuring a 100 mm SSL motorized fader, two high-resolution screens, including a large 4.3" LCD capable of displaying a wealth of information. Capable of controlling up to 3 different DAWs simultaneously, and compatible with the industry's most renowned DAWs, the UF1 is administered by SSL360° software and comes with the SSL Meter plugin (99.99€ value), which offers essential measurement tools for successful mixing, directly accessible via the 4.3-inch screen.


  • Complete DAW controller in a compact format. Easily control your DAW's pan, sends, plugins and virtual instruments.
  • Perfect companion to a UC1 and UF8 series to create a complete hybrid studio control surface.
  • 1 high-quality 100 mm touch-sensitive motorized fader.
  • 5 pressure-sensitive 360° encoders.
  • High-definition 4.3" IPS color LCD display with essential information (track name, parameters, SSL Meter plugin, Channel Strips plugins compatible with the SSL 360° plugin mixer).
  • Additional 1.77" high-resolution LCD screen.
  • Dedicated transport buttons complemented by a multi-function notched channel encoder.
  • Weighted jog wheel for complete control over your session.
  • Customizable RGB backlit soft rubber knobs, ready to be assigned to your favorite DAW commands or keyboard shortcuts.
  • All-metal chassis, with brushed anodized top panel.
  • Removable stands offering 6 different levels of elevation.
  • Dedicated HUI and MCU DAW profiles for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, LUNA or Pyramix, and master fader control capability in MCU protocol DAWs.
  • Proprietary SSL 360° mixer control:
  • Seamless integration with the SSL Meter plugin (perpetual license), visualization on the 4.3" screen and control from the UF1 and the SSL 360° plugin mixer.
  • Numerous tools offered by SSL Meter: RMS and Peak levels, K-System, stereo balance, phase correlation bar, Lissajous curve, 31-band RTA, VU meter and PPM.
  • Control of SSL 360°-compatible Channel Strips plug-ins, such as Channel Strip 2 or 4KB, directly via the UF1 and its 4.3" display.
  • Master Mode for SSL 360°'s Mixer plugin, allowing control of a Channel Strip other than the one selected on the UF1.
  • Fader mode allows you to use the 4 V-Pots below the screen to control up to 4 track volumes at the same time.
  • Up to 3 different DAWs can be connected simultaneously and controlled successively via the Layer buttons.
  • Connection to your computer via Hi-speed USB cable.
  • 2 customizable footswitch inputs.
  • Dimensions: 205 x 265.9 x 62.5 mm



666,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


SOLID STATE LOGIC - UF1 - Compact DAW controller

Solid State Logic, the renowned British manufacturer of professional mixing solutions that have equipped some of the world's leading recording studios, is proud to present its latest professional DAW controller: the UF1.

A direct descendant of the UF8 and UC1 DAW controllers and plug-ins developed by the brand, the UF1 is the ideal complement to any home studio, featuring a 100 mm SSL motorized fader, two high-resolution screens, including a large 4.3" LCD capable of displaying a wealth of information. Capable of controlling up to 3 different DAWs simultaneously, and compatible with the industry's most renowned DAWs, the UF1 is administered by SSL360° software and comes with the SSL Meter plugin (99.99€ value), which offers essential measurement tools for successful mixing, directly accessible via the 4.3-inch screen.


  • Complete DAW controller in a compact format. Easily control your DAW's pan, sends, plugins and virtual instruments.
  • Perfect companion to a UC1 and UF8 series to create a complete hybrid studio control surface.
  • 1 high-quality 100 mm touch-sensitive motorized fader.
  • 5 pressure-sensitive 360° encoders.
  • High-definition 4.3" IPS color LCD display with essential information (track name, parameters, SSL Meter plugin, Channel Strips plugins compatible with the SSL 360° plugin mixer).
  • Additional 1.77" high-resolution LCD screen.
  • Dedicated transport buttons complemented by a multi-function notched channel encoder.
  • Weighted jog wheel for complete control over your session.
  • Customizable RGB backlit soft rubber knobs, ready to be assigned to your favorite DAW commands or keyboard shortcuts.
  • All-metal chassis, with brushed anodized top panel.
  • Removable stands offering 6 different levels of elevation.
  • Dedicated HUI and MCU DAW profiles for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, LUNA or Pyramix, and master fader control capability in MCU protocol DAWs.
  • Proprietary SSL 360° mixer control:
  • Seamless integration with the SSL Meter plugin (perpetual license), visualization on the 4.3" screen and control from the UF1 and the SSL 360° plugin mixer.
  • Numerous tools offered by SSL Meter: RMS and Peak levels, K-System, stereo balance, phase correlation bar, Lissajous curve, 31-band RTA, VU meter and PPM.
  • Control of SSL 360°-compatible Channel Strips plug-ins, such as Channel Strip 2 or 4KB, directly via the UF1 and its 4.3" display.
  • Master Mode for SSL 360°'s Mixer plugin, allowing control of a Channel Strip other than the one selected on the UF1.
  • Fader mode allows you to use the 4 V-Pots below the screen to control up to 4 track volumes at the same time.
  • Up to 3 different DAWs can be connected simultaneously and controlled successively via the Layer buttons.
  • Connection to your computer via Hi-speed USB cable.
  • 2 customizable footswitch inputs.
  • Dimensions: 205 x 265.9 x 62.5 mm



666,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


SOLID STATE LOGIC - UF1 - Compact DAW controller

Solid State Logic, the renowned British manufacturer of professional mixing solutions that have equipped some of the world's leading recording studios, is proud to present its latest professional DAW controller: the UF1.

A direct descendant of the UF8 and UC1 DAW controllers and plug-ins developed by the brand, the UF1 is the ideal complement to any home studio, featuring a 100 mm SSL motorized fader, two high-resolution screens, including a large 4.3" LCD capable of displaying a wealth of information. Capable of controlling up to 3 different DAWs simultaneously, and compatible with the industry's most renowned DAWs, the UF1 is administered by SSL360° software and comes with the SSL Meter plugin (99.99€ value), which offers essential measurement tools for successful mixing, directly accessible via the 4.3-inch screen.


  • Complete DAW controller in a compact format. Easily control your DAW's pan, sends, plugins and virtual instruments.
  • Perfect companion to a UC1 and UF8 series to create a complete hybrid studio control surface.
  • 1 high-quality 100 mm touch-sensitive motorized fader.
  • 5 pressure-sensitive 360° encoders.
  • High-definition 4.3" IPS color LCD display with essential information (track name, parameters, SSL Meter plugin, Channel Strips plugins compatible with the SSL 360° plugin mixer).
  • Additional 1.77" high-resolution LCD screen.
  • Dedicated transport buttons complemented by a multi-function notched channel encoder.
  • Weighted jog wheel for complete control over your session.
  • Customizable RGB backlit soft rubber knobs, ready to be assigned to your favorite DAW commands or keyboard shortcuts.
  • All-metal chassis, with brushed anodized top panel.
  • Removable stands offering 6 different levels of elevation.
  • Dedicated HUI and MCU DAW profiles for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, LUNA or Pyramix, and master fader control capability in MCU protocol DAWs.
  • Proprietary SSL 360° mixer control:
  • Seamless integration with the SSL Meter plugin (perpetual license), visualization on the 4.3" screen and control from the UF1 and the SSL 360° plugin mixer.
  • Numerous tools offered by SSL Meter: RMS and Peak levels, K-System, stereo balance, phase correlation bar, Lissajous curve, 31-band RTA, VU meter and PPM.
  • Control of SSL 360°-compatible Channel Strips plug-ins, such as Channel Strip 2 or 4KB, directly via the UF1 and its 4.3" display.
  • Master Mode for SSL 360°'s Mixer plugin, allowing control of a Channel Strip other than the one selected on the UF1.
  • Fader mode allows you to use the 4 V-Pots below the screen to control up to 4 track volumes at the same time.
  • Up to 3 different DAWs can be connected simultaneously and controlled successively via the Layer buttons.
  • Connection to your computer via Hi-speed USB cable.
  • 2 customizable footswitch inputs.
  • Dimensions: 205 x 265.9 x 62.5 mm



666,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


SOLID STATE LOGIC - UF1 - Compact DAW controller

Solid State Logic, the renowned British manufacturer of professional mixing solutions that have equipped some of the world's leading recording studios, is proud to present its latest professional DAW controller: the UF1.

A direct descendant of the UF8 and UC1 DAW controllers and plug-ins developed by the brand, the UF1 is the ideal complement to any home studio, featuring a 100 mm SSL motorized fader, two high-resolution screens, including a large 4.3" LCD capable of displaying a wealth of information. Capable of controlling up to 3 different DAWs simultaneously, and compatible with the industry's most renowned DAWs, the UF1 is administered by SSL360° software and comes with the SSL Meter plugin (99.99€ value), which offers essential measurement tools for successful mixing, directly accessible via the 4.3-inch screen.


  • Complete DAW controller in a compact format. Easily control your DAW's pan, sends, plugins and virtual instruments.
  • Perfect companion to a UC1 and UF8 series to create a complete hybrid studio control surface.
  • 1 high-quality 100 mm touch-sensitive motorized fader.
  • 5 pressure-sensitive 360° encoders.
  • High-definition 4.3" IPS color LCD display with essential information (track name, parameters, SSL Meter plugin, Channel Strips plugins compatible with the SSL 360° plugin mixer).
  • Additional 1.77" high-resolution LCD screen.
  • Dedicated transport buttons complemented by a multi-function notched channel encoder.
  • Weighted jog wheel for complete control over your session.
  • Customizable RGB backlit soft rubber knobs, ready to be assigned to your favorite DAW commands or keyboard shortcuts.
  • All-metal chassis, with brushed anodized top panel.
  • Removable stands offering 6 different levels of elevation.
  • Dedicated HUI and MCU DAW profiles for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, LUNA or Pyramix, and master fader control capability in MCU protocol DAWs.
  • Proprietary SSL 360° mixer control:
  • Seamless integration with the SSL Meter plugin (perpetual license), visualization on the 4.3" screen and control from the UF1 and the SSL 360° plugin mixer.
  • Numerous tools offered by SSL Meter: RMS and Peak levels, K-System, stereo balance, phase correlation bar, Lissajous curve, 31-band RTA, VU meter and PPM.
  • Control of SSL 360°-compatible Channel Strips plug-ins, such as Channel Strip 2 or 4KB, directly via the UF1 and its 4.3" display.
  • Master Mode for SSL 360°'s Mixer plugin, allowing control of a Channel Strip other than the one selected on the UF1.
  • Fader mode allows you to use the 4 V-Pots below the screen to control up to 4 track volumes at the same time.
  • Up to 3 different DAWs can be connected simultaneously and controlled successively via the Layer buttons.
  • Connection to your computer via Hi-speed USB cable.
  • 2 customizable footswitch inputs.
  • Dimensions: 205 x 265.9 x 62.5 mm
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Solid State Logic agréé
Solid State Logic