Moina and Daphnia are closely related. They occur throughout the world and are collectively known as Daphnia.

Daphnia are freshwater fleas due to the hopping motion which trigger higher appetite for fish wether its a newborn or adult size fish

Daphnia primarily provides Vitmains A and D which is amazing for growth and on top of that it contains vitamin B and C.

The other main benefit of Daphnia is aquarium water quality remain great as it doesn't produce much ammonia in the water as it will also live in your tank if it doesn't get eaten 

Daphnia Moina is one of other great alternative other than Brine shrimp or other live food in terms of sizes which is half of normal Daphnia!! 

one of the biggest issue Fishkeeper facing is baby fish not interested with non moving pellet object / fussy eaters.

our culture starter will consist of bigger size of Daphnia that will be ready to multiply in no time!

We have include the food mix! blend it with water and you will be surprised!

all the instruction included in the packaging and tailored as simple as possible, effective and efficient!!

let us be part of your success!

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