About the item:

Product Description

black mist soft glow filter 

K&F Concept Black-mist 1/8 Filters

soft mist balck diffusion filters
Black diffusion filter

K&F Concept Black Diffusion 1/8 filter

  • The digital cameras are getting better and better with which the picture often looks "too sharp". What the filter does is make the image look less digital. Skin tones are softened over the entire area and thus also highlights that are created by sweat or fading powder on the skin. Contrasts are reduced. A rather unspecific filter that still has its application cases and has been an integral part of the arsenal of cinematic filter sets for many decades.
  • So if you want to see more subtle halos around your lights and also want to weaken the rather powerful reduction of contrasts with classic diffusion filters, the Black Mist 1/8 filters with additional black particles are just right.