" Війна за реальність. Як перемагати у світі фейків, правд і спільнот "
" War for reality. How to win in the world of fakes, truths and communities "

Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe Dmytro Kuleba wrote a book about behavior in the information space and work with communications in Ukraine. "War for reality: How to win in the world of fakes, truths and communities" is a real guide to protecting personal data, developing critical thinking and countering manipulation in the era of mass internetization and digitalization.
Focusing on examples from Ukraine, other countries and the experience of companies, the author analyzed how the war for reality takes place and singled out five rules that will help to win it. The main impetus for writing the book was the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of armed aggression on the part of  russia, because lies and manipulations that are spread with the help of the Internet have become an integral part of this war. And Ukrainian society was not ready to protect its information space.

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