Russian LOMO Standard Speed 
8x KINOR Style Lens Set

LOMO 18mm T3.0
Model: OKC5-18-1 / Year: 1991
LOMO 22mm T2.5
Model: OKC3-22-1 / Year: 1991
LOMO 28mm T2.2
Model: OKC7-28-1 / Year: 1990
LOMO 35mm T2.2
Model: OKC11-35-1 / Year: 1990
LOMO 50mm T2.3
Model: OKC1-50-5 / Year: 1990
LOMO 75mm T2.2
Model: OKC6-75-1 / Year: 1989
LOMO 100mm T3.1
Model: OKC2-100-2 / Year: 1989
LOMO 150mm T3.1
Model: OKC1-150-1 / Year: 1990

with ARRI PL Mount

Set comes with: 8x front slip-on caps (third party); 8x rear Arri PL cap (third party); 8x 80mm O.D. aluminium front rings; 8x aluminium 360 degree follow focus rings; 1x doublet glass for 18mm lens

This is KINOR style set of LOMO Standard Speed 35mm format lenses

This is lens set with very close dates of production (from 1989 to 1991 Year), taken from one place (production company), where lenses were used, till the day, we've purchased them from this company. This set is a set with lenses from last Years of production, as Lomo Standard Speed lenses were made up to 1992 Year


please, note, that our condition description is for glasses condition only, not for any optical performance of those lenses, which is not part of this description; there are NO deep scratches, deep cleaning marks, cracks (except 18mm lens, please, read this description to the end) or any other serious damages on lenses glasses; there are NO fungus, mold, fog, haze, separations or any other serious damages inside optical construction in all lenses; all lenses can have few really MICRO cleaning marks here and there, but never visible by naked eye, usually faint ones, which are normal in vintage lenses; all lenses can have few MICRO marks/spots on glasses coatings, but it is quite normal, especially in Russian vintage lenses; all lenses have some MICRO pieces of dust inside optical construction for sure; 
optical issues showed with detailed LED lamp test: 
1) 18mm lens has small crack inside, on the edge, which is very common in those lenses; it's not on the line of shooting, in our opinion not visible even wide open, but let's say, it is not visible when lens aperture is closed to T4; we add practically new doublet glass to exchange in service (removed from other lens), that looks really perfect, but still, this lens can be used as it is now, as this crack is not visible on movie material at the moment;
2) 22mm
, 28mm and 35mm lenses have marks under front / rear glasses (in 22mm under front glass, that looks a bit foggy now; in 28mm inside, on the edges; in 35mm under rear glass, but also two line looking marks under front glass), which are probably 'steam' from grease, that is on aperture blades now; those marks will need optics cleaning, to be removed; in general, Lomo lenses are known from those 'steamy' marks, which are creations of grease, that come inside optical construction after some time; lenses can be used, as they are now, but for better contrast and sharpness, they should be cleaned, as well, as grease on aperture blades, to not generate new steamy marks; 
3) 100mm and 150mm lenses have air bubbles inside (100mm has one and 150mm has two), but in general, this is not even issue, as most eastern vintage lenses (like Carl Zeiss Jena for example) has air bubbles in glass; 
please, note, that LED test is critical test and even new lenses have some issues to pass it; we just want to be 100% honest with Buyer, so we did around 30 min LED test with all lenses from this set, so we've spent around 3-4 minutes per lens to check and describe them really good; in general, after good evaluation, we think, that lenses can be used, as they are now, but for any professional use, they need to be fully serviced

focus rings in all lenses from this set works good, smooth, with no serious issues; we've checked all lenses with manual and electronic follow focus units and they all work really good; aperture rings in all lenses works fine, with no serious issues; all lenses have de-clicked aperture type, as Lomo are cine lenses; all lenses were converted to Arri PL mount, but we do not know history, who did conversion from OCT19 mount to ARRI PL mount
mechanical issues, that we've found during evaluation of this set: 
1) 18mm, 35mm, 50mm and 75mm lenses have backlash on aperture ring, which is probably factory backlash

2) 22mm35mm50mm and 75mm lenses have backlash on focus ring, which is probably conversion backlash
3) ALL lenses have oil on aperture blades (more or less, but all of them have some for sure), that is nothing to worry about now, but should be cleaned in the future; 
 ALL lenses have standard 'breathing' during focusing, so they can have some backlash / play; this is quite normal in this type of lenses and we do not even think, it is an issue here, as those lenses works like that, as they are not very expensive modern cine lenses, but old, vintage, Russian lenses, so to have perfect working condition, you need to spend thousands per lens for re-housing, as standard housings are, like they are;
we just mention about all this, as we want to be 100% honest with buyer; we've also did around half an hour follow focus unit test + hand test to all lenses, so we've noticed even MICRO issue; in general, even with those issues (backlash on focus / aperture rings), this set is still in excellent condition, as most Lomo You can find on the market works much, much worst

all lenses have just LIGHT to NORMAL signs of use on their casings, as can be seen on REAL pictures under this set description;  
minimal visual issues in all lenses: 
1) 50mm and 75mm 
lenses have more signs of use on their casings, than other lenses from this set; 
2) 22mm and 100mm lenses have some more signs of use, than other lenses from this set (except 50mm and 75mm lenses), but only on their metal hoods, not on all casing parts;
lenses casings can have some minimal scratches, minimal paint missing and some micro dirt in some places, as this is used set of lenses; there are NO serious damages on lenses casings, like really serious dents or cracks; in general, this set is still in really perfect visual condition for it's age, with just normal signs of use on casings

Our RATINGS in item(s) description are:
MINT (100-95%) -> PERFECT (80-95%) -> EXCELLENT (60-80%) -> VERY GOOD (40-60%) -> GOOD (20-40%) -> POOR (5-20%)


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