Druckminderer Argon CO2 MIG MAG WIG Schutzgas Schweißgerät Gas Druckregler

The high quality gas bottle pressure regulator is the perfect accessory for your gas applications. Whether you use gas for the grill, heater, camping stove or other appliances, this pressure regulator ensures a safe and reliable gas supply.

Farbe: Schwarz + Gelb
Material: Kupfer
Spezifikationen: Maximaler Druck von 230 bar, Ausgangsdruck von 10 bar
Modell: Einlassgewinde W21.8, Auslassgewinde G1/4

Produktdetails: Druckregler


- The valve is ideal for use with MIG MAG and TIG TIG

- The individual parts of the pressure regulator are made only from high-quality and robust materials

- The indicators on the co2 pressure regulator are specially designed

- The regulating on the pressure regulator is carried out with the rotary regulator


Safety precautions:

1. Pressure regulator must only be used for the type of gas for which the pressure regulator is marked.

2. Pressure regulators are suitable for compressed gas bottles with max. 315 bar according to labelling.

3. Do not use pressure regulators for gases in the liquid phase.

4. Do not use pressure regulators at an atmospheric temperature above -30 °C and above +60 °C.

Always keep:

1. Keep any part associated with nitrogen free from grease and grease.

2. Check if the connection of the bottle valve is clean and undamaged (possibly blow it out! Do not point the conveyor end at people). Make sure the connection seal is error-free, and possibly replace it in case of damage. The pressure regulator must not be connected.

3. Connect the pressure regulator to the closed bottle valve. Connect the inlet spindle and nut with a wrench. The cover of the pressure regulator must point downwards.

4. Loosen the adjustment spring with the adjustment screw. - Close the shut-off valve on the pressure regulator and on the consumer. - Open the bottle valve slowly (high pressure gauge shows the cylinder pressure.) - Adjust the desired output pressure on the adjustment screw. - Open the shut-off valve on the pressure regulator and on the consumption device a little - correct the pressure setting in the event of pressure drop.

Precautions for operation and maintenance:

1. Pressure regulator must always be protected from damage (visual control at regular intervals)

2. In the event of an error, e.g. Increase the output pressure during removal = 0, leakage to defective meter in the atmosphere or actuation of the pressure relief valve, disconnection of the pressure regulator, immediate closing of the bottle valve.


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