Sculpture of the Greek God of Strength - Atlas , Holding Man in Place in the Universe -

Dimensions are ; 14 1/4" high , 6 5/8" wide at the widest point ( elbows ) , 6 3/4" deep from Atlas' bowed head to the teeth of the skull . Material is bronze toned heavy resin . Artist/Sculptor is K V Frost . This piece , one of the first original one of a kind pieces we have offered here is by American artist K V Frost . It's a bit of a re-imaging of the Ancient Greek Myth of Atlas , condemned by a Titan , The Titan , Zeus , to hold up the celestial heavens for eternity after the Titanomachy . This has typically been shown as Atlas bearing the weight of a globe , Earth , but the artist has re-imagined it in the most human of ways - as man came from that Universe , he will return to it , but that makes his time on Earth , mortal time - both man and Earth have a life cycle , a mortality , and that very Earth we live on is itself symbolic of beauty and mortality - besides - it's a cool visual , in the way that the painters 'vanitas' is an encapsulation of the hopeful and the mortal - thus , a commentary on the condition of man . A great piece for any location that you have the imagination to place it in . It is one of a kind , there is only 1 .