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This is the seafaring record of Philip Jashua Vogel, who served as a wireless radio operator (telegraphist or also known as a Marconi operator, on various ships during 1909 to 1910, and this is the record of the steamships in which he served.

This hardcover leather bound book measures 5" x 8" and the text is in the German language. It contains around 30 pages of hand written entries along with a section of regulations at the back of around 30 pages. At the back of the book is a pouch, but there is nothing in it.

Vogel was born in Muhlhausen, Alsace, Germany in 1884. And according to this book, he served in the military prior to the service recorded in this book for three years.

Ships on which Vogel served include

  • Steamship AMERIKA, Capt. Knuth, which went between Hamburg, New York and Zurich. Incidentally this ship was one of the five liners which gave an ice warning to the RMS Titanic in 1912.
  • Steamship GROSS KURFURST, Capt. G. Rott, Bremerhaven to New York
  • Steamship FRIEDRICH DER GROSS, Capt R. Dahl Bremerhaven, New York and Zurich
  • Steamship KRONPRINZ WILHELM, Capt. R. Vicrich
  • Steamship PRINZ FREIDRICH WILHELM, Capt. E. Prehn, New York and Zurich.
  • Steamship KAISER WILHELM II, Capt. O Cuppers, Bremerhaven, New York and Zurich
  • Steamship GEORGE WASHINGTON, Capt. P. Wettin
  • Steamship S. Y. THALLIA,
  • Steamship S. S. MESABA. This ship was also one of the give liners which gave ice warnings to the RMS Titanic in 1912.
The last two entries are in blue ink, and don't look "official". On the entry for the S. S. Mesaba, there is written "Deserted ship in New York because Skipper was a SKUNK" ("Ich in NY das Sdhiff desertierte, Kapitan war ein Schwein".)

And so, this is how Vogel immigrated to America. Vogel went on to be a wireless radio supervisor and lived in California for good portion of his life.

This book has edge wear. The interior has light toned pages.

Interesting piece of ship related memorabilia and wireless radio memorabilia!

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