





  • Dies ist ein wunderschöner sowie auch recht seltener NASCAR- Paint mit der Jerry in der 2003er Saison unterwegs gewesen ist. Er fuhr damit lediglich einige wenige Rennen.
  • Wie wir alle wissen hatte Jerry am 2.Mai 2003 einen sehr schweren Unfall beim Training auf dem RICHMOND INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY, der ihm beinahe das Leben kostete. Bis heute ist Jerry leider nicht wieder in den CUP zurückgekehrt.
  • In der diesjährigen Saison 2023 ist auch dieser Special-Paint leider nicht mehr zu sehen.
  • PONTIAC „Grand Prix“
  • Clear window
  • SAISON 2003


    NASCAR Metallmodell
  • OWNERS Modelle sind (vergleichbar mit ELITE) EXTREM hochwertige sehr detaillierte Metallmodelle, welche in ihrer Verarbeitung ausgesprochen unübertrefflich sind. Dieses wunderschöne Nascarmodell  lässt den Puls eines jeden Motorsportfans extrem ansteigen.



  • WELWEIT AUF 1800 STÜCK LIMITIERT und EINZELN NUMMERIERT. Dieses NASCAR ist in einem ABSOLUT DETAILLIERTEN NEUZUSTAND (voll verkabelter PONTIAC V8 Motor, Aktives Fahrwerk, Aktive Federung, Feuerlöscher; Echt-Gummi-Reifen, Differential, komplette Tankanlage, Lenkung, Netz auf der Fahrerseite, Motorhaube, Heckklappe und sogar die ROOF FLAPS   lassen sich öffnen !! und befindet sich natürlich noch in der ORIGINALVERPACKUNG (mit zertifizierter Echtheitsmedaille und ECHTHEITSZERTIFIKAT) !!!




  •  TOPRARITÄT, da dieses NASCAR in Deutschland nie im Handel gewesen ist und auch NICHT sein wird.



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One Day after


By Lee Montgomery, Turner Sports Interactive May 3, 2003
8:05 PM EDT (0005 GMT)


RICHMOND, Va. -- MB2/MBV Motorsports general manager Jay Frye said Saturday that driver Jerry Nadeau will be back and that his "feisty" attitude will help him as he recovers from head, lung and rib injuries sustained in a crash during practice Friday afternoon at Richmond International Raceway.

Nadeau, driver of the No. 01 Pontiac, visited the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, spending time with soldiers injured in the war against Iraq. Frye said the soldiers' positive attitudes left an impression on Nadeau.

"Maybe that is a blessing in disguise that he saw that," Frye said. "Now, he's going to have some of the same struggles that maybe some of them are having. We saw their attitude, and (Nadeau) is the same type kid. He's feisty. He's a winner. He's hard-headed, and he'll be back. He's going to be great."

Nadeau remains in critical condition at Virginia Commonwealth University's Medical College of Virginia Hospitals. All that has been released about his injuries is that he is being treated for "head, lung and rib injuries."

Busch Series driver Jason Keller is substituting for Nadeau in Saturday night's race.

Questions still remain about the crash. Kurt Busch, who was just ahead of Nadeau on the track, said it appeared Nadeau's car simply slipped.

"It looked like a freak deal where he was just a bit outside the groove and stepped on the brake pedal too hard," Busch said. "I wasn't in position to see; I was too far to the right of him. But I heard his left-front tire lock up. When you do that, it makes it very hard to steer."

Nadeau's car went into a snap spin and slammed the outside wall between turns 1 and 2. Frye said it appeared Nadeau kept his foot on the accelerator to try to slow the car as it was going backwards, as is usually the case in a spin.

"Instead of a four-wheel backwards slide, there was a two-wheel brake slide with the rear wheels being lit up, which they didn't grip," Frye said. "That is my speculation."

Frye said there was no indication of anything mechanically going wrong.

"We were having a great practice," Frye said. "We were going very fast. It was just one of those things that happened. It was an accident."

Nadeau's battered car was en route to NASCAR's research and development center in Concord, N.C. for evaluation. Indications are all the safety paraphernalia inside the car were intact, but his aluminum seat did give way slightly. There were no indications that caused any injuries, however.

After Nadeau was taken to the hospital, Frye said doctors immediately began working on Nadeau. But there was a period of about three hours where nothing was known about his condition. Nadeau's wife, Jada, had yet to arrive, so there was nothing to do but wait.

"Obviously, when that is happening, what do you assume? The worst," Frye said.

"Well, then a doctor came in with a smile, and it was like, 'OK, here's the deal.' It made us all feel a lot better. Obviously, he is hurt. But it didn't seem like what we thought it could have been."

Frye said he wasn't sure how long Nadeau would remain in the Richmond hospital, as doctors are still performing tests. Frye said Nadeau's vital signs are "very good," but Nadeau remains sedated so doctors can work on him.

"He looked great," Frye said. "Once I went in to see him and left, it made a world of difference to me. You go in not knowing what to expect. Then you see -- 'There's your guy. Everything is OK. He's going to be fine.' Again, I'm not a doctor. We don't know that. He's in critical condition."

But the worst appears to be over for Nadeau. He's still very much on the minds of his competitors, however.

"It's very difficult to continue moving forward," Busch said. "Obviously, there's things to be learned from it. We have to believe he's going to be OK, and he'll be able to come back in the car, and we're going to act as if he's out there with us. It's tough to move forward.

"It's difficult because turn 1, every time you go through there, you're conscious of him."

Fans may send well wishes to Nadeau at:


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