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YOU GET TWO TRICKS FOR ONE LOW PRICE!Penetration Frame-Show a glass frame (made of plexi-glass) to your audience. Ask them if you can borrow a pencil. Along with the pencil you will need two playing cards or your own business cards. Place one card on each side of the frame. Informing your spectator that you're about to demonstrate the impossible, thrust the pencil right though the cards and the glass frame! Amazing! The incredible kicker is after you show the frame on both sides and remove the cards and pencil, you can pass everything out for examination! This awesome gimmicked trick is self working. The gimmick is indictable to the untrained eye! Packaged in an attractive box.                                                               Prayer Vase    -  It defies gravity!
The magician shows a red vase and a piece of unprepared rope to his spectators. The vase is seen to be empty.
Inserting the rope into the vase, the magician confesses that a genii lives inside of the vase. To prove his point, he turns the vase (with the rope still inside) upside down. The rope remains suspended inside the vase!
Then, the magician holds the rope with one hand and lets go of the vase. It remains suspended in the air, as if the genii of the vase were holding on to the rope.
At the end of the trick, the magician hands out the rope and the vase for examination.
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