Mexican Pre Columbian Tlatilco Terracotta Nose. Unique piece it was not from a figure but made as is . Tlatilco is noted in particular for its high quality pottery pieces, many featuring Olmec iconography from an early culture c 1200bc-600bc. Tlatilco figures were known for their elaborate hair styles. This nose was made as a single piece perhaps as an offering as the Etruscans did. Cool piece but hard to photograph to convey the way it looks in person. Size 1" by 1.25" Note we have a half face from the same culture that has a very similar large nose.
Mexican Pre Columbian Tlatilco Terracotta Nose. Unique piece it was not from a figure but made as is . Tlatilco is noted in particular for its high quality pottery pieces, many featuring Olmec iconography from an early culture c 1200bc-600bc. Tlatilco figures were known for their elaborate hair styles. This nose was made as a single piece perhaps as an offering as the Etruscans did. Cool piece but hard to photograph to convey the way it looks in person. Size 1" by 1.25" Note we have a half face from the same culture that has a very similar large nose.