This listing does not violate Ebay policy. Currency issued by the Nazi Germany government is explicitly allowed in the offensive materials policy. Stamps issued by the Nazi Germany government are also explicitly allowed in the offensive materials policy. Currency and stamps do not promote hatred, violence, or discrimination. 

This listing is for: 

A) A single 2 reichsmark Hitler stamp issued in 1944 during WW2. The 2 reichsmark denomination is among the highest ever released by the Third Reich, as the overwhelming majority were in the reichspfenng denomination. The stamp will be in a holder as shown with the correct year, denomination, description, and official catalog number. 

B) You will also receive six (6) 2 reichsmark silver coins. These coins measure roughly 25 mm and contain 62.5% silver (0.16 Troy Oz). These coins were used throughout Nazi Germany during WW2. The edges of each of these silver coins contain the Latin writing "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" which translates to "Common Good Takes Priority over Self-interest." Each coin in your order will be in a holder with the correct year, denomination, mintmark, mint location, and number minted in that specific mint for that specific year. 

Every coin in your order is guaranteed to have a different year/mintmark combination. For example, you might receive multiple coins from any specific year, but they are guaranteed to have different mintmarks. Likewise, you may receive coins with the same mintmarks but they will be guaranteed to have different years. This guarantee only applies to a single order, there may necessarily be duplication if multiple orders (2 or more) are submitted. 

We have a wide variety of years and mintmarks of these coins, including Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Muldenhutten, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, and Hamburg. 

1 order = 1 stamp and 6 coins, 2 orders = 2 stamps and 12 coins, etc. 

If you would like to see our other Third Reich coins in custom labeled cases, please click this link:
Click HERE For Custom Labeled Third Reich Coins in Protective Cases

Our custom labeled Third Reich coins in Guardhouse protectors can be found at this link:
Click HERE For Custom Labeled Third Reich Coins in Guardhouse Protectors