ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Clavier maitre Minilab 3 Alpine White


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ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Clavier maitre Minilab 3 Alpine White

L'incontournable clavier tant aimé des musiciens et des écoles. Mais pourquoi séduit-il autant ? Sa qualité de finition, sa fiabilité, la beauté du châssis et ses petits plus Arturia ne sont certainement pas étranger à cet engouement. Ajoutez le logiciel offrant plus de 500 sons de claviers: Analog Lab Intro et vous comprendrez pourquoi me MiniLab mkII mérite le succès qu'il rencontre.

Caractéristiques : 

  •  Aftertouch : Non
  •  Arpégiateur : Oui
  •  Bluetooth : Non
  •  Catégorie : Clavier maître
  •  Compatibilité : iOS, Mac OS X 10.11.6 64bit ou supérieur, Windows 10 64bit ou supérieur, Android
  •  Contrôleur : 4 faders, 8 pads rétroéclairés, 8 encodeurs
  •  Entrées : Pédale de sustain, USB Midi
  •  Format des touches : moyenne
  •  Logiciels fournis : Analog Lab Intro, Ableton Live Lite, Loopcloud, NI The Gentleman, UVI Model D, Melodics
  •  Nbre de faders : 4
  •  Nbre de potentiomètres : 8
  •  Nbre de touches : 25
  •  Pad rétroéclairé : Oui
  •  Sensibilité des pads à la vélocité : Oui
  •  Sensible à la vélocité : Oui
  •  Sorties : Midi, USB/Midi
  •  Toucher : Dynamique
  •  Transposition : Oui

ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards


95,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards

The essential keyboard so loved by musicians and schools. But why does it seduce so much? Its quality of finish, its reliability, the beauty of the chassis and its little extras Arturia are certainly not foreign to this enthusiasm. Add the software offering more than 500 keyboard sounds: Analog Lab Intro and you will understand why my MiniLab mkII deserves the success it meets.


  • Aftertouch: No
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: iOS, Mac OS X 10.11.6 64bit or higher, Windows 10 64bit or higher, Android
  • Controller: 4 faders, 8 backlit pads, 8 encoders
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, USB Midi
  • Key format: medium
  • Software included: Analog Lab Intro, Ableton Live Lite, Loopcloud, NI The Gentleman, UVI Model D, Melodics
  • Number of faders: 4
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit pad: Yes
  • Velocity sensitivity of pads: Yes
  • Velocity sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB/Midi
  • Touch: Dynamic
  • Transposition: Yes

ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards


95,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards

The essential keyboard so loved by musicians and schools. But why does it seduce so much? Its quality of finish, its reliability, the beauty of the chassis and its little extras Arturia are certainly not foreign to this enthusiasm. Add the software offering more than 500 keyboard sounds: Analog Lab Intro and you will understand why my MiniLab mkII deserves the success it meets.


  • Aftertouch: No
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: iOS, Mac OS X 10.11.6 64bit or higher, Windows 10 64bit or higher, Android
  • Controller: 4 faders, 8 backlit pads, 8 encoders
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, USB Midi
  • Key format: medium
  • Software included: Analog Lab Intro, Ableton Live Lite, Loopcloud, NI The Gentleman, UVI Model D, Melodics
  • Number of faders: 4
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit pad: Yes
  • Velocity sensitivity of pads: Yes
  • Velocity sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB/Midi
  • Touch: Dynamic
  • Transposition: Yes

ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards


95,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards

The essential keyboard so loved by musicians and schools. But why does it seduce so much? Its quality of finish, its reliability, the beauty of the chassis and its little extras Arturia are certainly not foreign to this enthusiasm. Add the software offering more than 500 keyboard sounds: Analog Lab Intro and you will understand why my MiniLab mkII deserves the success it meets.


  • Aftertouch: No
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: iOS, Mac OS X 10.11.6 64bit or higher, Windows 10 64bit or higher, Android
  • Controller: 4 faders, 8 backlit pads, 8 encoders
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, USB Midi
  • Key format: medium
  • Software included: Analog Lab Intro, Ableton Live Lite, Loopcloud, NI The Gentleman, UVI Model D, Melodics
  • Number of faders: 4
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit pad: Yes
  • Velocity sensitivity of pads: Yes
  • Velocity sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB/Midi
  • Touch: Dynamic
  • Transposition: Yes

ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards


95,00 €

Availability:  Available in stock
Processing time:  Under 24/48 hours
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ARTURIA - MINILAB3-ALP-WH - Minilab 3 Alpine White master keyboards

The essential keyboard so loved by musicians and schools. But why does it seduce so much? Its quality of finish, its reliability, the beauty of the chassis and its little extras Arturia are certainly not foreign to this enthusiasm. Add the software offering more than 500 keyboard sounds: Analog Lab Intro and you will understand why my MiniLab mkII deserves the success it meets.


  • Aftertouch: No
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: iOS, Mac OS X 10.11.6 64bit or higher, Windows 10 64bit or higher, Android
  • Controller: 4 faders, 8 backlit pads, 8 encoders
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, USB Midi
  • Key format: medium
  • Software included: Analog Lab Intro, Ableton Live Lite, Loopcloud, NI The Gentleman, UVI Model D, Melodics
  • Number of faders: 4
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit pad: Yes
  • Velocity sensitivity of pads: Yes
  • Velocity sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB/Midi
  • Touch: Dynamic
  • Transposition: Yes
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Arturia agréé