ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Interfaces Audio


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ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Interfaces Audio

Les AudioFuse sont des interfaces audio haut de gamme se démarquant par la qualité de leurs préamplis Discret Pro ainsi que de leur conversion A/D D/A haut de gamme. Ces interfaces USB 2 Si vous êtes exigeant sur la qualité du son : les AudioFuse ont été créées pour vous.

Enfin une interface audio/MIDI sans compromis également pour l'utilisateur.

Imaginez : vous êtes sur une interface audio rackable 1U, et sur cette surface réduite elle vous offre : 16 entrées analogiques TRS , 8 sorties analogiques TRS , 2 sorties Monitoring analogique, 2 entrées combo avec alimentation fantôme en façade, une entrée Minijack analogique en façade,
une sortie horloge analogique, 1 MIDI in et 2 MIDI Out/Thru ainsi qu'un HUB USB à deux ports et un MIDI Host permettant de brancher une surface de contrôle pour mixer dans l'interface ! La célèbre double prise casque Arturia est également de l'aventure. 
Et le Digital ?
Si 16 entrées et 8 sorties analogiques ne vous suffisent pas, vous pourrez utiliser les deux ports ADAT en Toslink permettant d'ajouter 16 entrées et 16 sorties. l'AudioFuse 16Rig dispose également d'un Wordclock avec terminaison.
Compatible, Mac, PC et iPad Pro
L'AudioFuse 16Rig fonctionne aussi bien sur MacOS que sur Windows mais également sur iPad Pro. Et tenez-vous bien : même sur ce dernier vous disposerez des entrées et sorties multiples.
Une interface qui peut fonctionner sans ordinateur 
Vous désirez utiliser la qualité de son de votre AudioFuse 16Rig sur scène ou en répétition sans avoir à emmener votre ordinateur ? Aucun problème, l'AudioFuse 16 Rig fonctionne parfaitement en mode autonome et assurera la gestion du routing audio mais également le routing MIDI ! Oui c'est une première ! Et grâce à son écran  OLED précis et lumineux, vous pouvez même apporter des modifications de dernière minute directement sur l'interface puis, mettre votre réglage en mémoire grâce à ses 8 Presets interne.
La mémoire est dans l'interface !
8 : c'est le nombre de presets embarqués dans l'interface permettant de mémoriser des routing et même nommer des sets d'instruments totalement différents. Vous êtes en configuration studio chez vous, connecté à votre ordinateur : vous allez programmer votre routing audio et MIDI et le mémoriser dans le Preset 1 par exemple. Vous partez en concert avec un set plus léger et sans ordinateur ? Vous allez pouvoir mémoriser une autre configuration avec d'autres labels d'instruments, dans un Preset 2 que vous appellerez Live par exemple, etc..

Vous avez un système modulaire ? L'AudioFuse 16 Rig est DC Coupled ! 
l'AudioFuse 16 Rig est DC Coupled sur ses 8 sorties vous assurant de pouvoir contrôler votre système modulaire. Les utilisateurs de système modulaire seront ravis de trouver également une horloge analogique.
Mixez dans votre AudioFuse 16 Rig en temps réel : 
Sur la façade apparait une entrée USB nommée MIDI. Celle-ci vous permettra de brancher une surface de contrôle comme un KORG NanoKontrol par exemple qui vous permettra de contrôller directement le mixage à l'intérieur de l'AudioFuse 16 Rig. pour ce faire, activez le MIDI learning et le paramétrage sera fait en 2 minutes.

Des entrées et des sorties à multiples facettes en façade : 
Arturia ne voulais pas limiter cette interface aux claviers et à donc intégré deux entrées combos en façade permettant de brancher un micro ou d'autres instruments sans avoir à décabler la face arrière. Vous disposez également de deux sorties frontales à impédances réglables : vous allez pouvoir les assigner en sorties casques supplémentaires, en direct thru pour les utiliser comme des boitiers de DI ou même faire du Reamping ! 
Une offre logicielle à la hauteur de l'interface
L'AudioFuse 16 Rig est livrée avec la Creative Suite Arturia. A savoir, Le préampli 1973 le préampli V76 (le son du légendaire album blanc d'Abbey Road), le Filtre Mini du docteur Moog, le Chorus du Juno -6 le compresseur FET 76, la chambre d'Echo Roland Space Echo, la réverb Plate EMS 140, le préampli des légendaires consoles Trident,  le Phase Bi-Tron et si jamais ce n'était pas suffisant, l'iconique banque de sons de claviers Analog Lab Intro. 


  •  Alimentation fantôme : 48V
  •  Catégorie : interface audio
  •  Compatibilité : Mac OS 10.13 et supérieur, iOS, HUI, Logic Control, Mackie Control, iPad, Windows 10 64bit ou supérieur
  •  Couleur : Noir
  •  Dimensions (mm) : 493 x 294 x 43mm
  •  Format : rack, desktop
  •  Fréquence d'échantillonnage : 192 kHz
  •  Interfaçage : ADAT
  •  Interface MIDI : Oui
  •  Logiciels fournis : Analog Lab Intro, AudioFuse Creative Suite
  •  Nombre d'entrées : 16
  •  Nombre d'entrées analogiques : 16
  •  Nombre d'entrées numériques : 16
  •  Nombre de sorties : 10
  •  Nombre de sorties numériques : 16
  •  Nombre entrées instrument : 16
  •  Nombre entrées micro : 2
  •  Poids (kg) : 5,20 kg
  •  Résolution max : 24bits
  •  Type d'entrée numérique : Adat
  •  Type de sortie numérique : Adat
  •  Worldclock : Oui
  •  Specs complémentaires :
  • Sortie horloge analogique
  • DC Coupled
  • 3 canaux casques
  • Reamping
  • Direct Thru (Di Box)
  • MIDI Host pour automation
  • Fonctionne de manière indépendante

ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces


1 179,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces

AudioFuse are high-end audio interfaces distinguished by the quality of their Discrete Pro preamps as well as their high-end A/D D/A conversion. If you are demanding on the quality of the sound: the AudioFuse were created for you.

Finally an audio/MIDI interface without compromise also for the user.

Imagine: you are on a 1U rackable audio interface, and on this small surface it offers you: 16 analog TRS inputs, 8 analog TRS outputs, 2 analog monitoring outputs, 2 combo inputs with phantom power on the front, an analog Minijack input on the front,
an analog clock output, 1 MIDI in and 2 MIDI Out/Thru as well as a USB HUB with two ports and a MIDI Host to connect a control surface to mix in the interface! The famous Arturia dual headphone jack is also adventure.
What about the Digital?
If 16 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs are not enough, you can use the two Toslink ADAT ports to add 16 inputs and 16 outputs. AudioFuse 16Rig also has a wordclock with termination.
Compatible, Mac, PC and iPad Pro
The AudioFuse 16Rig works on both MacOS and Windows but also on iPad Pro. And behave yourself: even on the latter you will have multiple inputs and outputs.
An interface that can work without a computer
You want to use the sound quality of your AudioFuse 16Rig on stage or in rehearsal without having to bring your computer? No problem, the AudioFuse 16 Rig works perfectly in autonomous mode and will manage audio routing but also MIDI routing! Yes it is a first! And thanks to its precise and bright OLED display, you can even make last-minute changes directly on the interface and then, put your setting in memory thanks to its 8 internal presets.
The memory is in the interface!

8: this is the number of presets embedded in the interface to memorize routing and even name sets of totally different instruments. You are in studio configuration at home, connected to your computer: you will program your audio and MIDI routing and memorize it in Preset 1 for example. Are you going to a concert with a lighter set and without a computer? You will be able to memorize another configuration with other instrument labels, in a Preset 2 that you will call Live for example, etc..

Do you have a modular system? The AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled!
AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled on its 8 outputs ensuring you can control your modular system. Users of modular system will be delighted to also find an analog clock.
Mix in your AudioFuse 16 Rig in real time:
On the front appears a USB input named MIDI. This will allow you to connect a control surface like a KORG NanoKontrol for example that will allow you to directly control the mixing inside the AudioFuse 16 Rig. To do this, activate MIDI learning and the setting will be done in 2 minutes.

Multi-faceted entrances and exits on the façade:
Arturia did not want to limit this interface to keyboards and therefore integrated two front combos inputs to connect a microphone or other instruments without having to decant the back side. You also have two front outputs with adjustable impedances: you will be able to assign them in additional headphone outputs, live thru to use them as DI boxes or even Reamping!
A software offer that matches the interface
The AudioFuse 16 Rig comes with the Arturia Creative Suite. Namely, the 1973 preamp the V76 preamp (the sound of the legendary white album of Abbey Road), the Mini Filter of Doctor Moog, the Chorus of the Juno -6 the compressor FET 76, the chamber of Echo Roland Space Echo, the reverb Plate EMS 140, the preamp of the legendary Trident consoles, the Bi-Tron Phase and if ever that wasn’t enough, the iconic Analog Lab Intro keyboard sound bank.


  • Phantom power: 48V
  • Category: audio interface
  • Compatibility: Mac OS 10.13 and higher, iOS, HUI, Logic Control, Mackie Control, iPad, Windows 10 64bit or higher
  • Colour: Black
  • Dimensions (mm): 493 x 294 x 43mm
  • Format: rack, desktop
  • Sample rate: 192 kHz
  • Interfacing: ADAT
  • MIDI Interface: Yes
  • Software provided: Analog Lab Intro, AudioFuse Creative Suite
  • Number of entries: 16
  • Number of analog inputs: 16
  • Number of digital inputs: 16
  • Number of outputs: 10
  • Number of digital outputs: 16
  • Number of instrument inputs: 16
  • Number of mic inputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 5.20 kg
  • Max resolution: 24bits
  • Digital input type: Adat
  • Type of digital output: Adat
  • Worldclock: Yes
  • Additional Specs:
  • Analog clock output
  • DC Coupled
  • 3 headphone channels
  • Reamping
  • Direct Thru (Di Box)
  • MIDI Host for automation
  • Operates independently

ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces


1 179,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces

AudioFuse are high-end audio interfaces distinguished by the quality of their Discrete Pro preamps as well as their high-end A/D D/A conversion. If you are demanding on the quality of the sound: the AudioFuse were created for you.

Finally an audio/MIDI interface without compromise also for the user.

Imagine: you are on a 1U rackable audio interface, and on this small surface it offers you: 16 analog TRS inputs, 8 analog TRS outputs, 2 analog monitoring outputs, 2 combo inputs with phantom power on the front, an analog Minijack input on the front,
an analog clock output, 1 MIDI in and 2 MIDI Out/Thru as well as a USB HUB with two ports and a MIDI Host to connect a control surface to mix in the interface! The famous Arturia dual headphone jack is also adventure.
What about the Digital?
If 16 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs are not enough, you can use the two Toslink ADAT ports to add 16 inputs and 16 outputs. AudioFuse 16Rig also has a wordclock with termination.
Compatible, Mac, PC and iPad Pro
The AudioFuse 16Rig works on both MacOS and Windows but also on iPad Pro. And behave yourself: even on the latter you will have multiple inputs and outputs.
An interface that can work without a computer
You want to use the sound quality of your AudioFuse 16Rig on stage or in rehearsal without having to bring your computer? No problem, the AudioFuse 16 Rig works perfectly in autonomous mode and will manage audio routing but also MIDI routing! Yes it is a first! And thanks to its precise and bright OLED display, you can even make last-minute changes directly on the interface and then, put your setting in memory thanks to its 8 internal presets.
The memory is in the interface!

8: this is the number of presets embedded in the interface to memorize routing and even name sets of totally different instruments. You are in studio configuration at home, connected to your computer: you will program your audio and MIDI routing and memorize it in Preset 1 for example. Are you going to a concert with a lighter set and without a computer? You will be able to memorize another configuration with other instrument labels, in a Preset 2 that you will call Live for example, etc..

Do you have a modular system? The AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled!
AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled on its 8 outputs ensuring you can control your modular system. Users of modular system will be delighted to also find an analog clock.
Mix in your AudioFuse 16 Rig in real time:
On the front appears a USB input named MIDI. This will allow you to connect a control surface like a KORG NanoKontrol for example that will allow you to directly control the mixing inside the AudioFuse 16 Rig. To do this, activate MIDI learning and the setting will be done in 2 minutes.

Multi-faceted entrances and exits on the façade:
Arturia did not want to limit this interface to keyboards and therefore integrated two front combos inputs to connect a microphone or other instruments without having to decant the back side. You also have two front outputs with adjustable impedances: you will be able to assign them in additional headphone outputs, live thru to use them as DI boxes or even Reamping!
A software offer that matches the interface
The AudioFuse 16 Rig comes with the Arturia Creative Suite. Namely, the 1973 preamp the V76 preamp (the sound of the legendary white album of Abbey Road), the Mini Filter of Doctor Moog, the Chorus of the Juno -6 the compressor FET 76, the chamber of Echo Roland Space Echo, the reverb Plate EMS 140, the preamp of the legendary Trident consoles, the Bi-Tron Phase and if ever that wasn’t enough, the iconic Analog Lab Intro keyboard sound bank.


  • Phantom power: 48V
  • Category: audio interface
  • Compatibility: Mac OS 10.13 and higher, iOS, HUI, Logic Control, Mackie Control, iPad, Windows 10 64bit or higher
  • Colour: Black
  • Dimensions (mm): 493 x 294 x 43mm
  • Format: rack, desktop
  • Sample rate: 192 kHz
  • Interfacing: ADAT
  • MIDI Interface: Yes
  • Software provided: Analog Lab Intro, AudioFuse Creative Suite
  • Number of entries: 16
  • Number of analog inputs: 16
  • Number of digital inputs: 16
  • Number of outputs: 10
  • Number of digital outputs: 16
  • Number of instrument inputs: 16
  • Number of mic inputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 5.20 kg
  • Max resolution: 24bits
  • Digital input type: Adat
  • Type of digital output: Adat
  • Worldclock: Yes
  • Additional Specs:
  • Analog clock output
  • DC Coupled
  • 3 headphone channels
  • Reamping
  • Direct Thru (Di Box)
  • MIDI Host for automation
  • Operates independently

ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces


1 179,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces

AudioFuse are high-end audio interfaces distinguished by the quality of their Discrete Pro preamps as well as their high-end A/D D/A conversion. If you are demanding on the quality of the sound: the AudioFuse were created for you.

Finally an audio/MIDI interface without compromise also for the user.

Imagine: you are on a 1U rackable audio interface, and on this small surface it offers you: 16 analog TRS inputs, 8 analog TRS outputs, 2 analog monitoring outputs, 2 combo inputs with phantom power on the front, an analog Minijack input on the front,
an analog clock output, 1 MIDI in and 2 MIDI Out/Thru as well as a USB HUB with two ports and a MIDI Host to connect a control surface to mix in the interface! The famous Arturia dual headphone jack is also adventure.
What about the Digital?
If 16 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs are not enough, you can use the two Toslink ADAT ports to add 16 inputs and 16 outputs. AudioFuse 16Rig also has a wordclock with termination.
Compatible, Mac, PC and iPad Pro
The AudioFuse 16Rig works on both MacOS and Windows but also on iPad Pro. And behave yourself: even on the latter you will have multiple inputs and outputs.
An interface that can work without a computer
You want to use the sound quality of your AudioFuse 16Rig on stage or in rehearsal without having to bring your computer? No problem, the AudioFuse 16 Rig works perfectly in autonomous mode and will manage audio routing but also MIDI routing! Yes it is a first! And thanks to its precise and bright OLED display, you can even make last-minute changes directly on the interface and then, put your setting in memory thanks to its 8 internal presets.
The memory is in the interface!

8: this is the number of presets embedded in the interface to memorize routing and even name sets of totally different instruments. You are in studio configuration at home, connected to your computer: you will program your audio and MIDI routing and memorize it in Preset 1 for example. Are you going to a concert with a lighter set and without a computer? You will be able to memorize another configuration with other instrument labels, in a Preset 2 that you will call Live for example, etc..

Do you have a modular system? The AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled!
AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled on its 8 outputs ensuring you can control your modular system. Users of modular system will be delighted to also find an analog clock.
Mix in your AudioFuse 16 Rig in real time:
On the front appears a USB input named MIDI. This will allow you to connect a control surface like a KORG NanoKontrol for example that will allow you to directly control the mixing inside the AudioFuse 16 Rig. To do this, activate MIDI learning and the setting will be done in 2 minutes.

Multi-faceted entrances and exits on the façade:
Arturia did not want to limit this interface to keyboards and therefore integrated two front combos inputs to connect a microphone or other instruments without having to decant the back side. You also have two front outputs with adjustable impedances: you will be able to assign them in additional headphone outputs, live thru to use them as DI boxes or even Reamping!
A software offer that matches the interface
The AudioFuse 16 Rig comes with the Arturia Creative Suite. Namely, the 1973 preamp the V76 preamp (the sound of the legendary white album of Abbey Road), the Mini Filter of Doctor Moog, the Chorus of the Juno -6 the compressor FET 76, the chamber of Echo Roland Space Echo, the reverb Plate EMS 140, the preamp of the legendary Trident consoles, the Bi-Tron Phase and if ever that wasn’t enough, the iconic Analog Lab Intro keyboard sound bank.


  • Phantom power: 48V
  • Category: audio interface
  • Compatibility: Mac OS 10.13 and higher, iOS, HUI, Logic Control, Mackie Control, iPad, Windows 10 64bit or higher
  • Colour: Black
  • Dimensions (mm): 493 x 294 x 43mm
  • Format: rack, desktop
  • Sample rate: 192 kHz
  • Interfacing: ADAT
  • MIDI Interface: Yes
  • Software provided: Analog Lab Intro, AudioFuse Creative Suite
  • Number of entries: 16
  • Number of analog inputs: 16
  • Number of digital inputs: 16
  • Number of outputs: 10
  • Number of digital outputs: 16
  • Number of instrument inputs: 16
  • Number of mic inputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 5.20 kg
  • Max resolution: 24bits
  • Digital input type: Adat
  • Type of digital output: Adat
  • Worldclock: Yes
  • Additional Specs:
  • Analog clock output
  • DC Coupled
  • 3 headphone channels
  • Reamping
  • Direct Thru (Di Box)
  • MIDI Host for automation
  • Operates independently

ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces


1 179,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ARTURIA - AUDIOFUSE 16 RIG - Audio Interfaces

AudioFuse are high-end audio interfaces distinguished by the quality of their Discrete Pro preamps as well as their high-end A/D D/A conversion. If you are demanding on the quality of the sound: the AudioFuse were created for you.

Finally an audio/MIDI interface without compromise also for the user.

Imagine: you are on a 1U rackable audio interface, and on this small surface it offers you: 16 analog TRS inputs, 8 analog TRS outputs, 2 analog monitoring outputs, 2 combo inputs with phantom power on the front, an analog Minijack input on the front,
an analog clock output, 1 MIDI in and 2 MIDI Out/Thru as well as a USB HUB with two ports and a MIDI Host to connect a control surface to mix in the interface! The famous Arturia dual headphone jack is also adventure.
What about the Digital?
If 16 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs are not enough, you can use the two Toslink ADAT ports to add 16 inputs and 16 outputs. AudioFuse 16Rig also has a wordclock with termination.
Compatible, Mac, PC and iPad Pro
The AudioFuse 16Rig works on both MacOS and Windows but also on iPad Pro. And behave yourself: even on the latter you will have multiple inputs and outputs.
An interface that can work without a computer
You want to use the sound quality of your AudioFuse 16Rig on stage or in rehearsal without having to bring your computer? No problem, the AudioFuse 16 Rig works perfectly in autonomous mode and will manage audio routing but also MIDI routing! Yes it is a first! And thanks to its precise and bright OLED display, you can even make last-minute changes directly on the interface and then, put your setting in memory thanks to its 8 internal presets.
The memory is in the interface!

8: this is the number of presets embedded in the interface to memorize routing and even name sets of totally different instruments. You are in studio configuration at home, connected to your computer: you will program your audio and MIDI routing and memorize it in Preset 1 for example. Are you going to a concert with a lighter set and without a computer? You will be able to memorize another configuration with other instrument labels, in a Preset 2 that you will call Live for example, etc..

Do you have a modular system? The AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled!
AudioFuse 16 Rig is DC Coupled on its 8 outputs ensuring you can control your modular system. Users of modular system will be delighted to also find an analog clock.
Mix in your AudioFuse 16 Rig in real time:
On the front appears a USB input named MIDI. This will allow you to connect a control surface like a KORG NanoKontrol for example that will allow you to directly control the mixing inside the AudioFuse 16 Rig. To do this, activate MIDI learning and the setting will be done in 2 minutes.

Multi-faceted entrances and exits on the façade:
Arturia did not want to limit this interface to keyboards and therefore integrated two front combos inputs to connect a microphone or other instruments without having to decant the back side. You also have two front outputs with adjustable impedances: you will be able to assign them in additional headphone outputs, live thru to use them as DI boxes or even Reamping!
A software offer that matches the interface
The AudioFuse 16 Rig comes with the Arturia Creative Suite. Namely, the 1973 preamp the V76 preamp (the sound of the legendary white album of Abbey Road), the Mini Filter of Doctor Moog, the Chorus of the Juno -6 the compressor FET 76, the chamber of Echo Roland Space Echo, the reverb Plate EMS 140, the preamp of the legendary Trident consoles, the Bi-Tron Phase and if ever that wasn’t enough, the iconic Analog Lab Intro keyboard sound bank.


  • Phantom power: 48V
  • Category: audio interface
  • Compatibility: Mac OS 10.13 and higher, iOS, HUI, Logic Control, Mackie Control, iPad, Windows 10 64bit or higher
  • Colour: Black
  • Dimensions (mm): 493 x 294 x 43mm
  • Format: rack, desktop
  • Sample rate: 192 kHz
  • Interfacing: ADAT
  • MIDI Interface: Yes
  • Software provided: Analog Lab Intro, AudioFuse Creative Suite
  • Number of entries: 16
  • Number of analog inputs: 16
  • Number of digital inputs: 16
  • Number of outputs: 10
  • Number of digital outputs: 16
  • Number of instrument inputs: 16
  • Number of mic inputs: 2
  • Weight (kg): 5.20 kg
  • Max resolution: 24bits
  • Digital input type: Adat
  • Type of digital output: Adat
  • Worldclock: Yes
  • Additional Specs:
  • Analog clock output
  • DC Coupled
  • 3 headphone channels
  • Reamping
  • Direct Thru (Di Box)
  • MIDI Host for automation
  • Operates independently
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Arturia agréé