PROPOLIS PLUS MIKSTURA is a preparation intended for people prone to stomach and digestive tract disorders and weakened liver function.

Propolis Plus Mixture is a combination of propolis and herbs: plantain, chamomile, artichoke and peppermint. Propolis is one of the most valuable ingredients that bees obtain from the resinous secretions of young plant buds. It is used as a means to promote the proper functioning of internal organs. It has a high antioxidant potential, i.e. i.e. the ability to protect cells from free radicals. The preparation is intended for people who want to take care of the proper functioning of the digestive system, digestive processes, and those who have impaired functioning of internal organs, including the liver, stomach and intestines.

Dissolve 25 drops (1 ml) in a small amount of water (¼ cup). The solution can be sweetened with sugar or honey. Take as needed, usually three times a day (3 ml).

Duration of use: up to three months. After a two-week break, you can continue using the preparation.

Important information:
Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the preparation.

20 ml