Antique Lady and the Unicorn Finished Needlepoint Wall Hanging with Silk Backing 

" Often considered the greatest work of art of the middle ages in Europe. The original was created around 1500, the design was drawn in Paris and the tapestries were woven in Belgium. A french nobleman commissioned the six lavish tapestries to celebrate his rising status at court. The original is on display in the Musée de Cluny in Paris. "

30 1/2" wide by 33 1/2" tall

There are different size stitches throughout, with petit point on the hands and even smaller on the faces of both womens for exquisite detail.

Beautifully stitched in tones of rust, burgundy and gold

Cream silk backing, with pocket at top for a hanging rod. The silk is hand stitched into place

Pristine Antique Condition - This appears to be mis-shaped in the first photo, it is just the camera angle. It is nice a straight