Lime Caviar Lime Half-hardy Tree Citrus Fruiting 1x 3 Litre Potted Plant By T&M
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Lime Caviar Lime Half-hardy Tree Citrus Fruiting 1x 3 Litre Potted Plant By T&M

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Indulge in the culinary allure of the Lime 'Caviar Lime,' a gourmet 'bush tucker' citrus hailing from Australia. This thorny evergreen shrub or small tree brings a touch of exotic elegance to your patio conservatory or heated greenhouse. The plant showcases white spring flowers that transform into dark green pods, ultimately revealing the magic within—pink 'pearls' bursting with an intense citrus fizz, reminiscent of a cross between lime and grapefruit. This unique Lime Caviar isn't just a feast for the taste buds; it's a visual delight with pods turning pink upon ripening, making it a standout feature in any setting.

As a self-fertile citrus, the Lime 'Caviar Lime' requires the same care as other citrus fruits. Its lush, shiny green foliage and highly scented flowers contribute to its ornamental charm. While patience is needed for maturation and fruiting, the plant's intense scent persists throughout the year, reaching its zenith in winter. Hardy to 5°C, this classy addition is best grown outdoors from May to October, transitioning indoors for the winter months.

Supplied as 1x 3 Litre Potted Lime 'Caviar Lime' Plant.

Images shown are for guidance only and depict the expected results of plants upon maturity. Different growing conditions might vary results. Images may be included for illustration of supply but can vary due to seasonality changes (e.g., deciduous plants lose leaves in colder months). 

How to Grow: 
Light: Full sun exposure for optimal growth, transitioning indoors during winter. 
Temperature: Hardy to 5°C, suitable for outdoor growth from May to October. 
Watering: Generous watering in summer; reduced in winter, avoiding complete drying. 
Feeding: Feed with citrus plant fertiliser every two weeks for robust growth. 
Humidity: Daily misting to enhance humidity and deter pests.
Stand citrus trees outside from May to October. Water freely in summer and mist leaves daily to increase humidity and discourage pests. Feed with citrus plant fertiliser every 2 weeks. Move plants indoors from October to a bright, frost free position (4-12°C) away from cold draughts and radiators. Reduce watering in winter but do not let the plant dry out completely. Too much or too little water may cause the fruits to drop.

Lime Caviar Lime Half-hardy Tree Citrus Fruiting 1x 3 Litre Potted Plant By T&M

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Plant Size

Height Up to 300cm (118in)
Spread Up to 250cm (98in)

Hardiness & Longevity


Ideal For

Scented Gardens
Exotic Gardens
Speciment Plant

Position In

Full Sun













Sowing months
Flowering months
Harvest months