Meal replacement product, an effective alternative for weight control and weight reduction, provides sufficient and healthy nutrients with high fiber that helps to promote longer sense of fullness. Provides complete nutrients such as protein from soy, carbohydrate, fat and all essential vitamins and minerals ? Total energy 250 Kcal / sachet ? High protein 17.7 g / sachet ? High fiber 6.9 g / sachet ? Contain all essential amino acids ? Contain BCAAs 3,854 mg. / sachet ? Contain omega 3 and 6 ? Low sugar, use Organic pure coconut sugar, Erythritol, Steviol glycosides and Sucralose as sweetener. ? No Lactose ? No fat and cholesterol ? No artificial colors and no preservatives ? It can be recommended for those who eat vegetarian or vegan diets.

14.00 sachets

To enjoy a meal replacement drink, simply mix 1 sachet with 250 ml of warm or cold water then shake well. (Not recommended to mix with hot water.) Consume 1-2 times per day in place of regular meal.