Gynecure and Feroplex capsules make the best herbal treatment for menstrual disorders and naturally help women cure irregular periods.Irregular periods are one of the common troubles many women on earth face. These days most of them do not follow healthy living.

Most women prefer going to allopathic clinics frequently and take certain medications that tend to suppress the symptoms as long as they take.

These types of medicines have withdrawal effects, and a woman might end up taking them for the rest of their life till menopause, and who says the stoppage of periods wouldn’t bring the misery!

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Menstrual Disorders
Herbal treatment for menstrual disorders Gynecure capsules and Feroplex capsules make the best combination for dealing with irregular menstruation, painful periods, and menstrual cramps.

Gynecure capsules act as an ayurvedic treatment for irregular periods that regulates the menstrual cycle. Irregular periods generally involve heavy or minimal bleeding in less than 20 days or more than 35 days.

Gynecure capsules are skilled in rectifying that. The most common problem for menstrual disorders is anemia and weakness. The women suffer from iron deficiency.

In that case, Feroplex capsules help them out quite a lot. These products help females who have never seen regular periods for years in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do Gynecure and Feroplex capsules cause any side effects?
No, Gynecure and Feroplex capsules do not cause any side effects because of genuine ingredients that are pure in their form and renowned for their work.

How long do I need to take this herbal treatment for menstrual disorders?
You will need to take this herbal treatment for menstrual disorders for around three or four months to get remarkable outcomes.

Be patient if you don’t within this period since your body might act differently and generate more results lately. It could take 5 or 6 months as well. It depends on how your body reacts to the treatment and to what extent you have this trouble.

How to use this ayurvedic treatment for irregular periods?
Take one Gynecure capsule and one Feroplex capsule twice a day with water, and get the best herbal treatment for menstrual disorders and irregular periods.

What should be the diet for menstrual disorders and irregular periods?
Along with this ayurvedic treatment for irregular periods, you must always prefer having iron-rich foods such as dark leafy greens such as spinach, beans, seafood, poultry, dried fruits, tofu, lentils, etc.

If there is a lack of time or availability, then having just the capsules would be fine since these also contain potent substances to curb your issues


Ayurved Research Foundation

Blister Pack

Putradantl, Cichorium Intybus (Kasani), Guattaria Longifolia (Ashok), Symplocos Racemosa (Lodhra), Areca Catechu (Supari), Dolichos Biflorus (Shvetbij), Actiniopteris Dichotoma (Morpnkhi), Bovista Spisis (Pataltumbi), Randia Dumetorum (Menphal), Cossypium Herbaceum (Sutrapushp), Bombax Malabaricum (Mochras), Barringtonia Acutangula (Smundarphal), Amaranthus Spinosus (Kandera), Sphaeranthus Indicus (Tapsivni), Piper Longum (Pipal), Ipomoea Quamoclit (Eshkpencha), Saussurea Lappa (Kut), Putranjiva Roxburghii (Putrajiva), Ipomoea Sepiaria (Putrakanda), Balsamodendron Myrrha (Hirabol), Bryonia Laciniosa (Shivlingi), Mesuaferia Linn (Nagkesar), Averrhoa Carambola (Dharaphal), Cinnamomum Tamala (Tejpat), Pandanus Odoratissimus (Ketasi), Uraria Lagopoides (Davada), Bauhinia Tancatosa (Kachnar), Crocus Sativus/Saffron (Kesar)

Ferri Sulphas (Kasis Bhasma), Ferrum (Lauh Bhasma), Ferri Peroxidum (Mandur Bhasma), Purified Sugar Candy (Mishri)