Ahmad Tea London  #Premium Blend Hinge Caddy 450g  #Best Quality Black Tea

The Premium Blend Hinge Caddy contains the best quality Sri Lankan black tea. With a beautiful exterior fashioned with golden hinges to secure the caddy and preserve the flavours and the aroma of the tea, this product is the perfect gift for those who love the taste of luxury.

With the rich flavours and the aroma of the Sri Lankan black tea blended to perfection and the utmost quality standards in mind, this blend is a favourite among many of our customers. Our Tea Masters use their years of experience and expertise in different blends of tea to create this mixture of premium quality. Sourced from the luscious tea estates in the misty mountain slopes of Sri Lanka, the tea leaves are of the highest grade.

Best enjoyed by itself, the flavour of this blend of Sri Lankan black tea can be enhanced by adding a wedge of lime, which will help activate the subtle zesty aroma and the lively flavour even further. The Premium Blend also goes well with a dash of fresh milk when brewed stronger. The milk eases the briskness and emphasises the flavours. When enjoyed as a luxury iced tea, you can experience the sophisticated and fragrant flavours of the Sri Lankan black tea. To enjoy during the summer, simply add in a lemon, a spoonful of sugar, and a few cubes of ice.

Made by the Tea masters at Ahmad Tea, this blend of the best Sri Lankan black tea is guaranteed to deliver the best quality to the customer. With the knowledge gathered through 30 years of tea sourcing and blending experience, Ahmad Tea has created and implemented rigorous quality control measures to ensure the superiority of all of its blends.




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