Emma Basic | Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter | 1 Pc | last 6 months | Japanese |

1 Stick of Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter
??? PURIFY: Purifies tap water and makes water taste great ??? BINCHOTAN QUALITY: You may notice the whitish colour on the surface of the charcoal. Binchotan is also called white charcoal - solid wood carbonised in a kiln at over 1000 ??C. This indicates our charcoal is Binchotan grade. ??? ECO FRIENDLY: Place your ready to use charcoal into your bottle or jug to purify drinking water instead of buying plastic bottled water. ??? REUSABLE & COMPOSTABLE: After using for 3 months, it can be easily recycled by breaking it into small pieces and placing them into your plant soil or leave it in shoe cabinet to remove unwanted odours